Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 534 Turning Stone into Gold

In the future, Bright Summit will be divided into two parts. One part is full of spiritual energy, and the other part is filled with Yin energy.

The part with a strong smell of death is the paradise of the undead clan and Brother Wen. Xiaohong and her subordinates don't have to hide in the Hundred Ghosts Box all day.

Xiaolu, the tree demon housekeeper, has another job, which is to separate the breath of the two spaces and prevent the spiritual energy or Yin energy from spreading to the other space.

Speaking of which, her job is a little bit like one of the four great beasts in the scientific world: Maxwell's demon.

However, her method is not to control, but to absorb. As a tree demon, she can absorb both spiritual energy and Yin energy, after all, it is a Taoist technique of her grandmother's lineage.

So when she practices, she just needs to pay attention to absorbing only the two breaths in the middle area.

In fact, she uses her body to separate the two breaths. Her vines cover the middle floor tightly.

Of course, everyone can still visit each other. It doesn't matter a little bit.

Speaking of the products of the reincarnation space, the quality is excellent. Of course, the second generation zombie blood is not a space product, but the quality is not bad.

Anyway, Brother Wen and Xiao Jinger woke up one after another after sleeping for 8 and 10 hours respectively.

The first one to wake up was Zhang Wen. His transformation was a racial transformation, which was more troublesome in principle. However, the rich Yin Qi was very suitable, which greatly reduced the transformation time.

His physical attributes have soared to the intermediate stage of level 4, which is stronger than Xiao Ming's body. His mental power is barely level 2.

This progress is too huge, it is simply turning stone into gold. And his physical attributes are still continuing to improve.

No wonder the second-generation zombie blood is so valuable. Looking at the posture, it can eventually improve Zhang Wen's physical attributes to the primary level of level 5. That is the level of C-level reincarnation.

And it has great growth potential. Hongchao, the second-generation zombie, is an A-level reincarnation.

According to this inference, Zhang Wen should be able to reach the level of B-level reincarnation if he works hard. The physique of the third-generation zombie raises the ceiling of his strength.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Ming was a little worried. The blood of the second-generation zombie actually has such an effect. Will it arouse covetousness?

Every family and every power has some untalented children. Wouldn't it be good to train them into third-generation zombies? They are B-level reincarnations anyway.

Even if talented children are transformed into zombies, it doesn't feel like a waste of talent.

It's incredible that Hongchao, a second-generation zombie, was not caught and bled regularly.

A long time later, when the relationship was already quite good, Xiao Ming told this problem to Sister Hongchao. She almost laughed her teeth off. Of course, the actual situation is not like this.

First of all, the effect of the second-generation zombie blood essence is not as strong as Xiao Ming imagined. Brother Wen is just a special case.

Zhang Wen has many advantages to achieve such an outstanding effect.

Before the transformation, he often ate food that Xiao Mingyuan could strengthen; practiced in an environment with rich spiritual energy; and was nourished by a lot of Yin Qi during the transformation. He only reached the fourth-level attribute.

After that, he was able to grow rapidly in an environment with sufficient Yin Qi. This kind of environment is almost impossible to replicate.

Ordinary people may not be able to withstand the second-generation zombie blood essence. Even if you can bear it, you will only be a small character of level 2 or 3 after strengthening. Since you have no talent, it is difficult to reach level 5 C.

For such a little strength, you have to pay the price of sucking blood forever. Few family members are willing to do this. Becoming a werewolf is better than being a zombie.

Besides, there are many other ways in the reincarnation space.

Secondly, the power of zombies is very strong. There is more than one S-level zombie master Jiang Shizu on Pangu Star.

The second generation of zombies is equivalent to the newborn children of the master. Whoever dares to catch them will be severely hit by the zombie forces.

Third, the output of zombie blood essence is not very high. And when making it, the zombies must be voluntary. Otherwise, even if you stir the zombies with a juicer, you can't get the blood essence.

Every time the zombie blood essence is made, the zombie's strength will decline a lot. So generally there are not many zombies who do this, and it is impossible to form an industry.

Therefore, the blood essence of zombies above the second generation is simply in short supply and is something that is worthless.

Most reincarnations have only heard of it and have never seen it.

The drop that Hongchao sold to Xiaoming was made not long ago. It was more for the sake of getting closer than for points. And there was another meaning.

Legend has it that zombies can acquire some superpowers, and zombies of the second and third generations will definitely have them.

However, Zhang Wen, who had just transformed into a third-generation zombie, was not in a hurry to test his superpowers. Instead, he was in a hurry to ask Xiaoming for food.

He also asked Xiaoming to try his methods. Don't be honest, Xiaoming can do it.

It's just that it's a bit difficult to make real food absorbable by zombies.

Although it can be done, the consumption of source energy is slightly higher.

Changing the taste of blood is easy, and the consumption of source energy is also negligible.

These bags of blood with straws are specially left by Hongchao. They are products specially provided by the League of Legends. The Sanxiu Alliance also has them.

Since blood is a necessity for some reincarnations. So it can be purchased with Huaxia currency.

There is no need to use points. Even if you don't have money, you can work for the League of Legends in exchange.

This is all to control the activities of zombie reincarnations. If they are really starving, what will they do if they kill people all over the world?

When people are starving, they dare to do anything, let alone the reincarnations!

Even so, there are still some zombie reincarnations who are unwilling to work and just want to rob.

This kind of reincarnation is the main target of the League of Legends.

Vampires, werewolves, and various strange races are treated the same as zombies.

For Zhang Wen's first meal after becoming a zombie, Xiao Ming certainly spared no expense and consumed energy to prepare a lot of meals that zombies can eat.

The fat man was so happy. After becoming a zombie, his sensory system has made great progress, and he feels the deliciousness of food more clearly.

And as the first zombie who can eat other food besides the True Ancestor. This unique feeling of scorpion shitting also makes him very proud.

Xiao Ming couldn't bear it.

"Don't be so conceited. I can't make such a meal for you every day. You will have to drink blood for the next meal."

"Ah~Don't!" The fat man's face immediately turned from sunny to cloudy. "Master, you can't just ignore me.

For so many years, I have been loyal to you. Even if I have no credit, I have worked hard. Even if I have worked hard, I have been tired. Master~."

He cried so miserably that people who didn't know him would think Xiao Ming had done something to him.

"It takes too much energy to make this meal. How about you try this blood." Xiao Ming stuffed a straw from a reinforced blood bag into his mouth.

"Hmm~, not bad, this is... the taste of braised pork, delicious!"

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