Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 481: Entering the Hunter's Secret Realm for the Third Time

The most interesting thing is Xiaoqing9527's attitude.

With the strength she showed, she actually didn't need to let Xiaoming see the scene where she appeared out of thin air.

She didn't need to let Xiaoming hear the first sentence she said to Zhao Jiuzhou. There was even no need to look at Xiaoming.

She could directly exclude Xiaoming's circle, making Xiaoming suspicious, and even unable to find out who did it.

So her behavior was basically intentional. The meaning might be: Zhao Jiuzhou is under my protection, you better be smart.

This is similar to some of Hongchao's previous practices to protect Zhang Xiaoming.

Xiaoming didn't have any bad intentions or plans for Zhao Jiuzhou, so he wouldn't be scared at this time.

Xiaoming couldn't watch the excitement, so he decided to hide in the game temporarily. Although it was not yet the time for the game to start at 8 o'clock in the morning, we could go into the secret realm to play.

Different players have different ways to explore the secret realm.

The most ordinary players have no power to choose, so they can only try their luck randomly and take whatever they encounter. I won't mention these people.

Players with more powerful abilities can generally get the title of Level 1 Secret Realm Explorer, so they have the right to explore designated secret realms three times a day.

At this time, normal expert players will focus their energy on one or a few secret realms.

In this way, the characters in their secret realms grow the fastest, it is easier to achieve results, and they can get rewards earlier.

Only when they encounter bottlenecks will they temporarily suspend the exploration of this secret realm and turn to other secret realms to look for opportunities.

Generally, in secret realms with high martial arts and high magic, players really can't mix to a certain extent.

Secret realms are different from the main game. As long as you accumulate level skills, you can increase your combat power. This kind of thing generally doesn't work in secret realms.

In terms of supernatural abilities, secret realms will guide players a little and give players' characters some similar energy to use.

But for subsequent growth, players must rely on their own efforts to truly master it in reality.

Is this more pitfall than the reincarnation space? In the reincarnation space, the reincarnationists can at least exchange for strengthening items to improve their strength.

But there is no such exchange in the secret realm. What should the players do? Is it so easy to develop superpowers by yourself?

Except for Xiao Ming, who is cheating, 99% of the players can't do it.

Of course, the setting of the secret realm is to inspire players to gain a little supernatural energy, and then look forward to the players being recruited by the reincarnation space.

The original plan was that the reincarnation space would take over the task of improving combat effectiveness.

After the player becomes a reincarnationist and becomes stronger, he will return to the secret realm to obtain information about the relevant world.

Then he will take advantage of the reincarnation space and further improve his combat effectiveness. Then continue this process.

It can be said that this is a relatively effective approach.

Of course, the main reason is that the Magic Planet game does not have the ability of the reincarnation space.

If it can directly strengthen the player, there will be no need for the reincarnation space.

So the New Han Kingdom had to develop the game into what it is now.

Xiao Ming will naturally not follow the routines of these vulgar people. In fact, he is just lazy.

When Xiao Ming's strength reached a certain level, Xiao Ming rarely designated a secret realm to play, and always relied on luck randomly.

This time he randomly went to a familiar secret realm - Hunter x Hunter.

The last time I left this secret realm, it felt like a long time ago.

In fact, it was 10 years ago. The ten years in the Xianjian world always gave Xiao Ming a feeling of vicissitudes.

Xiao Ming's role in this secret realm is an orphan named Mu Mu in a remote village.

Because of his own abilities, he was recruited by Wutong as an apprentice butler of the Zoldyck family, and is now on a mission.

The mission content is to accompany Master Killua to participate in the Hunter exam. Try to protect the safety of the master.

Before leaving last time, Xiao Ming planted telekinesis seeds for the four protagonists, Gon, Killua, Leorio and Kurapika. It's finally time to harvest.

After such a long time, the furthest progress of the Hunter Secret Realm has been pushed to the plot of [Greed Island] by expert players.

If Xiao Ming knew the plot, he would be very surprised.

It must be a high-level reincarnation. Otherwise, how could a normal player pass the plot in Youkexin City?

It is normal for all to die at the hands of the Phantom Troupe.

Of course, the guy who promoted the plot was kind-hearted. He didn't want the players to be stuck in Youkexin City. He gave them a choice to skip.

As for the fact that Xiao Ming entered Greed Island when he randomly went to the Hunter Secret Realm for the first time, this was not a bug.

At that time, Xiao Jie was still fishing on Whale Island. He just randomly landed on Greed Island. He didn't start that plot.

Faced with many progress options, Xiao Ming still chose to continue his previous progress.

It's not easy to be a teacher, so he should at least check the results, right? And although the progress has been advanced a lot, Xiao Ming doesn't plan to skip it.

You should know that every time a player chooses to skip a progress, he will lose part of the influence on this secret realm. It is equivalent to a punishment given by the secret realm.

If you choose a progress with a too large time span, then the efforts made by the player before may be completely diluted.

For example, if Xiao Ming chooses the progress of Greed Island now, then the four protagonists will not learn telekinesis from him. Instead, they rely on the later plot or the help of other players.

At best, Xiao Ming's role is to inform some information and gain a little favorability. What's more, the four protagonists may have forgotten Xiao Ming.

So many players are exploring the same secret realm. When everyone gathers together, will there be plot bugs and lead to contradictions?

Worrying about this is purely groundless. You must know that this is a game, not the real world. There is a game system behind it to take a general view of the overall situation.

The system is measured in this regard. In principle, each player is actually exploring a parallel world.

There are of course no other players in Xiao Ming's world. There is no Xiao Ming in other people's worlds.

The system puts the different plot lines of the players together, not only to increase the fun, but also to save resources.

But there is no need to gather all the players in the same secret realm, right?

The system will identify them one by one and gather the plot lines with no contradictions or insignificant contradictions together.

And there will be some tips for the players. Just let everyone know the situation.

Xiao Ming encountered this situation when he entered the Hunter Secret Realm this time.

When Xiao Ming arrived, the 50-hour penalty time was over. The four protagonists all opened the seeds of telekinesis. Prepare to enter the next stage.

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