Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 459 The Lord of the Rings 1

This world has changed. I can feel it in the water, feel it on the ground, and smell it in the air. Everything in the past has been lost, and no one remembers it now.

For the first time, the narration in the space gave people an epic feeling, but it stopped abruptly. There was no mention of anything about the Lord of the Rings and the Devil.

The reincarnators did not come to watch a movie, but to solve puzzles and break through the situation. Of course, the space would not tell them too much.

The Mingjing team entered the world of the Lord of the Rings 1: The Fellowship of the Ring.

As soon as they entered this world, they heard the monologue of the Elf Queen.

It contained a high level of mental power, and a simple sentence shocked the minds of the entire team. Even Xiao Ming, who had a 6th level of mental power, was no exception.

With just this feeling, everyone knew that this world was definitely not simple.

However, Xiao Jing'er and the others decided to rely on their own strength to make a breakthrough, and the initial tasks would definitely not be too difficult.

However, for safety reasons, my sister agreed that Yin Xiaoming would follow the large group of people.

Because Xiao Xiaoer must meet at least one Xiao Ming; and Xiao Ming cannot take Xiao Xiaoer away, after all, he also has to complete the mission.

Green Xiao Ming wanders around freely, doing whatever he wants. However, this time, Yi Jian Guang Han Zhao Jiuzhou took the initiative to propose to act with Green Xiao Ming.

In the mission of the Starship Troopers, Zhao Jiuzhou and Kraken saw many hidden skills of Xiao Ming. Zhao Jiuzhou probably wants to see more.

Because in the last reincarnation mission, he taught Xiao Xiaoer a lot of experience and knowledge of the dragon clan. Xiao Ming is very grateful to him.

Now, he proposed to play games with the leader's guards, and Xiao Ming was really embarrassed to refuse.

And Xiao Ming is actually very interested in the dragon clan. It's just right to observe it nearby.

If you follow Green Xiao Ming, you can't do the main mission. Even if it's a team mission, you have to contribute a little. Based on this alone, Xiao Ming can judge that Zhao Jiuzhou must have some face in Qianxing Tower.

Or he is so rich that he doesn't care even if he fails to complete the main task 1 and gets a negative evaluation.

Seeing his relaxed and stress-free life energy, Xiao Ming thinks that he is more likely to be honored. Dragon clan!

Kraken still follows the main force, or rather follows Zhang Xiaoming's body.

Seeing Zhao Jiuzhou and the leader's guards leave the main force together, he seems to want to say something, but he didn't say it after all.

Xiao Ming's circle sees through everything and observes that when he is about to say something, his right hand seems to hold a machine of the same size and shape as a billiard ball.

It is probably a tracking and recording device. He probably means that he wants Green Xiaoming to take this machine with him to record his movements.

But he feels that this is too abrupt and doesn't dare to speak.

Main task 1: The reincarnation needs to rush to Hobbiton in the Shire where the Hobbits live within 7 days.

For this kind of task, Xiao Ming can basically see it directly by scanning the map. In fact, it is also true. But he was forbidden to participate.

I could only watch my sister, Brother Wen and others, and asked everyone along the way with great interest, "Excuse me, do you know where Hobbiton is?".

Xiao Xiaoer's body is really too small. He is always held by others and can't do anything, which he finds boring.

As a good big brother, Maomaoer must find a way. His body - [Hot-blooded Nezha] can be transformed at will.

One of the more fixed forms is the armor covering Xiao Ming's whole body.

After experiencing the secret realm of Avengers 1 and meeting Iron Man. Maomaoer was deeply inspired.

Specially created 2 full-body covering forms. Retro full-body armor form, and high-tech Iron Man form.

With just a little modification, the head can be turned into a small cockpit.

Like a mecha, Xiao Xiaoer can sit in the cockpit and control the entire Iron Man's actions.

It can also let Xiao Xiaoer feel what it feels like to have an adult's body. This brat really likes the new body that Maomaoer has transformed into.

The two little guys couldn't stay idle, and they didn't want to follow Xiao Jing'er and the others to find out the news. They just ran around everywhere.

Xiao Ming sent dozens of orcs to follow them, and he was not afraid of encountering any danger.

The world of the Lord of the Rings seemed to be the barbaric and ignorant Middle Ages in Europe on Pangu Star. The kings, lords, knights and other noble classes enslaved the vast majority of the people.

Even in better countries, the people were still barely able to get enough food and clothing. Unfortunately, there was no Later Qin Kingdom of the descendants of Yan and Huang in this world to save them.

While scanning the map, Xiao Ming also noticed some extremely powerful mental beings, and habitually avoided them.

One of them was not far from his group, and his destination seemed to be Hobbiton.

Xiao Ming didn't pay much attention to it. After finishing the practice of telekinesis, he quietly began to practice the use of mental power, especially the use of the Force.

The Force is almost a manifestation of mental power. Intuition tells Xiao Ming that the use of the Force is very extensive.

Unfortunately, there is no famous teacher to guide Xiao Ming in this regard, so he can only slowly explore it himself. For now, I have only mastered some low-end uses. For example, telekinesis.

Green Xiaoming advanced to the southeast, where he felt a strong and evil spiritual force.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I still go to the tiger mountain. It is possible to be resurrected in the reincarnation world. Xiaoming can boldly try it out.

Of course, Xiao Ming certainly didn't intend to confront them head-on, that would be a bit stupid. Xiao Ming just went to see the situation.

He often felt the breath of death on the way. There was no way, the Middle-earth was originally a turbulent world.

The major races, humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, and orcs, often had conflicts. Even humans and orcs would go to war.

Death is a common thing. Too many corpses gathered in one place, if not properly handled, there will be an environment with a strong breath of death.

Over time, it is possible to produce vicious undead on their own and cause harm to one side.

Whenever this happens, Green Xiao Ming will take the initiative to go over and perform [Death Harvest].

However, it is not the time to show off for the time being. Xiao Ming controlled the effect of the Death Harvest and did not convert the undead soldiers. He just collected the breath of death and bones for future use.

Sometimes he would encounter people who steal his business. Orcs are scavengers and they eat any corpses. It can also be regarded as a contribution to the environmental protection of the alien world.

However, when Xiao Ming was harvesting death, he would occasionally encounter small groups of orcs.

At Zhao Jiuzhou's request, Xiao Ming did not use any skills such as clone beasts. He just transformed into a three-headed and six-armed beast and used the Naga swordsmanship.

Zhao Jiuzhou displayed his exquisite swordsmanship. The two of them fought together, and dozens of 1-2 level orcs were not enough for them to warm up.

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