Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 497: The Gray Bone Branch is established

Xiao Ming, who had a great success in the experiment, wanted to go all out and give another soul seed.

As a result, when I actually started doing it, I discovered that the ability of this [Soul Seed] was cooling down. Temporarily unavailable.

It’s hard to say how long it takes to cool down. The game fails to understand this ability and therefore cannot display the cooldown time.

In a way, this is similar to a person who is tired and has leg pain and cannot walk. Once the fatigue subsides, you can naturally move on.

But there won't be a system that pops up to tell you the cooling time.

Xiao Ming blinked, a little unhappy, and just hoped that this time would not be too long. In fact, it would be almost 7 days before he could use this ability again.

Later, as Xiao Ming's strength grew, the total source energy increased, and his 'skill proficiency' improved, this time gradually became shorter.

The initial manpower required by the Chamber of Commerce is sufficient. But the current small store of the Chamber of Commerce is really not that good, it is small, dilapidated, dirty and messy.

Looking around, there are no other buildings. In other words, the city lord actually left enough space for Xiao Ming.

If he really had the ability, even if he told the deceased to build a large store, he would not stop it, and he would even be happy to see it succeed.

This convenient condition is really good, and Xiao Ming wanted to use alchemy to build a beautiful building.

You can refer to the style of Orthanc Tower located in Isengard in The Lord of the Rings. That black tower is cool, handsome, and has a high personality.

But on second thought, using alchemy is a bit too ostentatious. Orthanc Tower is even more ostentatious. There's probably nothing good to gain from doing this. There should be another way.

Xiao Ming ordered his men to clean up the original store thoroughly first. Anyway, there were no goods inside. After it collapsed, it was just bricks, stones and wood.

Then Xiao Ming pulled out a large, damaged ship from Guangmingding and placed it where the Chamber of Commerce should be.

This large ship has a rather strange shape. At first glance, it looks like a submarine, round and round.

The belly of the boat is huge, with lots of space, yet the deck is small.

This kind of ship is purely a merchant ship. It is difficult to install artillery and has no ability to protect itself.

But as a merchant ship, it was a bargain. A large amount of goods can be transported at one time. It is also easier to maintain.

There is a relevant introduction in "The Strange Man from the Far Island". This is a merchant ship designed by the Dutch in a parallel world during the Age of Discovery.

To a large extent, it was with this kind of ship that the Dutch won the world-renowned title of "sea coachmen".

Xiao Ming also remembered this kind of ship because of the strange shape in the picture.

I'm also wondering if this kind of ship has anything to do with the Flying Dutchman? It seems like there isn't.

Since it's a merchant ship, I won't be able to use it for the time being. It is quite appropriate to use it as the clubhouse of the White Fang Chamber of Commerce.

First of all, the ship is large enough. As long as it is repaired, it will be functional enough to meet the needs of the Chamber of Commerce.

Secondly, it can show strength. Those who can get large ships will naturally be taken seriously by the city lord Bai Yulin.

In the end it doesn't seem too egregious. Cause some unnecessary vigilance.

After all, space equipment is a normal thing in the game, and there are also large ships. Although the performance of the deceased is excellent, it is still within the scope of understanding.

If you use alchemy to build a building, it's hard to say. Xiao Ming is worried that there will be adverse consequences.

Xiao Ming transformed a hole in the bottom floor of the big ship into the door of the Chamber of Commerce, and put up the sign of the White Teeth Chamber of Commerce.

Then he entered the interior of the ship, took out resources such as wood, stone, and steel, transformed into three heads and six arms, and with the help of Tie Xue Nezha, began to repair and reconstruct the internal structure.

The original subordinates had long been accustomed to this operation, but the newly recruited subordinates were all frightened.

This is not entirely a metaphor, they are all skeletons, and sometimes the bones are not connected very well. Dropping your jaw is common. This time, the jaws of two skeletons fell to the ground.

The repair of a large ship would take about twenty minutes if all source energy was used.

The current whistleblower is hiding inside, and on the surface he is using tools transformed from Iron-Blooded Nezha to repair it.

In fact, it uses alchemy, and no one can see it even if it is hidden in the hull. The repair speed is much faster than using source energy alone. Besides, if you want to rebuild, Yuan Neng is really not good enough.

It’s just that when it’s time to repair the exterior structure, you have to keep an eye on your surroundings with a circle. At the same time, try to use alchemy and source energy as little as possible. It is really repairing.

Later, the entire repair process lasted on and off for a long time. Today Xiao Ming just made the important part simple first.

Including several floors of sales hall. President's office, shopkeeper's office, staff dormitories, warehouses, etc.

A large amount of goods were transferred over, and the White Fang Chamber of Commerce immediately started business.

Leave the rest of the trivial matters to Gray Bones Youyi and Gray Bones Guyi. The informant rushed to the Temple of the Dead with several generals.

After setting up the teleport point, go to the strategic map.

Strategic map, Dingnancheng.

These days, smart programs have built some basic buildings in the city. Unfortunately, the undead population in the city is still small.

A blank undead hero appeared in the tavern. Just recruited to be responsible for the daily affairs of this map.

A small river originates from the lake in the Pingnan City map. From west to east, it crosses the map where Dingnan City is located, and flows into the next map to the east.

At this moment, the Linmu family, who was affiliated with the dead, has continued to migrate to that map. After all, the Dingnan City map is too poor. It is not suitable for the development of the vampire family.

Xiao Ming has made settings. When the dead are taken over by the intelligent program, they will take the initiative to take a boat to the map in the east.

After that, Huang Xiaoming switched to the explorer.

On the strategic map, Medusa City has a good foundation and is developing well now. It seems that the original group of players have given up here.

However, it has reached a bottleneck. On the high-level map, the surrounding levels and wild monsters are too strong.

The explorer's army has just started, with a small number of people and relatively weak combat effectiveness.

In the new week, in Medusa City, a group of orc soldiers from the dungeon forces were recruited. The number is not too large.

It is not a problem to always rely on Xiao Ming's various supernatural abilities to fight.

What's more troublesome is that the dungeon soldiers are incompatible with the ascetics.

After all, the ascetics are still in the light camp, and ordinary orcs are in the neutral camp, but the orcs in the dungeon have fallen into the evil camp.

They have almost no chance of becoming ascetics.

Therefore, the most powerful strategic treasure of the explorer, the golden statue of the God of Light, has no place to use.

This seriously affects the development speed and development prospects of the explorer.

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