Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 490 New Skills from the Queen

Again, the names of the mental power skills and the names of the Zerg troops were all chosen by Xiao Ming himself.

Because these are all nameless. Zergs that use mental power to communicate do not use language or text to communicate, so they do not need to do such a troublesome thing as naming.

Xiao Ming does not have the ability of [Spiritual Kingdom] yet, but there is Queen 001.

Xiao Ming does not need to spend a lot of effort to run to the spiritual power ocean to find it. Just learn it directly from the queen.

This skill is very different from the highly technical skills of [Wormhole]. The direction of specialization is different. Wormhole is quite difficult to learn. Level 6 mental power is the minimum limit for learning.

The spiritual kingdom can even learn the queen of level 4 mental power. For the master of level 6 mental power, learning is a natural process.

Within a few hours, Xiao Ming easily mastered it. Queen 001 and her family automatically belonged to the Zerg King.

After collectively conquering, they were integrated together to establish a huge spiritual kingdom.

A major feature of this skill is that all the Zergs under Xiao Ming can become a node. With the help of the mental power of the node Zerg, Xiao Ming can activate some of his own mental power skills.

The most common and most important one is [Scan Map]. The mental power of the Zerg King can be spread out through the nodes.

As long as the nodes are distributed widely enough. Xiao Ming's scanning range of the map will be large enough.

However, these Zergs are not Xiao Ming's body after all. The map scanned by them is not as clear as the one scanned by Xiao Ming himself.

The map of a single Zerg will not be very large, and its mental power is not much. But when countless Zergs are unified, the range they can see is extremely wide.

Xiao Ming can also use the advanced node Zerg to play skills such as [Zerg Conquest] and [Spirit Shield]. Even wormholes.

After the spiritual kingdom, Xiao Ming listened to the queen bug crying and complaining in the mental communication for a long time.

She was born not long ago, and she was just a little loli queen bug in the Zerg. Unable to find a good place to build a nest, her life was very miserable. Many times she didn't have enough food.

Today, she met a powerful Overlord, and finally found a backbone. She vented all the grievances she had been feeling.

Fortunately, she met Xiao Ming. If she had met another Zerg Overlord, he would probably have ignored this weak queen because he looked down on her. She had encountered this kind of thing 2 or 3 times.

Xiao Ming comforted her heart while studying the characteristics of the Zerg.

Normal Zerg can directly replenish pure energy through the Zerg mist.

But this can only maintain basic survival. If you want to continue to grow, you have to eat.

Ordinary combat Zerg generally eat the corpses of other creatures. If there is no food, they will hibernate.

There is also an engineering Zerg - the earthworm, also known as the meatworm. They can eat all kinds of rocks and then make themselves fat.

The earthworm cannot fly and crawls very slowly. After eating into a fat pig, it can basically not crawl anymore. It can only rely on the tentacles of the jellyfish to carry it.

The queen specializes in this kind of earthworm as food. It absorbs the essence of nutrition and produces various types of insect eggs.

But the territory found by No. 001 is really not very good. The meteorite group is too small, and the resources it can provide are very limited.

It is not enough for the queen to build a large-scale construction. So the queen plans to eat up the meteorite group here, burst some troops, and then look for a larger meteorite group.

If you don’t produce some Zerg troops to protect yourself, you may not be safe in the sheltered area. Especially for the queen, who can’t fly and has no combat power.

In addition to the Zerg, there are a large number of space creatures in the sheltered area, some of which are planktonic space creatures that live by absorbing radiation energy.

There are also carnivorous space creatures that feed on planktonic space creatures. It’s like in the sea, big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimp.

It’s similar in space, but the distribution of organisms is more sparse. The size of organisms is generally not large. And almost all of them are dormant.

If there is no food, they will hide, and if there is food, they will become active. After a full meal, they will continue to hide.

And after a long period of evolution, there are even space creatures that can directly absorb energy from the Zerg mist. Their population is slowly expanding.

This change makes the Zerg masters very happy. In the future, this may become another source of food and a source of new genes.

Some people may have questions: other creatures come to grab food and share the Zerg fog. Shouldn't the Zerg reject this behavior?

But in fact, it really won't. An important reason is that the fog area is too large, and the Zerg itself can't "eat" all the energy in the fog.

It's actually quite good to have other creatures to help concentrate.

Or it is precisely because of the continuous accumulation of fog energy and the continuous expansion of the fog area that other species that feed on it will be produced.

This is the normal law of nature.

The physical attributes of Queen 001 are only level 1; the spiritual attributes have reached the intermediate level of level 4.

However, the abilities of the queen are basically related to reproduction, such as [gene regulation].

Xiao Ming is a little strange. The queens of insects such as ants and bees also lay eggs, and they will produce several different types of eggs. Can this also be regarded as a special ability?

However, No. 001 responded that the eggs laid by the Zerg queen cannot be compared with those laid by lower creatures such as ants and bees. The complexity of the two is very different.

So laying eggs is not a special ability, but gene regulation of Zerg offspring is an advanced ability that can only be learned from the spiritual power ocean.

Of course, as a queen, she has special care. This ability was fed to her by the spiritual power ocean when she was born.

A large amount of genetic information related to Zerg troops was obtained from the spiritual sea.

Without this ability, she can only give birth to some extremely low-level troops, and even flying dragons cannot be produced.

And this ability can still be updated in the future. Due to her own conditions, the queen cannot regulate the genes of some advanced Zerg troops.

After she upgrades, she can upgrade this ability and get more genetic information.

I never thought that Green Xiaoming could also learn the ability of gene regulation. However, if you think about it carefully, it seems reasonable.

The Zerg King has the function of laying eggs, and he already knows how to regulate genes. But most of the time, Xiaoming himself does not know how to regulate.

Learning the ability of gene regulation from the queen is actually expanding his own gene pool.

At the same time, he also obtained the genetic codes of some Zerg troops that he does not have.

In addition, Xiao Ming's genetic information obtained in the Starship Troopers world and even the genetic information of the Zerg can be integrated into it.

Build a larger gene bank.

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