Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 448 Weekend Game Progress

The secret realm of Dragon Ball is extremely special, and the combat power is off the charts. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to open this secret realm and it is also extremely difficult to advance the game process.

As an ordinary human being, Zhang Xiaoming's chance of randomly entering this secret realm is not high. He was able to enter because of Xiao Xiaoer.

Xiao Xiaoer is a special race, and the probability of encountering the secret realm of Dragon Ball is much higher. Look, didn't he bump into it this time?

However, Xiao Xiaoer is simple-minded and doesn't know that there is such a thing as a plot. He just plays with Xiao Wukong and grows up slowly together.

Xiao Xiaoer doesn't know how to advance the game process. And his big brother is no better than him. Knowing that there are benefits, he is still too lazy to follow the plot of the secret realm.

In fact, Xiao Ming has played most of the secret realms in the past few days. He didn't pay much attention to the plot, but just focused on broadening his horizons.

The three secret realms of Harry Potter, Marvel, and The Legend of the Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty really opened Xiao Ming's eyes.

Like three vast scrolls, they gradually unfolded in front of Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming benefited a lot.

In the Harry Potter world, Xiao Ming learned a lot of magic, of course, mostly low-level magic. But in the test level, Xiao Ming's construction of the basilisk chamber was all in vain. The test level is just a temporary world, and he was also brain-dead at the time.

In the Marvel world, Xiao Ming also heard about a variety of races and people with abilities, and a lot of miscellaneous things were added to the textbooks.

Only the world of the Legend of the Twin Dragons of the Tang Dynasty was a little more troublesome. Since he could not use the shadow clone, he could only rely on the small animals he conquered, so the information collection was slow.

But it was just right, Xiao Ming could enjoy the fun of the unknown.

In the main game, Bai Yulin's convoy still did not reach the Gray Bone City for so many days.

Along the way, the dead were basically practicing the skill of [Intermediate Skeleton Army Development].

Xiao Ming even suspected that Bai Yulin would deliberately take a long detour in order to squeeze him more. This seemingly loyal skeleton head might be very cunning.

He was simply too bored, so he used a mean heart to measure the belly of the dead.

The explorer continued to wander around the strategic map. This is an advanced map, and the explorer's troops are limited. It's a bit difficult to let go.

Special processes must be very careful, and the harvest is also ordinary.

On the adventure map, I learned Taoism from Gongsun Sheng and made some progress.

After leading the army to eliminate the Japanese pirates who killed and set fire, the researcher continued to go out to sea and headed south.

Along the way, he picked up a lot of marine resources and eliminated many wild monsters. On Sunday, he took the initiative to dock in Quanzhou.

There are still too few players who can really go out to sea now, and all the marine resources are cheap for the researchers. When they go out to sea in the future, they will definitely sigh "Why are marine resources so scarce".

Since this time the sea voyage mainly uses private troops to fight, the growth of the admiral skin is very small.

The researcher has made great progress in level. The adventure level has risen to level 2, level 6; the strategic level has risen to level 1, level 3.

On Friday, July 1, the intermediate puppet research and development talent provided a new blueprint.

The first time was awesome. This blueprint was exactly the second-level pirate puppet blueprint that Xiao Ming had dreamed of. After the researcher studied it carefully, he immediately learned it.

With it, the researcher can create a large number of second-level troops next week. The combat effectiveness will be taken to the next level.

The diver had the most special experience - he was particularly unlucky.

The palace did not have any exits, and it seemed that the diver could only leave through the portal.

However, Green Xiao Ming was learning the wormhole skill, and he had made some progress. In the test level of Harry Potter, didn't Xiao Ming successfully teleport a short distance?

So Xiao Ming didn't let the diver go through the portal. He thought the buildings outside the palace should be interesting.

Although the walls around the palace were protected by barriers. But that only protected the walls from damage, Xiao Ming's mental power could still penetrate out.

So the conditions for the wormhole skill were met, and the diver came to the outside of the palace in an instant.

Xiao Ming scanned here and saw an endless giant building complex. Xiao Ming didn't scan the edge.

But looking around, the entire palace complex, including the sky and the earth, was shrouded in gray-white fog. It was like a horror movie.

The naked eye could only see things within a few steps. There was endless unknown in the fog, and countless demons and monsters seemed to be lurking inside. They might pounce at any time.

This kind of place was mysterious and unknown, and was obviously very suitable for players to explore.

Unfortunately, under Xiao Ming's scanning map, everything was visible.

There were indeed monsters in the fog. And Xiao Ming had seen them, the half-sea creature and half-undead monster that Xiao Ming had seen in the sea monster's lair.

But here, the half of the monster sea creature became more diverse. Most of them became land creatures, including jackals, tigers and leopards.

These guys seemed to be running around in the building complex, and Xiao Ming couldn't tell whether they were pure wild monsters or special guards here.

Although there were many of these guys, Xiao Ming could easily avoid them when the map was fully open.

I didn't want to fight them. The monsters here were so high-level.

Remember the monsters in the sea monster's lair were only level 1-5 monsters; the monsters running around here were level 4-6 monsters.

It would be really troublesome to fight them, so it's better to hide if you can.

It seems that only the most core palace that the researcher just left is so huge.

Other buildings are obviously much smaller. And they are of different sizes, some suitable for humans, some suitable for dwarves, and some suitable for giants.

However, during the scan, except for these monster guards, these buildings were empty. Xiao Ming did not detect any living creatures.

Combined with the information obtained by archaeology inside the palace. Xiao Ming felt that there should have been no one here for a long, long time.

It is hard for those monsters to survive until now.

Xiao Ming controlled the researcher to go around a lot of buildings nearby for a few days, and the results were mixed.

The good news is that there are so many good things here. High-level materials, high-level formulas, high-level books. They can be seen everywhere.

The bad news is that they can't be taken away. All the things are under the protection of some kind of power, and Xiao Ming can't get them in his hands at all.

——This is not a mixed blessing, it's just terrible bad luck.

Of course, the things here cannot be taken away by divers at this stage, because the level difference is too far.

And the system's settings for most of the items here are actually just background boards. You can see it but you can't touch it.

Some things are rewards, but players need to complete the corresponding tasks to get them.

Xiao Ming came in too early. A level 2 little Naga. There is no task for him at all.

Therefore, Xiao Ming's search in the past few days is destined to be in vain.

So Xiao Ming later made up his mind to only search this weekend. If he still can't find anything, he will leave next Monday.

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