Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 483 The Young Master Lost

Compared to ordinary Ringwraiths of the same B level, Ilmi is more dangerous.

They are only compared in terms of their combat power when they are on horseback, not when they are riding on a dragon and firing at full power. Xiao Ming actually doesn't know.

Ilmi's attack power far exceeds that of the Ringwraiths, reaching the level of level 6.

Moreover, Ilmi's nails and needles can be scattered, which means that he has a large-scale attack skill and is not afraid of group battles.

Dozens of nails infused with telekinesis were shot out, and the same number of shadow clones were killed instantly.

Xiao Ming only created more than a hundred clones in total. If he continues like this, he will be exhausted in a few rounds.

In order to disperse Ilmi's attack power, Xiao Ming used [Throwing Beans into Soldiers].

How many dead branches and leaves must have accumulated on the ground in the forest, and there are even many dead branches hanging on the branches and leaves of the trees.

Xiao Ming threw out a bean-turned-soldier, and nearly a thousand puppets of level 0-2 stood up. In order to ensure his own safety, Xiao Ming overexerted himself.

This is almost the limit of Xiao Ming's one-time use. His mana is almost emptied and he has to use source energy to replenish it. And there are still a lot of branches on the ground that have not been used.

In fact, Ilmi is just trying to scare the new trainee housekeeper and wants to see his true strength. He really doesn't mean to fight him to death.

It's just that his telekinesis is too strong, which makes it difficult for Xiao Ming to judge his true intentions by observing his life energy.

Because Xiao Ming's observation method is also telekinesis, which uses the technique of condensation.

In front of Ilmi's stronger and more condensed telekinesis, Xiao Ming's observation is naturally interfered. He really thinks that Ilmi wants to be himself.

Otherwise, Xiao Ming would not use this legion-level ability during the competition. Isn't this bullying?

Seeing Mu Mu showing such a method, Ilmi was a little dumbfounded.

He can indeed scatter nails on a large scale, but that kind of attack consumes a lot of telekinesis.

It's worth using it to attack those level 3 shadow clones. It seems a bit wasteful to fight these puppets.

Besides, I don't have so many nails and needles on me. Ilmi is not a street vendor.

But now the shadow clones are hiding in the protection of the puppets, and then everyone rushes towards Ilmi. If you don't hit the puppets, you can't hit the shadow clones.

This makes Ilmi very embarrassed. He has to use his physical advantage and jump to a high place to avoid.

Ilmi actually has a strategic-level ability, which can use the needle to control many people at the same time to fight for him to death.

If it is in a crowded place now. It's just right to use one move to fight Xiao Ming. Unfortunately, there are not many people here now.

Except for Hisoka, the people watching the excitement around are all examiners of the Hunter Association. Even the president Netero came to watch the battle.

The president and the Zoldyck family are old friends. Others may not know, but Ilmi knows very well how powerful this president is.

Under his nose, he controls the people of the Hunter Association. Is he too old?

So he had no choice but to fight from a high place with his body skills.

There were not many dead branches and leaves in the forest, and there were few places to stand, so the number of puppets was much less.

So Xiao Ming ordered a few level 2 puppets and shadow clones to jump up the trees and surround Ilmi with the puppets in the high places.

The puppets below picked up stones on the ground and threw them to attack, and it would not be good to be hit.

Even so, Ilmi finally had some space to move around.

However, once he began to focus on dodging, his attack efficiency also decreased.

Moreover, there were many places to hide in the high places, and Ilmi could not eliminate the shadow clones on a large scale.

If you defend for a long time, you will lose. If you are not careful, the two shadow clones will explode directly not far from Ilmi.

This shows another difference between Ilmi and the Ringwraiths. His body is not strong enough. He does not have the immortal body of the Ringwraiths.

Moreover, he is also a manipulator of the Nen ability, and his ability of the reinforcement system is very weak. The degree of physical enhancement is also limited.

His defense is much weaker than that of the Ringwraiths. He vomited a small mouthful of blood after only two shadow clones exploded.

In a fight with the Ringwraiths, Xiao Ming can use a large army to hold the Ringwraiths back and consume their energy.

Now, if he is held back by Xiao Ming, he will probably be exhausted to death. He can't resist the continuous explosion of shadow clones.

Ilmi made a prompt decision, chose a direction, and began to break out frantically. He planned to rush out even if he was injured.

Why did he choose this direction? Xiao Ming understood it at a glance with a circle. That was the direction where Hisoka was watching the battle.

They are good friends. When Hisoka saw Ilmi's actions, he knew what he meant. He also immediately moved to support him.

Hisoka's strength is comparable to Ilmi's. However, he is a transformation type, and his physical enhancement is a little better.

Like Ilmi, Hisoka is a highly skilled and experienced Nen user. The total amount of telekinesis is not particularly strong.

He is also a weakling in a war of attrition. He is even more powerless to deal with Xiao Ming's legion-level ability.

(Later, when Hisoka fought against the leader of the Phantom Troupe, he also lost to the opponent's group combat ability.)

Since his young master wants to run away, how can Xiao Ming not give in? Does he have to kill Ilmi?

Don't look at the monk's face, look at the Buddha's face. Although Ilmi is not a good person in Xiao Ming's eyes, it doesn't matter if he kills him.

But Xiao Ming looked up to Killua, although this guy was also a murderer. But his life energy was still pretty good.

So for Killua's sake, Xiao Ming did not order the puppets and shadow clones to chase. To be honest, they couldn't catch up.

But Xiao Ming was not idle either. He emptied his mana slot again and cast a bean-scattering soldier.

Hisoka and Illumi, who met at the top of the tree, could see that a large group of puppets stood up under them.

But none of them attacked them, but just watched them leave quietly.

╮(╯▽╰)╭ Alas, looking at the two people who left, Xiao Ming, who had successfully pretended to be cool, sighed helplessly.

Why do I always encounter this kind of situation? I always encounter this kind of guy who can easily kill me in a single fight. It forces me to cheat.

It's okay to fight with a 4th or 5th level guy. Xiao Ming can also test his own melee ability.

It was always this type of battle. Even if I improved, I put some points into group battles.

There were so many puppets, and they still had a lot of mana in their bodies, so they could fight for a while.

But there was no target to fight against. Could they catch all the candidates? It was impossible. So they had to use up their energy out of boredom.

So Xiao Ming controlled this group of puppets and did the radio gymnastics in middle school. One, two, three, four, two, two, three, four...

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