Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 454 Primary Life Essence

On the 8th day after entering the Starship Troopers world, Xiao Ming used the Cup of Life to extract 3 drops of Life Essence. His sister Xiao Jing'er took 1 drop, and Zhang Wen took 2 drops.

With the training for such a long time, their physical attributes have been improved to an average of about 8 points this time, which can barely be regarded as the second level.

After taking back the Cup of Life, Xiao Ming did not put it back into the Bright Summit, but put it into the textbook.

The Life Essence is no longer useful to himself, Xiao Jing'er \u0026 Brother Wen. It would be too ostentatious to give it to others.

It is better to put it in the textbook and analyze its principle. Xiao Ming estimates that he will be able to produce Life Essence independently in the future. There is no need to rely on the power of this cup.

The principle of this cup is not difficult. It is roughly equivalent to a fully automatic alchemy furnace.

The difference is that it is driven by its own magic, and the product it refines is not elixir, but Life Essence.

If this can be produced by itself, it should not be a problem for sales among low-level reincarnations, no, in the human world.

Of course, Xiao Ming is not short of money, he has other intentions.

As expected, on the 15th day after entering the Starship Troopers world, the textbook analysis of the Cup of Life was completed.

The so-called analysis of the textbook does not really analyze all the relevant knowledge, write it into an article, and then teach Xiao Ming.

It can give Xiao Ming the corresponding ability after the analysis.

Even if Xiao Ming does not understand all the knowledge and principles behind it, he can still use this ability by relying on his body instincts.

This seems a bit unreasonable. But in fact, many things in the world are like this.

Even if a person does not understand all the biological knowledge about the human body, doesn't he still use his body normally? This is an instinct.

Knowledge is actually just the experience summarized by intelligent creatures. It is a virtual thing. The so-called book cannot express everything, and words cannot express everything.

Language and words can only accurately and clearly express limited meanings. It is very likely that they are not enough to describe the ultimate truth of the universe.

There are even many laws of the universe that can only be understood but not expressed in words.

Therefore, Xiao Ming's textbook also tries to turn the things analyzed into an instinct rather than into text.

So after analyzing the Cup of Life, Xiao Ming has the ability to consume a certain amount of source energy at any time to make life fluid.

Xiao Ming feels that this life fluid can only be called primary life fluid. It can probably raise the physical properties of a life form to level 2 at most.

There must be more advanced life fluids, or something similar. If you have time, you should consider going to Nuwa Star in the Yan Emperor Galaxy to have a look.

Of course, for humans, who are less than level 1 on average, this life fluid is already quite useful.

And Green Xiao Ming has a special use, which is to match the life fluid with the insect evolution needle.

The insect evolution needle requires a life form to be above level 2 to bear, and the life fluid can just raise a life form to level 2.

This combination is perfect. It's a pity that there are no experimental subjects available for the time being.

Hey, it can't be said that there are no experimental subjects. Aren't those federal soldiers the best guinea pigs?

The physical fitness of these soldiers is above level 1. Some are close to level 2.

After being strengthened by the original liquid of life, it is enough to withstand the power of the evolution needle of the Zerg.

Given their situation, it is not a good thing to hide on this planet all the time. After a period of time, there is no necessities of life such as food and water.

Coupled with the threat of the Zerg, it is almost impossible for them to survive for too long. Accepting the transformation of the Zerg is also a good thing for them.

"WHAT?!" The sergeant exclaimed. Then he felt a pain in the back of his neck and fell to the ground. He was powerless.

In the corner of his eyes, he saw bodies falling to the ground. In less than half a minute, 35 federal infantrymen were all dealt with.

Let alone resistance, there were only 5 or 6 brothers who could be as alert and make sounds as he did.

Needless to say, it was Xiao Ming's shadow clone who took action.

Green Xiao Ming teleported through the wormhole, and then released dozens of shadow clones, which quickly knocked down all the soldiers.

The shadow clone used martial arts moves. It is just a wonderful fantasy of martial arts novelists that you can't move after pressing the acupoints.

But martial arts can be very similar. Hitting someone and making him weak for a short period of time is no problem.

Xiao Ming did this because he didn't want to bother explaining, and he didn't want to be shot. It would be easier to control them temporarily.

Xiao Ming waited for a while before saying, "Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you."

"What... are you... going to... do?" The sergeant lying on the ground asked with difficulty.

╮(╯▽╰)╭ Alas, it's obvious that Xiao Ming is about to say it. But this guy actually endured the discomfort of his body and still asked. Xiao Ming could only wait for him to finish asking.

"I have a drug that strengthens the human body and can greatly improve your survivability and combat capabilities."

Xiao Ming glanced at them and continued to ask: "Is there anyone willing to be a test subject?"

After thinking for a while, he added, "I won't lie to you. If you are unlucky, you may die.

But you are strong enough and there is an 80% chance that you can withstand it. Who is willing to try?"

Xiao Ming did not expect that it was his last sentence that dispelled the sergeant's doubts.

The sergeant knew very well that the newcomer had such strength, and they were just fish on the chopping board, and they could be dealt with by anyone.

The other party actually asked for their willingness. Although it felt that there was a clear sense of coercion, the other party must be a person who had been influenced by human civilization.

Such a person seemed to be more trustworthy. Besides, it seemed that their group had no other choice.

After more than ten days, they hid well and were not discovered by the insects. There was always water, but food was more troublesome.

The compressed biscuits and other things they brought had been eaten up long ago. Now they had to catch insects everywhere to fill their stomachs.

Three people had committed suicide one after another because they could not bear the psychological pressure.

If this continued, their group would definitely collapse.

At this time, Lu Xiaoming appeared. The sergeant, who firmly believed that God had arranged for him, naturally thought that this was the rescue arranged by God.

"I am willing! I will be the first experimental subject." The sergeant shouted loudly. After a while, he was not difficult to speak.

"Sergeant!" Several people shouted at the same time. I don't know if they agree? Or disagree? Or are they grateful.

What they don't know is that Xiao Ming really asked them if they were willing.

If they don't want to, Xiao Ming will never force them. It's easy to find experimental subjects for such a good thing.

Is it worth forcing others for such a thing? Don't be ridiculous.

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