Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 479 Fish and Kraken

The slight drizzle hits the leaves of unknown types in the courtyard, making a sound like the pattering of a piano.

The leaves are dancing one after another, dancing to the sound of the piano, and a green shadow is swaying like a dancing girl's skirt.

In the center of the courtyard, there is a rocking chair in the open air, which Xiao Ming just made using alchemy.

The person lay on it and rocked gently. The raindrops hit the spiritual shield and splashed away again. Not a drop fell on Xiao Ming's body.

Using a mental shield to do such a boring thing is probably only possible for a loser like Xiao Ming.

Qinglong Town cannot receive sunlight and cannot see a single star.

The little 'starlight' reflected by the scales is not enough for illumination. But the town has always maintained a considerable level of brightness.

And it doesn't seem to change over time. There is no sunrise or sunset here, no change of seasons, everything is so ordinary.

By the way, how do flowers, plants and trees grow in such an environment? How are crops grown on the outskirts of the town?

Could it be that Qinglong has moss growing on his body? Do you want to prescribe some Chinese medicine to treat it?

After scanning the map, Xiao Ming didn't dare to let it out again. But the obscene ‘circle’ is okay, it’s hard to spot.

However, the town is located in Qinglong, and its concentration of supernatural energy is obviously relatively high, so it is a little more difficult for Xiao Ming's circle to explore.

Of course, Xiao Ming didn't need to go all out to investigate, so he only spread out a range of about 1,000 meters. Needless to say, I really saw something new.

Kraken and Yijianguanghanzhao Jiuzhou are now hundreds of meters away from him, and they are actually talking to others.

Do you have any acquaintances here? This aroused Xiao Ming's desire for gossip, so he quickly went to eavesdrop attentively.

The one speaking to Kraken was a fish. Unlike the half-human, half-fish fishmen, this fish had not evolved any human organs.

The fish was 1.7 or 8 meters long, almost the same size as an adult.

His whole body was immersed in a device that looked like a glass fish tank. There were many mechanical tentacles around the fish tank. Allow him to move freely.

This is clearly an octopus robot. The fish tank in the middle is more than 2 meters wide. This robot is not small either.

Xiao Ming could not figure out how this fish controlled these tentacles inside the fish tank. Does it feel very advanced?

Eh? The style of the fish tank with tentacles seems familiar.

You must know that different civilizations, even if they are all mechanical civilizations, have very different mechas or robots.

In fact, the combat effectiveness is similar, and the difference is mainly reflected in the style.

The color matching, commonly used module shapes, and the decoration on the surface of the mecha...are almost all very different. You can basically tell the difference at a glance.

Sometimes even robots or mechas produced by the same civilization have many different styles.

Just look at how many different styles of mechas there are in Panguxing’s anime works. There are dozens of species at least, and hundreds of species at most.

This fish tank with tentacles feels very similar in style to the octopus-shaped metal robots of the past.

It was the robot driven by the guy sent by the Interstellar Embassy to apply for an interstellar visa for Xiao Ming when he first became a reincarnator.

If I remember correctly, when the robot's visor is opened, it is almost the same as the robot driven by this fish.

But in my memory, that person seems to be an octopus. Could it be that they all come from the same place? ——Seafood Empire?

What's the deal between them and Kraken? Things get interesting.

"...Oh, that's right. So you need to apply for an extension for your internship?"

Fortunately, it was a simultaneous translation environment like Qinglong Town, otherwise Xiao Ming would definitely not understand what the fish said.

"Yes, Mr. XXX, I feel that what I am doing now is ten times more important than my previous internship. I also want to apply for funds and supplies."

Kraken's disguise was not lifted, so he was still speaking with an extremely paralyzed expression.

Xiao Ming couldn't hear the name of the fish clearly. Or it's not translated.

"Don't think about it. If you apply again, the number will be too large. It is too much beyond the budget of an intern.

Listen to me, you better get some really useful information first. If you can satisfy the higher-ups..."

"Then can my application be approved?" Kraken continued to say something that was probably very exciting with his face paralyzed.

"No, in that case, a formal team will be sent over to take over all the work. You will also receive reasonable rewards, and there is a high chance of joining that team and continuing to perform meritorious services."

"Haha~~, that's so boring." Kraken was not satisfied.

"Just be content. I tell you, don't think about being in the limelight. You are still young and don't know the depth. If you anger a few major forces, I'm afraid no one can protect you." The fish said in a serious tone.

"Really? My uncle told me the same thing. Tell me, what are the major forces? Who are they? Let me open my eyes."

"Ignorance is bliss. It's better if you don't know." The fish was obviously unwilling to say.

"No, it can't be so appetizing..."

Kraken was very dissatisfied, and Xiao Ming, who was eavesdropping, was also very anxious. I want to know too. You speak in a slurred manner, it's so abominable.

Unfortunately, the fish had made up its mind and refused to speak, no matter how much Kraken begged, it didn't work. Xiao Ming, who was eavesdropping, could only worry.

Then they chatted casually for a few more sentences and then separated. Xiao Ming seemed to have missed the main business between the two of them.

Through the eavesdropping, it seems to be confirmed. This Kraken is probably an alien, and it is very likely that he is also a seafood.

His status is probably an intern, and it is impossible to judge where he will intern and what he will intern for.

It could be the reincarnation space, or Pangu Star, or even the Yanhuang Tri-Star System, or a star system that even Xiao Ming does not know.

Anyway, Xiao Ming has only seen him in the reincarnation space, and he can be an alien from any star system.

This alien Kraken seems to have made some new discoveries and wants to apply for an internship extension and funding and materials.

Does his so-called new discovery have anything to do with him? Xiao Ming can't say for sure. Maybe there is, or maybe he is just being sentimental.

In the end, after listening to the wall for a long time, he only knew that Kraken was an alien. And he dare not say that he is 100% sure.

But Xiao Ming's intuition tells him that Kraken probably has no bad intentions towards him.

After that, Kraken just visited around the town and bought some random things.

As for the fish, he raised the sunshade to cover the fish tank. Then he drove the octopus robot away from the teleportation array. Since then, there has been no trace of the fish.

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