Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 524 Geralt

"Hello, dear tribesman. I didn't expect to meet a genius from my tribe in such a small place. It's true that heroes don't ask where they come from."

The six-armed Naga in the lead hugged the diver affectionately with six arms to greet him.

"Nice to meet you, my tribesman." Xiao Ming also hugged him back and greeted him.

He suddenly had an idea, and he used [Iron Blood·Nezha] to transform into more than a dozen arms and patted the other party.

It made several Nagas laugh and cry. This kid is really, is he happy to be naughty?

Because in the Naga tribe, the number of arms is the most obvious and main feature. So their usual etiquette is mostly performed with arms.

This is a special courtesy to treat tribesmen. At the same time, it also means to show strength.

The status of the Naga tribe in the sea tribe is quite transcendent. After all, it is the main high-level military force in the sea tribe. The status of this tribe is much more stable than that of the ascetics among humans.

Not only does it have its own sphere of influence, but also a city where Naga specializes.

This level 5 junior six-armed Naga, Geralt, comes from one of the closest Naga main cities.

Ordinary Nagas with no talent can join any legion of the sea clan at will.

However, for outstanding talents in the clan, the Naga leaders prefer to keep them in the hands of their own clan. They are directly controlled by the clan leaders.

The diver has actually attracted the attention of the Naga clan for a long time.

When he used the six-armed swordsmanship with the help of Iron Blood Nezha, this matter had already touched the Naga information network.

At that time, a tribe member was sent to check it out, and the tribe member also regarded it as a public travel and ran here with great interest.

It turned out that it was not a real six-armed Naga, but with the help of external equipment. Its swordsmanship was just barely acceptable.

So they decided to observe it again. This delay has been delayed until now. It also caused a small trouble.

If it was another Naga, it could be taken directly to the Naga main city or other cities for more advanced training.

Who knew that this diver was actually selected by the Temple of Light to become a manager. In this way, he cannot be taken away.

Of course, the talented young man of the tribe, who was chosen by the gods, can take charge of a temple. This is also a good thing. The Naga tribe can use this to expand its power.

Therefore, Geralt, on behalf of the Naga high-level officials and the divers, reached a cooperation intention after friendly consultations.

The Naga high-level officials disdain to do things that occupy the magpie's nest. The main reason is that they don't want to anger the gods.

Geralt said that the Naga tribe is willing to fully assist the divers and develop the Temple of Light. A large number of tribesmen will be sent to join the divers' forces.

It is not intended to directly undermine the divers, but it is just mutual benefit.

If the divers are really too incompetent, they can't blame others if they are really undermined.

As long as he has some skills, he can quickly expand his power with the help of the Naga.

And this is in the game. The power of the divers is endorsed by the system. It is not easy to be usurped.

At the same time, the Naga high-level officials will also send masters to guide the divers' practice.

That is, send mentors to teach the skills and magic exclusive to the Naga tribe.

This also requires the diver's rank and level to reach.

As a primary small temple, the diver can only establish a temple guard for the time being.

This army will be completely in the hands of the diver.

After the Naga clan helps the diver upgrade the temple, the second guard will be established and managed by the Naga clan.

In name, they also accept the diver's deployment. It's just that they listen to orders and not announcements. In the future, both sides will expand their armies at a 1:1 ratio.

Moreover, the diver will first establish a guard army, and the Naga will establish the next one. In this way, the Naga clan can obtain more military establishments. Cultivate more tribesmen.

Especially for emerging forces such as divers. In the initial stage, the establishment that can be obtained is the most.

What's more, the diver himself is a Naga, and as long as there is no problem, he is a staunch ally.

Helping the diver to expand the army is equivalent to just putting the army under his command. Although it is said to be an ally, the diver's power is actually equivalent to being affiliated with the Naga clan.

This point is tacitly understood by both parties, and there are no complaints.

Xiao Ming is not very familiar with this method, but he understands it almost.

If it were in reality, Xiao Ming would be very cautious. But in the game, it doesn't matter. It's a good opportunity to learn.

After signing the agreement, Geralt immediately returned to the main city to report, and the two four-armed Nagas who followed him were left behind to obey the diver's orders.

They are a Naga couple, Tom and Jerry. Xiao Ming doesn't know the cartoon of Tom and Jerry, and he didn't react to these two names.

The husband Tom is a 3rd-level junior Naga swordsman, and the wife Jerry is a 3rd-level intermediate Naga magician. The couple temporarily serve as the guards of the temple.

In the Naga clan, women are generally stronger than men. So couples like them are a very standard configuration in the clan.

It is certainly powerful to wield swords with multiple arms; using magic is no less powerful. Maybe the Naga magician will be even stronger.

The attributes of the diver character are obviously inclined to close combat. However, Xiao Ming can use source energy to replenish mana. So they are not vague when playing magic.

Xiao Ming was very happy to see that the Naga tribe not only has swordsmen but also mages. Finally, he has the opportunity to learn the magic exclusive to the Naga.

The couple is also very perceptive. Not long after settling in the Temple of Light, they became friends with the children.

Tom often takes Bobby to play around, while Emily always whispers to Jerry.

Xiao Ming hasn't learned magic yet, but Emily has learned several water magics from Jerry.

Although they are all ordinary magics, they are all used by this girl on the diver.

So in Graystone Town, you can often see the diver being chased around by the vortex released by Emily, and a group of children laughing.

Before Geralt left, the diver actually received a task from him to become a hero.

The diver's life profession is a sea blacksmith, and it is no secret that he can use the sea and land combined forging technique.

The task issued by Geralt is very simple, to forge 300 swords for the Naga clan.

The more high-quality weapons there are, the better the quality of the hero who will be employed after completing the task.

Of course, with the limit of this task, the highest can only be a blue boss-level hero.

Xiao Ming has a wide range of knowledge, and immediately used Iron Blood Nezha to change many styles of swords for Geralt to choose from.

This really stunned Geralt. After a thorough review, his final choice was similar to Xiao Ming's taste.

He wanted 150 swords of the Elven style, and another 150 of the Claude Six style.

The development of this new style will be calculated into the mission reward.

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