There was nothing important to do next.

Hongchao put away the fruit, casually asked about Xiao Jing'er and Zhang Wen's situation; asked about the details of the task at the reservoir; finally, he gave a few instructions and disappeared.

As soon as Hongchao left, Xiao Ming almost used up the new treasures. Just as he was about to strengthen the Huahua Fruit, he suddenly remembered something.

Using these things himself, increasing his strength a little is just icing on the cake, not necessary.

If he gave them to his sister or Brother Wen, their strength would jump a lot. But he didn't know which one they would like, so Xiao Ming decided not to touch them for the time being. Wait until they get home.

Pick the remaining ones for himself, if there is none left. It doesn't matter if he doesn't use any of them.

In the end, he didn't wait for them to get home, but instead waited for Zhang Wen's call.

"What? Catching ghosts and exorcising evil spirits?" Xiao Ming was very puzzled by Brother Wen's words.

"Oh, I can't explain it clearly. Pang Si thought he was possessed by evil spirits, or he was hit by a ghost. Anyway, he is a little crazy now. You should come and see what's going on."

In modern society, Pang Si actually thought he was possessed by evil spirits. Xiao Ming guessed that it was probably some reincarnation who did it. Maybe Brother Wen thought so too. So he asked Xiao Ming to go over and take a look.

Xiao Ming left a few maids' mind beasts, a housekeeper's mind beast, and a shadow clone at home. Then he took a taxi to the studio.

When he arrived at the gate, he happened to see Brother Zhu Xinxiu working the night shift. Xiao Ming had something important to do, so he could only exchange a few words.

When he came to the office, the original members of the Magic Dragon Aotian Studio were all there, talking and counseling Pang Si.

When they saw Xiao Ming coming in, everyone asked him to come over and take a look, only Liu Zhicheng curled his lips and looked a little disapproving.

In fact, he and Xiao Ming had a good relationship, because only the two of them were considered employees in the studio, and the other five were bosses. They were naturally closer.

His disdain was not directed at Xiao Ming, but at the superstitious ideas of this group of middle-aged people. Did you really think it was a ghost?

Xiao Ming did not say much. First, he used a Bingxin Jue to calm Pang Si down. Taoism works very well on ordinary people.

Pang Si quickly calmed down, and then told Xiao Ming what happened.

At first, he received an invitation from the reincarnation space in his dream.

At that time, he did not take it seriously, and as an online writer, he lived a good life and had no desire for adventure. So he decisively rejected the invitation from the reincarnation space.

After waking up from the dream, he did not take it seriously, let alone think it was true.

What you think about during the day, you dream at night. As a writer, it is normal to dream about some strange things. He just thought it was a cold of his own.

But since then, it has been getting worse and worse. Pang Si began to encounter some things like encountering ghosts, being possessed by evil spirits, ghost walls, and ghosts pressing on the bed.

And it became more and more frequent. The invitation from the reincarnation space also appeared again.

In this weird situation, Pang Si dared not accept it. This is obviously a trap.

But every time he refused, the ghost phenomenon became more and more serious, and the next invitation would come. He is really going crazy now.

"Little... uh, leader. I just looked carefully and didn't see anything dirty."

Zhang Wen also has telekinesis and can use condensation. He naturally observed it before. That's why he said so.

But he was booed by others. "Cut it, Fatty, stop it, don't talk, don't mislead the leader."

Others are not reincarnations, of course they don't know that Brother Wen is no longer the same as before.

Zhang Wen wanted to come back as a king on the spot and pretend to be a slap in the face. But considering that Pang Si's matter is more serious, he forced himself to hold back.

Xiao Ming nodded to the fat man. Then he used condensation and scanned the map to check nearby.

Don't say it, I really saw a ghost. And the leader was still smiling at Xiao Ming.

It feels like an acquaintance. It was the black impermanence who came to Xiao Ming's house with Jiang Shizu. A civil servant in the underworld.

He was still wearing the same black Tang suit, glasses, and looked like an elite office worker. He made a silent gesture to Xiao Ming and winked at him.

There were 7 or 8 level 5 ghosts around, and the strength of these ghosts was comparable to Xiao Hong.

They were all floating far above the studio, no wonder Zhang Wen didn't see them.

Xiao Ming was also stunned when he saw them. With his strength, if there were ghosts around, he should have discovered them long ago.

Just now, Hei Wuchang and those ghosts should have been within the range of Xiao Ming's circle, but Xiao Ming didn't notice it. It wasn't until he used the scanning map that he found the clues.

This made Xiao Ming a little scared. It turned out that his circle was not impeccable.

It was obvious that Hei Wuchang had used some means to evade his detection with his subordinates.

On second thought, isn't this a very normal thing? If there are means of detection, there must be means of counter-detection, and he knows both.

Since Hei Wuchang appeared here, the matter must be related to him.

"You guys chat first, it shouldn't be a big deal, I'll go out and check the surrounding environment." Xiao Ming said to everyone.

Another fat boss Zang Yuyan immediately replied: "Okay, Master, you can go out and check the Feng Shui without worry. We are here."

Li Zhenfan said meaningfully: "If someone is playing tricks, let's talk to them in a nice way first."

Xiao Ming didn't think he could find Hei Wuchang. He probably said this because he thought someone was playing tricks on Pang Si.

He found a secluded place outside, and before he could summon him, Hei Wuchang had already appeared in front of him.

A month ago, Xiao Ming had a pleasant chat with him and Jiang Shizu. There was no need to be polite at this time. Hei Wuchang opened his mouth and directly talked about the whole story.

It was indeed him who caused Pang Si to encounter evil spirits. The reason was unexpectedly nonsense.

Pang Si is an online writer with the pen name [Ambush from Ten Sides], who is famous for digging holes and not filling them.

Jiang Shizu and Hei Wuchang are both his readers. Even if they are not fans, these two definitely don’t need to spend money to read books.

The cause of the incident was that Jiang Shizu was not very satisfied with some of Pang Si’s writing, so he opened a small account to comment.

Pang Si saw that the content of the comment was very real, so he decisively deleted the comment and blocked Jiang Shizu’s small account.

In the business world, this behavior is also normal. After all, it delays people from making money. But this behavior is definitely not a good thing.

Jiang Shizu had good intentions and spoke the truth. Pang Si's behavior made Jiang Shizu very unhappy.

Even if ordinary people were unhappy, they couldn't do anything to Pang Si. What else could they do? Go over to PK through the network? Just treat it as seeing through a person's character and no longer paying attention to him.

However, when the zombie ancestor was unhappy, it was a different story.

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