Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 488 Xiao Ming ④ channel opened

Among these abilities, the strongest one is probably the master's [Hundred-style Guanyin].

When President Netero used this move, it was really powerful and indestructible. So handsome.

But what would his primary template look like? It might not be as powerful as Zhang Hong. Even worse than other mind beasts.

Besides, this thing will definitely consume a lot of mind power in the future.

The mind power when using it doesn't matter, but such a strong ability, if you want to practice it, it will definitely consume a lot of the "potential" of mind power.

Xiao Ming can't bear to give it up, because these potentials will be used to develop more Transformers in the future, or to simulate the abilities of other people.

The eldest master Ilmi's [Disguise] is very good, and even masters can't see the clues.

However, Xiao Ming knows the transformation technique in ninjutsu, and there is also an invisible uniform in the mind power. The ability of disguise is not very attractive to him.

After thinking about it, only Hisoka's [Stretchable Love] is the most suitable for Xiao Ming.

This ability is like this. The user can use telekinesis to create one or more pieces of chewing gum that can be large, small, long or short.

Chewing gum can be sticky or elastic. Its two ends can be stuck to different objects.

If the gum is controlled to be sticky as a whole, the gum will pull the two ends together in the middle; if the gum is elastic, it will bounce the two ends outward.

Multiple pieces of chewing gum can be used together, which can be said to be infinitely useful. This is a very practical ability, and it does not consume much telekinetic potential.

The use depends entirely on personal performance. For example, Hisoka can control dozens of chewing gums at the same time.

The time when Xiao Ming was knocked out in the hunter exam was when he stuck several pieces of elastic chewing gum on the soles of his feet.

He accumulated huge elasticity (elastic potential energy) and concentrated it to make himself very fast.

He knocked out Mu Mu with one punch, because he was merciful at the time, otherwise he would kill with one blow.

Xiao Ming saw these uses clearly with his circle, but he didn't understand what his ability was at the time, nor did he know what he was doing.

Thinking about it afterwards, Hisoka's ability is really useful. Xiao Ming can now think of many uses.

Controlling multiple items at the same time is Xiao Ming's strong point. Xiao Ming has more telekinesis and can make more "gum" than Hisoka.

Of course, limited to the primary template, the character of Wood can make up to 10 pieces of gum at the same time.

But this is only for the characters in the secret realm.

If the player has the ability to turn this ability into reality, he will definitely not be restricted by the template.

Xiao Ming is best at simulating other people's abilities. If he develops it himself, his creativity is actually limited. But learning is his strong point.

For abilities that he likes very much, Xiao Ming can also use the ability of [Private Tutor] to force learning.

But this also requires Hisoka to be willing. Normal people definitely don't want others to learn their abilities.

Is Hisoka a deep well ice guy? It's really hard to say. Maybe he would agree just because of the two uniforms.

In addition, [Stretchable Love] can have many obscene uses, and Xiao Ming, a senior otaku, thought of many of them at once. He longed for this ability too much.

This kind of interest is the guarantee for Xiao Ming to successfully copy this ability in the future. Just like copying the uniform beast from Brother Wen.

Just when Xiao Ming was excited to enter the hunter secret again.

System prompt: Sorry, your character is in a coma and will wake up in 4 hours according to calculations. Please log in again at that time.

Check the time, it is now 11:13 am on July 4th.

Xiao Ming is still quite excited about learning the ability he likes. He feels that he is not suitable for entering the main game.

So he wants to see if he can go to Xiao Ming② or Xiao Ming③ to play. His eyes turn to the consciousness transmission channel.

Generally speaking, Xiao Ming②'s channel is always open. The other one that is always open is Zhang Xiaoliang's channel.

Xiao Ming③'s channel has been intermittent, depending on whether there are cyborgs on missions.

Xiao Ming's channel ④ is rare. It is opened much less frequently than ③.

Today, I was lucky. Channel ③ was not opened, but Xiao Ming's channel ④ was opened. Xiao Ming was in a good mood, so he stood on it immediately.

After a few seconds of trance, what came into view was tens of thousands of space fighters around. They were heading towards the foggy area of ​​the Chiyou Galaxy.

Xiao Ming was not possessed by a clone or a modified person. It was a remote-controlled fighter. The plane was not big, and a human could not fit in it.

A small screen suddenly flashed in front of Xiao Ming, and a somewhat gentle-looking officer appeared on the screen.

"Hello, volunteer, I am Lieutenant Colonel Liu Wenbin of the New Han Kingdom Space Army and the Chiyou Galaxy Front Army. Thank you for taking the initiative to come to the war."

Then he saluted Xiao Ming solemnly. Xiao Ming returned the salute unconsciously in his mind.

"I will coordinate your actions from now on. Please obey my command. I will now inform you of the mission details."

This conversation was completely one-sided. Xiao Ming found a channel for the conversation, but it was temporarily blocked and he could only listen to the lieutenant colonel finish his words.

Of course, the details would not be revealed too much to the volunteer soldiers.

And this video should have been recorded in advance. Only then can it be played for each new volunteer when he comes.

Simply put, the Space Army is going to attack somewhere on the edge of the Zerg fog zone.

About 20,000 unmanned fighters were dispatched. No large warships were dispatched.

This is obviously a one-way battle. Anyway, they are all drones and there is no need to come back.

The goal is also simple. As long as it is not a human fighter, you can attack it. In fact, it is to attack the Zerg.

It is said that as long as the strength of this attack is strong enough, it will cause great losses to the Zerg.

This makes Xiao Ming very suspicious. How can such a small force cause great losses to the Zerg? You must be kidding.

Most of the drones are controlled by intelligent programs, but the consciousness transmission channels of some drones are always open. People with permission can volunteer to participate in the war.

After the war begins, if the drone operated by the volunteer is destroyed, the background system will assign another one to him.

If it is destroyed three times in a row, the background will no longer assign drones to this volunteer.

It is not because his skills are too bad, but because continuous destruction will cause different degrees of damage to the volunteer's mental state.

Therefore, after being destroyed three times, the volunteers must take a break for at least half an hour, and then they can connect again if they feel there is no problem.

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