Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 511 Why are you back again?

Xiao Ming sent hundreds of shadow clones to various places on the spacecraft to operate some things that can be operated manually.

The spacecraft is so big that hundreds of clones seem sparse inside. Finally, it is enough.

In principle, all the machinery in the spacecraft can be operated manually. But with Xiao Ming's poor knowledge, he can only operate some simple equipment for the time being.

For example, the shadow clones are operating small turrets everywhere, calling out the names of the Iron Blood Warriors floating in space one by one.

The location of the turrets was clearly seen when scanning the map before.

Speaking of this, we have to admire the combat quality of the elite warriors of the Iron Blood Clan.

Even though things happened so hastily and caught people off guard. However, about half of the Iron Blood Warriors did not die immediately.

They reacted very quickly. Before the space environment killed them, they activated their equipment.

Wrapped themselves in sealed armor. This way, at least they will not die for the time being.

Those who survived are naturally stronger. Superhuman physical fitness and reaction speed allowed them to temporarily save their lives.

Xiao Ming asked himself, with his reaction speed, he probably has no chance to save himself.

In fact, the armor of the Iron Blood Warrior can be designed to automatically seal once exposed to outer space. This is actually common sense for civilizations that have entered the universe.

Even in the New Han Kingdom's space army, there are hero suits. Although it is not automatic, it can also guarantee some survival rate.

However, the Iron Blood Clan is different. They have dreams. They are pursuing the ultimate in personal combat power. So they set the sealing of the armor to manual mode.

Those who can react are strong and can survive; those who cannot react are weak, and it is not a pity to die.

This is the same as the coming-of-age test with a very high mortality rate.

The culture is like this, and money can't buy people's willingness. Xiao Ming is embarrassed to complain.

After saving themselves, most soldiers began to fire shoulder cannons and other weapons in the opposite direction to stop themselves with reaction force.

They can even turn and fly in the direction of the battleship. Some of them are fast enough to shoot ropes with hooks or suction cups when the distance is not very far.

Connecting to the outer shell of the spaceship can forcibly stop their own movement, and they can climb back to the battleship along the rope.

Some soldiers also intend to use the computer system of the arm armor to operate the battleship to eject a small spaceship to rescue themselves.

The spaceship is safer than the armor. If it doesn't work, you can also take a small spaceship to land on the earth.

However, the computer system of the battleship has been destroyed by Xiao Ming, and they have done useless work, but it has delayed some time.

Without the small spaceship, the armor on their bodies cannot withstand the violent friction when entering the atmosphere. In order not to be burned to ashes, they hurriedly turned around.

These iron-blooded warriors who returned one after another were hit by the small turrets operated by Xiao Ming's shadow clone.

As a large battleship in space, in principle, there should be no blind spots. Otherwise, if the enemy sneaks up to install bombs, it will be a waste.

So in addition to the large main guns and secondary guns, the battleship is actually covered with small turrets. Ensure that there are no blind spots.

At the same time, there are many types of small turrets, the most common of which are energy cannons; there are also catapult-type firearms that shoot metal bullets, similar to heavy machine guns;

There are also many strange ones, such as missiles, torpedoes, electromagnetic guns, acid cannons... and so on.

You must not use only the same type of turrets. That would be easy to be targeted.

Although sometimes a warship, from the factory to the destruction, has never used these small turrets in its entire life. But they are still necessary.

And all the turrets are locked by the computer, and people without passwords cannot use them at all.

Now Xiao Ming's shadow clone can operate these turrets, entirely because Xiao Ming destroyed the motherboard of the battleship computer before. All locks are automatically released.

This kind of lock seems to be useless. But in fact, it is only when you encounter Xiao Ming, who is a cheater, that you will be so vulnerable.

In fact, it is difficult to find and destroy the motherboard under the protection of heavy shells. Xiao Ming relied on alchemy to get it done.

So thousands of Iron-blooded warriors who were unable to move in space were called out one by one by a large number of artillery batteries.

Countless silent artillery fires sounded, and various types of shells were fired everywhere. The battle seemed to be quite intense for a while.

In fact, it was Xiao Ming who was carrying out a one-sided massacre. The Iron-blooded warriors were beaten into fireworks in space.

Of course, not all Iron-blooded warriors were blocked outside the spacecraft.

The Iron-blooded elders and the dozen or so level 5 elite warriors all returned to the warship from different places.

After all, they were equipped with the best equipment. They could withstand a few rounds of attacks from small artillery batteries and dodge a few times.

However, under the fierce attack of artillery fire and the frequent iron spike sneak attacks after landing on the warship, only 7 people were left soon, and they gathered into three groups.

Two warriors in one group went straight to the power room, probably intending to completely blow up the warship at the last moment.

The other 5 warriors were divided into two groups and rushed to the bridge of the warship from different directions. Intending to regain control. The Iron Blood Elder was also among them.

There were only three enemies to deal with, which was easier to deal with. Xiao Ming rubbed his palms and used a dirty trick.

The three groups of Iron Blood Warriors who were running suddenly found that their feet were soft and the floor turned into some unknown slime.

Then the whole person was wrapped in a large ball of mucus. He could not use any strength and it was difficult to move his limbs.

The Iron Blood Elder quickly used the shoulder cannon, and the energy shells shot out, directly shooting a tunnel in the mucus and hitting the wall outside.

However, it was useless, and the mucus around him quickly replenished. At the same time, some of the mucus was actually acidic.

The shoulder cannon was soon corroded and misfired. Soon the armor began to have problems.

Fortunately, these acids were not the kind of aliens, but ordinary acids converted by Xiao Ming. The corrosiveness was limited.

This was also a pain in Xiao Ming's heart. The highly corrosive liquid on the alien's body was an important means for it.

However, neither Xiao Ming's insect human nor the alien beast inherited this ability. What a pity.

Moreover, the alloy material of the Iron Blood Warrior's armor is still very good. It can resist for a while.

Faced with the situation of being trapped in mucus, the Iron Blood Warrior actually has a way to deal with it.

Among their equipment, there is a flying machine, which is usually used for reconnaissance.

At this time, they connected the flying machine with the rope on the armor, and then let the flying machine fly out at high speed.

They planned to use the flying machine to pull the rope and take themselves out of the slime mass.

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