Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 564 Zhenzhen's shocking move

Another year has passed in a blink of an eye. More than 200,000 immigrants have been settled in the No. 1 survival base.

At this time, Xiao Ming has built 3 new survival bases and 2 mobile bases at sea. These bases are also maintained by some humans.

Various problems have occurred in the past year. Many troubles that were not expected before have appeared. It is similar to what Xiao Ming did on Mars.

However, with Xiao Ming and many experts, they were finally solved smoothly.

During this period, Xiao Ming tried his best to urge Meng Meng to improve her strength. If she could be strong enough to reach the level of A-level, Xiao Ming would not have to worry about implicating her.

The survival ability of A-level zombies is stronger than that of Xiao Ming.

Meng Meng is not a competitive person, so it is definitely a waste of time to improve her combat effectiveness.

However, she is very concerned about protecting Xiao Ming. As her ability improves, [Love Protection] will also become stronger.

This motivation allowed her to improve herself to around B-level in one year. Of course, Xiao Ming's sufficient nutritional supply also contributed to it.

However, although her various values ​​are very high, she is always a little short of the mark when she really fights.

Wang Zhenzhen and Situ Fenren also improved with her.

In order to give humans a better way to resolve conflicts and disputes after the end of the world.

Wang Zhenzhen and Situ Fenren worked together to develop an ability - [Real Court].

They started to do this after listening to Xiao Ming's words.

Others are still discussing and researching. They even consulted with experts in sociology, economics, law and other fields.

The most important core issue is, if you can't lie, can humans really be considered humans? Can they survive?

Modern human society is almost maintained by a large number of lies and virtual concepts.

Because humans not only like to lie, but also like to hear lies.

Let's not talk about others, even Xiao Ming, who is now relatively powerful, still has to lie frequently.

If you don't lie and don't hide the truth, you may not be able to save your life in a few days.

If the major forces know his source energy. You must completely control him in your hands to feel at ease.

If you can't get it yourself, you will completely destroy it and never let other forces get it.

Not to mention, after getting Xiao Ming, they took blood samples and did various research. Although they probably couldn't bear to kill him, they would definitely not be lenient in their research.

In a society, it is unrealistic to only let one person not lie. And it is almost cheating people.

It can also be seen here that the situations of lying are actually different. Some people cheat others to cheat others, and some people just do it to protect themselves.

Only when the whole society is completely free of lies, this matter will be meaningful.

Of course, even if no one lies, it does not mean that society will definitely move in a better direction.

There is also a possibility that the world will become a society that is profit-driven, the law of the jungle, and there is no need to cover up.

So the representatives of mankind are very cautious about this matter. They dare not start it easily.

Only Zhenzhen is different. I don't know whether to say that she is more simple or more persistent.

After hearing Xiao Ming's reference opinion, it didn't take her long to decide to put it into practice.

Wang Zhenzhen's character is always selfless, and she doesn't make decisions on her own.

But once she makes up her mind, almost no one can change her mind.

Since she has made up her mind, Situ Fenren will definitely support her. The telekinetic seed planted by Xiao Ming also played a huge role.

In order to achieve their goal, the two of them formulated extremely strict constraints and oaths.

Real Court: As the name suggests, it is a place where you must not lie.

The headquarters of the court is located in the center of Survival Base No. 1. At the same time, as long as the number of humans in a certain area reaches a certain level, a new branch of the court will appear there.

The scope of the function is only within the court. There is no restriction outside the court. But no one, including zombies, can lie in the court.

In order to be effective, Wang Zhenzhen and Situ Fenren almost sacrificed their lives, and their figures will appear in every court. But they can never leave again.

Use their conscience to resolve disputes for humans after the end of the world forever.

After the appearance of the real court, a full set of high-level political and military systems for humans were established around its functions.

Once there is a dispute that cannot be resolved, everyone will go to the real court to talk.

Later, the real court became a place of faith for humans after the end of the world. Wang Zhenzhen and Situ Fenren almost became gods because of this. This is a later story.

The power of the court is so great that even the Five Colors Messenger and the second generation of zombies cannot resist it. Only Nuwa, Jiang Chen and Mo Xing are not affected.

However, these three rarely lie. Even if they lie, they are basically well-intentioned.

If the real court appears in modern society, the biggest possibility is that it will be discredited and closed by governments.

The court is completely separated from the people and no one is allowed to use it.

However, it is different in the end of the world. Because the first wave of humans in the end of the world are all kind and good people.

They have no intention of harming others, and they suffer from being oppressed by evil people.

The real court has been sincerely supported by people, and gradually it has directly become the power center of mankind.

Any major resolution must be finalized in the real court before it takes effect.

Even the signing of various agreements and the holding of weddings are generally chosen in the real court.

Even later, people made laws that everyone needs to go to the real court regularly. They are asked whether they have ever done something serious.

Some trivial things will not be punished. Just make sure that there are no major crimes.

When people get used to the real court, although they can no longer lie, they will no longer be deceived. Overall, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Any behavior that tries to avoid the court will be rejected by all humans.

As humans' faith in the real court deepens, Wang Zhenzhen and Situ Fenren's strength also becomes stronger and stronger, and a few humans occasionally have evil thoughts and cannot turn the tables.

At the same time, humans can accept some words that they could not accept before.

For example, in the past, a couple. If the girl asked the boy: "Am I beautiful?"

The boy must say beautiful, and he must not hesitate. Once he hesitates, it will be miserable.

It is different after the real court. If asked the same question again, the boy will consider telling the truth, at most modifying it.

Otherwise, if you are dragged to the court, your true colors will be exposed. So everyone just told the truth.

At first, there was a lot of discomfort and confusion. However, as time went by and the pressure of survival increased.

When people got used to the truthful but not pleasant words, everyone was able to face it calmly.

A new social form was gradually established.

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