Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 549: Trouble and Blossom (Writing for one year plus additional updates)

There are many different kinds of people. There are those who know their limits, and there are those who don't.

When most doctors heard that Zhang Xiaoming would be home soon, they realized that their business would not be affected. So they gave up the idea of ​​coming to make trouble. There was no need to make an enemy for nothing.

But there are always weird people. Some people are only thinking about stepping on others to get attention. When they heard that Xiaoming was leaving, they got anxious instead. Wouldn't they be unable to step on him if he left?

These people even thought of the headline of the news. "A mediocre doctor from the mainland came to Hong Kong to make money, but was exposed by a famous doctor in Hong Kong." What a gimmick.

So they took the time, brought a crew, and ran to Jiajia Building with drums and gongs.

Coincidentally, the planner and person in charge of the whole thing was Situ Fenren, who organized the Miss Bauhinia beauty pageant a while ago.

This Situ Fenren is also one of the important characters in the plot. Now he is still a profit-seeking villain.

In the original novel, Situ Fenren used Mengmeng's death to hype the topic, which angered Dum, who brought a group of little ghosts to mess up the beauty pageant.

Situ Fenren's status in the TV station also fell to the bottom because of this.

This time Mengmeng did not die, and the beauty pageant was held well.

After that, the sponsor Domoto Shizuka became a wanted criminal. It was a good thing for the beauty pageant.

The money of the Nitto Group had been given, and it was no longer needed.

The chairman Domoto Shizuka got into trouble, but became the focus of society. The beauty pageant also got a wave of popularity.

Now Situ Fenren is in a period of spring breeze.

Hearing that a mainland miracle doctor Zhang Xiaoming came to Jiajia Building, his bad water came out again.

In his opinion, Zhang Xiaoming might be a Chinese medicine doctor who knows a few folk prescriptions and has some skills. But he is young after all. It is impossible for him to treat all diseases.

As for the fact that Ruan's mother's Alzheimer's disease was cured, he regarded it as a pre-designed hype.

He took the initiative to contact a doctor with a little fame, and prepared a lot of patients that this doctor was good at.

He planned to bring this doctor to challenge, and then let these patients take action. In this professional field, Xiao Ming would definitely not be better than the doctor he hired.

In addition, to prevent any eventuality, several of the patients were bribed.

No matter how Xiao Ming treated them, they just had to pretend to be in great pain and scream loudly. Even if Zhang Xiaoming was really a miracle doctor, he could still ruin his reputation.

This plan was almost perfect.

In Situ Fenren's eyes, Zhang Xiaoming was a fool. Judging from his style of doing things, he might have good medical skills and good character. But he was too ignorant of the ways of the world.

A Chinese medicine practitioner from the mainland came to Hong Kong to make a living, but he dared to start practicing medicine without paying homage to the doctor or looking for a backer first. This was too bold.

In the future, he would be cheated and left with nothing. Situ Fenren thought it would be better for him to hit Xiao Ming first. Let him recognize the situation.

It's better to be driven back to the mainland in disgrace than to be cheated and go to jail and pay money in the future.

Thinking so in his heart, Situ Fenren actually felt that his character was really high-end and classy.

To be honest, if he was really caught off guard, it's hard to say how Xiao Ming would react.

However, the news of this matter leaked out in advance.

Uncle Qiu has been catching ghosts and exorcising evil spirits in Hong Kong for decades, and the number of people and ghosts he has helped can be said to be countless.

When Situ Fenren called for help from doctors, he had previously consulted several doctors. None of them were willing to wade into this muddy water.

Two of them were friends of Uncle Qiu, and Uncle Qiu had told them about Xiao Ming. It was also an advertisement and relationship building for Xiao Ming in advance.

Zhang Xiaoming acted as if he didn't know the importance of finding a backer, but Uncle Qiu knew. So he had already started to prepare silently.

These two doctors were very friendly. As soon as they rejected Situ Fenren's request, they quickly called Uncle Qiu.

When Uncle Qiu heard the news, he immediately came to Jiajia Building to gather everyone to discuss countermeasures. Everyone was also very angry.

According to Xiaoling's idea, we should just play along. We also find a TV station, gather enough people, and use Zhang Xiaoming's real medical skills to fight back.

Then take this opportunity to open Xiaoming's clinic.

Why go back to the mainland? Don't leave, just practice medicine in Hong Kong. Others also expressed their approval.

They understood each other tacitly, and Xiaoling's intention was to match Xiaoming and Mengmeng.

This couple now gives people the feeling that they are a match made in heaven. It's a pity that they can't be together.

How many suitable people can't meet each other in their lifetime. It's a pity that these two met each other but didn't cherish each other.

As the heir of the Ma family, Xiaoling is absolutely not allowed to fall in love. So she is more persistent in love. She hopes to see a happy love.

Xiaoming himself actually wants to stay for a while, of course not for the so-called love. But I think this world is really interesting.

The most important thing is that after accepting the two five-color magic stones from Jiang Chen, Xiao Ming got a lot of benefits.

This five-color magic stone is indeed a legendary divine object that can repair the sky. After Kunlun absorbed it, the scars caused by Sun Wukong were completely repaired within a few days.

This effect is simply amazing. Then not only did Kunlun's expansion speed accelerate again. The source energy tree also officially bloomed.

Remember? After leaving the Xianjian world, the green source energy tree grew flower buds, but it never bloomed. Until now.

After the flower blossomed, Xiao Ming soon felt that he had a new skill to use source energy - [Super Energy Seed].

The function is to force anyone to have a seed of some kind of supernatural energy. No matter how talented the other party is, they will definitely learn it.

Of course, if the other party is too stupid, there will be no development after learning it. But it is certain that he will learn it.

Speaking of this ability, Xiao Ming seemed to have sprouted before, but of course it was not as strong as it is now.

When helping others awaken supernatural energy, there is still a certain chance of failure.

The ability of [Private Tutor] cannot be used casually. If the other party is a fool and can't learn it, even Xiao Ming himself will be backlashed by the ability.

Now it's good, it will definitely succeed, and there is no need to worry about the probability problem.

In addition, the skill of super energy seed will not completely replace the private tutor.

Because super energy seeds can only be used to help others awaken abilities. But the specific application skills cannot be taught. The teaching of skills still depends on uniforms and private tutors.

At the same time, sometimes I have to learn skills from others. This is also a function that super energy seeds cannot replace.

After this incident, Xiao Ming probably understood. So this is how the Energy Tree blooms.

I have been writing for a whole year without realizing it. Lazy House would like to express my deep gratitude to all the friends who support Lazy House.

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