Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 572: Disadvantages of the Alien

The aliens have risen from their original strength of about level 3 to level 5, which is a huge leap. Their combat power is no longer dispensable.

What's more, after having a soul, they can also cultivate various abilities. And Xiao Ming's super power seeds can ensure that they can learn.

With a soul, they can grow and become more and more powerful. Otherwise, the strength of the mind beast is almost fixed.

The most important thing is that after learning the mind power, the aliens can pay for their own mental power consumption, and the burden on Xiao Ming will be greatly reduced.

In time, they can even feed back Xiao Ming's mental power. Today's Transformer Zhang Hong has reached this level. This is the most ideal way to expand strength.

However, everything has its pros and cons. The first disadvantage of having a soul is: the threat of death.

In the past, when the alien mind beast died, Xiao Ming just spent time and mental power to condense it again.

Now that the alien is dead, Xiao Ming has no ability to revive him. They will really die completely.

This seems inhumane. But without a soul, they have never lived. They are just puppets.

Comparing the two, Xiao Ming thinks it is better to have a soul.

Since the Transformers will really die, Xiao Ming does not dare to transform the queen Xiao Hei into a Transformer.

Because Xiao Ming does not have the ability to preserve Xiao Hei's reproductive ability during the transformation process.

If the ability to reproduce is lost, the Transformers will die one less, right? So Xiao Hei cannot move.

We have to wait until Xiao Ming's body shaping ability grows to the point where he can shape the body of the alien out of thin air before we can consider transforming Xiao Hei.

Currently, Xiao Ming can only use the body shaping ability to transform creatures or mind beasts that already have bodies. For example, mind beasts, puppets, undead, etc.

If you want to shape a body out of thin air, you still need a certain degree of maturity.

After all, he is just a beginner. Xiao Ming's body shaping technology is still a long way from Nuwa, who can create people by pinching clay.

The second disadvantage of mind beasts after they have souls: free will.

After having souls, they have their own judgment and choice abilities.

They will no longer be like ordinary mind beasts, bowing to Xiao Ming's orders.

At least they will value their own lives. If you want them to launch suicide attacks, it's usually impossible.

It's a good thing to value their own lives. Just don't develop into a beast that only knows the law of the jungle.

Xiao Ming is still a little confident in this regard. They follow him all the way to grow up, so they probably won't become bad people, right?

They are more likely to become lazy people. Can you imagine an alien with Ge You's paralyzed posture?

There is also a third disadvantage. The souls inspired by Xiao Ming are not particularly smart.

It's not really a problem, it's probably just innate.

Xiao Ming himself is not a particularly smart person, so how high can the IQ of the souls he inspires be?

Most of them are stupid. Maybe in the future, as the total number increases, there may be a few smarter souls. But not yet.

People, if they are a little stupid, they just need to be diligent; if they are a little lazy, it's easy to deal with if they are smart.

But what should I do if they are both stupid and lazy? Xiao Ming was helpless and could only think of a way to cheat for them. Poor parents in the world.

Xiao Ming began to further research and develop the life essence. He hoped to add some supernatural energy properties to the life essence.

However, this matter is not achieved overnight, and it still requires a long time of research.

Of course, what Xiao Ming and other children call stupid and lazy is just a little stupid and lazy. It has not reached a particularly extreme situation.

Time flies, and the five-year time set by [Trapped Dragon Wristband] is over. Xiao Ming returned to his personal space, Huaguo Mountain.

Xiao Xiaoer and Maomaoer were still playing on Huaguo Mountain. From their point of view, Xiao Ming disappeared and reappeared immediately, which was equivalent to never leaving.

A sika deer cub found Xiao Ming interesting, quietly approached him, and sniffed Xiao Ming with its small nose.

Suddenly, Xiao Ming moved, and the sika deer cub quickly ran away for more than ten steps. Xiao Ming did not catch up, and it tilted its head and looked at Xiao Ming, a little curious.

So it rubbed over step by step, and Xiao Ming also stroked it unconsciously a few times. The little sika deer shook its head comfortably and began to eat grass beside Xiao Ming.

Of course, it ran to the side of Xiao Ming's body. The insect king's figure was ferocious, and it didn't dare to go over.

At this time, Xiao Ming was actually thinking about Meng Meng. As for this mission, the reincarnation space did not give him a source energy reward.

He obtained a part of Nuwa's inheritance, which was already a bit too much. What else do you want? !

The reincarnation space did not deduct his reward, which was considered to be a face-giving to the VIP.

The three human-making abilities that Xiao Ming obtained should hardly appear in the reincarnation.

However, Xiao Ming did not care about the issue of rewards. He almost believed that Meng Meng would follow him to leave the world of Zombie 2.

Unexpectedly, Meng Meng decided to stay. She wanted to protect Xiao Ming's years of hard work-the survival base of mankind.

One reason is that only she has learned alchemy and the method of making hacker ore. Her stay can ensure that human energy is not scarce.

In addition, Xiao Ming left behind hundreds of intelligent puppets. Meng Meng is a zombie and cannot have offspring, so she regards these puppets as her and Xiao Ming's children.

In order to prevent them from being bullied by humans in the future, Mengmeng took the initiative to stay in that world.

Transformer Benben also stayed because he was close to Mengmeng.

Everyone has their own aspirations. Although Xiaoming was reluctant, he also respected their choices. It was just inevitable that there were some sighs.

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Xiaoming practiced in the water curtain cave for a while. He keenly felt that there seemed to be a little bit of foreign matter inside his soul.

If he hadn't obtained the ability given by Nuwa, he wouldn't have felt this foreign matter at all. It seemed like a piece of soul fragment.

It is difficult for any foreign matter to mix into anyone's soul. If there is, it can only be another soul infiltrating.

Under three source energy trees of different heights, Xiaoming used the ability to enlighten the soul on this soul fragment.

The fragment turned into a phantom of an animal. This animal is shaped like a cow and has tiger-like stripes. From time to time, it makes a sound like a human groan.

Yo, what is this mud horse? Why is it hiding in my soul? How long has he been hiding?

Xiao Ming frowned. He should have felt a sense of horror, but it didn't happen. Could it be that even his intuition didn't work?

Could it be that this thing was actually harmless?

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