Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 456 The Critical Moment

On the 21st day after entering the Starship Troopers world, Green Xiaoming came to the group of federal soldiers again.

A few days ago, most of them were transformed into Zerg humans. Xiaoming told them not to fight among themselves, and everyone should stick together to survive. Then he left.

If you say this to humans, it would be a cliché, and it would be useless to say it.

However, the Zerg humans all worship Xiaoming as a god. These transformed Zerg humans are not so serious, but they will also attach great importance to Xiaoming's instructions.

With this, the five human soldiers who refused to accept the transformation were able to survive.

In the next few days, their lives were much better.

The strength of the Zerg humans has increased their ability to collect various resources by dozens of times.

In particular, they have become very fast in escaping. Even if they encounter Zerg, they can quickly get rid of them.

The living resources needed by the five humans are no longer a problem. Just save a little bit anywhere.

But the human physique is still too weak. Faced with the bacteria and viruses of the new world, and the lack of many trace elements.

The bodies of these five people finally couldn't hold on, and they are very weak now. If it weren't for Xiao Ming, some of them might have committed suicide.

Seeing Xiao Ming coming again. They completely lost their previous stubbornness. They begged Xiao Ming to transform them.

Xiao Ming had no grudges. Not accepting the transformation at the beginning was also a choice. Xiao Ming didn't think it was an offense to himself.

Now they are in great need of transformation, and Xiao Ming is willing to help and test the effect by the way.

As for their physical weakness, it is not a problem in front of the original liquid of life, and it is easily restored.

Because they are now surviving in despair, their faith in Xiao Ming has become very sincere.

Not only did all five people transform successfully. They even comprehended the bronze insect holy clothes. They came from behind.

Xiao Ming was also drunk, this is the so-called "really fragrant". How can you see the rainbow without going through the wind and rain.

"Sergeant, if there is a small transport ship, do you have the ability to drive it back to the human world, or to another planet?"

"Sir Prophet, small transport ships can escape the gravity of the planet. But there is not enough energy for long-term navigation. A large spaceship must be received in outer space.

If you rely on a small transport ship to fly by itself, even if there is energy, there is no space jump ability. You can't fly far at all."

"Oh. As expected." Xiao Ming sighed. It's rare to think of a way, but it didn't work.

These days, Green Xiao Ming has collected a lot of human equipment, including several damaged small transport ships.

Thinking that he can completely use source energy to repair the transport ship. So Xiao Ming came to ask the sergeant and others if they have the ability to drive away.

With Xiao Ming's own understanding of space, he also thinks this matter is not very reliable.

There is no human warship in the outer space satellite orbit of this planet. There is really no chance with only a small transport ship.

It would be great if there were a few wreckages of large spaceships in outer space, but unfortunately there is none.

It is not known whether they were all destroyed or all escaped. It is also possible that they were partially destroyed, but the wreckage was dragged away by other human spaceships.

It seems that this matter can only be left at this point. Who knows that the Master Chief is also a person who breathes heavily when talking.

"However, report to the prophet, if there is a small transport ship that is intact. As long as the communication device inside is not broken, we can go to outer space to ask for help from the Earth Federation headquarters."

The Master Chief suddenly remembered something and hurriedly added.

"The communication device we carry with us is not strong enough. It is impossible to transmit information too far. Even a small transport ship must go to outer space."

"Really?" Xiao Ming was also surprised.

Collecting these soldiers who have become Zerg people is also his people. It would be good if they could be sent away from this planet full of Zerg.

As for whether the Earth Federation will slice them all up for research after returning to Earth. It is hard to say.

Xiao Ming does not know much about the human government of this world. There is no way to judge.

If they stay on this planet, they will be killed by the Zerg sooner or later. If he could go to the Earth Federation, there might be a glimmer of hope.

But it was very slim, and he might just be a guinea pig for the rest of his life.

Compared to that kind of life, it would be better to put these people together with the army of the undead before Xiao Ming left the mission world.

As long as he continued to expand the size of the army of the undead, he might be able to become a lord on this planet.

There were less than ten days left. Let's try to kill as many Zerg as possible.

Xiao Ming had just made up his mind, but before the plan was implemented for three days, Xiao Ming changed his mind again. Because of a very interesting turn of events.

The Mingjing team, who had been wandering around, unexpectedly found the leader of the Zerg in the underground tunnel.

Now he was eating melon seeds and visiting remotely. It was like visiting a zoo.

It was really a Zerg that looked like a 'brain'. Xiao Ming called it a brainworm.

But that brainworm was almost a brain all over its body. Its size was even larger than that of an ordinary toilet.

The entire brain had no ability to move, and was carried and protected by countless Zerg.

If this thing wasn't a high-ranking leader of the Zerg, Xiao Ming would dare to dig out his eyes and use them as bubbles to step on.

The protection around the brain worm is quite strict. Ming Jing's team can only observe from a distance and cannot get close.

With the troops around the brainworm, even if Xiao Ming transferred tens of thousands of undead insect cavalry troops, it is estimated that he would not be able to defeat them.

After all, they are protecting the leader. The insects around the brainworm are all elite troops, and their combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

However, this difficulty is useless for Xiao Ming who is cheating.

After realizing that Yijian Guanghanzhao Jiuzhou's identity might be a dragon clan, Xiao Ming didn't care about revealing a little bit in front of him.

Xiao Ming first used the wormhole to transfer Mingjing's team to the undead army camp.

This arduous task was completed by the insect king. In order to fight smoothly. Xiao Ming turned on [Every second counts] and used one second as one minute.

Xiao Ming first opened the Bright Summit next to him and asked Xiaolu to prepare dozens of vines deep inside.

Then he opened a wormhole. One end opened on his side, and the other end opened next to the brainworm.

Then Xiaolu waved dozens of vines, stretched through the wormhole in an instant, tied up the brainworm tightly, and then quickly pulled it over and directly pulled it into Guangmingding.

At the same time, Xiaoming immediately closed the wormhole, then opened another one, jumped through it himself, and returned to the military camp.

The whole operation was done quickly and completely in less than half a minute.

In the perception of the Zerg, in less than half a second, their own brainworm suddenly disappeared. WTF!

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