Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 567 Nuwa's Reward

The mind of a newly born soul is very simple, and it will stick closely to whoever it likes.

This is not the result when Xiao Ming uses [Soul Seed] on a soldier creature in the game.

Because that soldier creature already has a mature intelligent program, obtaining a soul seed is like turning stone into gold.

Combined with the original program, it has evolved to the next level. In essence, it has surpassed ordinary artificial intelligence.

However, due to insufficient hardware resources, in terms of external performance, that soldier creature has only evolved to the level of a free NPC.

In fact, there is a world of difference between the two, but ordinary people can't tell the difference.

It's different in reality. That car does not have a complete intelligent program, so the new soul is relatively primitive.

To be able to reach the level of a kitten or puppy now, this is already Xiao Ming's talent. It is worthy of being a person who has possessed source energy for nearly fifty years.

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Tsk~~, Xiao Ming found that he was nearly fifty years old without realizing it.

But it doesn't matter. With the current physical fitness, I dare not say how much more, but it should not be a problem to live another thousand or eight hundred years.

Thanks to this physical fitness, the car came up to Xiao Ming, rubbing, bumping, pressing and pushing him, but Xiao Ming was not hurt at all. An ordinary person would have received a box lunch.

Even so, Xiao Ming was covered in dust. Meng Meng smiled and helped him clean up while gently scolding the car.

At this time, Xiao Ming and Meng Meng were basically no longer in the base. They were just wandering around in the maze outside, occasionally building some strange things.

This is a surprise for humans to explore the maze in the future. Meng Meng, who also learned alchemy, is very enthusiastic about it. Xiao Ming is focused on the research of soul seeds.

Now that there is a living car following them, Meng Meng feels even happier and named the car "Ben Ben".

Because he was originally a Mercedes-Benz car. It's just that when Xiao Ming gave it a soul, the car was full of sand and soil. He didn't even see the brand clearly.

Meng Meng likes Ben Ben very much, cleans him up by hand, and uses alchemy to make gasoline to replenish his energy.

Needless to say, Benben immediately rebelled and followed Mengmeng around all day long.

Xiaoming probably also realized the problem and began to design a matching intelligent program for the soul seed.

But Xiaoming's programming skills are relatively ordinary, and it is difficult to do this now.

Later, the Mother of the Earth, Nuwa, heard Bai Xinmei's story about the problems Xiaoming was facing, so she summoned Xiaoming back to the modern era and taught him in person.

Xiaoming helped her so much, Nuwa has been hesitating about how to thank Xiaoming.

There are not many five-color divine stones. It is too late to refine them now. The remaining few pieces, even if all given to Xiaoming. Nuwa still feels that it is not enough.

It happened that at this time, Xiaoming encountered a problem. It was a subject that Nuwa was very good at.

If Nuwa, who molded clay into people, considers herself second in this regard, it is estimated that no one dares to claim to be the first. No one even dares to claim to be in the top ten.

And the Mother of the Earth has another ability, which is to directly grant special abilities. This is different from the descendants of Jiang Chen.

The superpowers of the second and third generation zombies appear spontaneously. Jiang Chen also did not have any pre-determined abilities.

But the five-color messengers under Nuwa were all created by her personally. And they were given designated special abilities. For example, Bai Xinmei's time and space ability.

In terms of creation, Nuwa's skills are much better than Jiang Chen who has lost his memory.

So Mother Earth simply gave Xiao Ming a full set of abilities.

[Shaping the body], [Opening wisdom], [Enlightening the soul]. These skills require source energy to be used.

As a plot character, Nuwa does not master source energy. The source energy she consumes is actually provided by the reincarnation space.

This level of ability is rarely learned by high-level reincarnationists.

Even if you learn it, you have to pay a high price every time you use it. It is actually the price of using space source energy. Reincarnationists cannot get source energy seeds.

There is no harm without comparison. Xiao Ming will not know this situation until later.

However, these have nothing to do with Xiao Ming, he has source energy himself.

Xiao Ming was just shocked that he saw a skill that required the use of source energy for the first time in the reincarnation space.

[Shaping the body]: abbreviated as shaping. As the name suggests, it is to shape the designed body form. Nuwa can mold clay into a human. Xiao Ming is still far from that.

For the time being, Xiao Ming can only shape an E-level body, or transform the highest C-level body.

There are only two forms that he can master: puppet human form and skeleton soldier form. This is more familiar in the past.

Among them, the puppet human form can barely expand the ability to make Transformers. Metal puppets are roughly equivalent to Transformers.

Xiao Ming knows that his wisdom and experience are far from enough. The ability to make Transformers is specially given to him by Mother Earth.

In the future, learn and master it slowly in practice. Xiao Ming's request also inspired Mother Earth. Another form of life seems to be quite interesting.

Later, Nuwa did this after the end of the world. Jiang Chen also came up with many ideas. Have a lot of fun.

[Opening Wisdom]: abbreviated as opening wisdom. It is to give the shaped body an intelligent program.

The program that Xiao Ming has made for the time being is only at the level of a free NPC. The IQ is average. This is all thanks to Xiao Ming's relevant background.

However, with this level of intelligence, he already has life energy.

[Enlighten the Soul]: abbreviated as Enlighten the Soul. This evolved from the ability of Xiao Ming's original soul seed. It can give the intelligent program a soul.

What is the difference between having a soul and not having a soul? It is generally not easy to judge from the external performance of the life form.

The mystery can be understood but not expressed in words. Although Nuwa understood it, she couldn't explain it.

Xiao Ming didn't even understand it, he just got this ability.

If you have to say it, you can only say that you have a soul, and you have free will and the power to choose.

The first beneficiary of this set of abilities is, of course, Benben. He doesn't need to be enlightened.

After shaping the body and opening the wisdom, a robot with a handsome appearance stood up.

Looking left and right at his body, the world suddenly became three-dimensional and wonderful in front of his eyes.

And Benben no longer only has vision. Xiao Ming has added hearing, smell, taste, and touch to him.

At the same time, the wisdom that is opened can make him understand and analyze the world.

Benben is completely immersed in his feelings about the world, and on the surface he is stunned and silent.

In fact, his life energy was extremely active. He was full of curiosity and admiration for the world.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hands and lifted up Mengmeng and Xiaoming. "Dad, Mom, thank you for bringing Benben into this world..."

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