Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 44 The Ascetic's Dilemma

The four people's expressions were extremely exciting when they saw the explorer making the ascetic crossbow.

Mr. Guo was surprised and relieved, the tall man was shocked and ecstatic, the short old man looked unbelievable, and the last middle-aged lady covered her mouth with excitement, as if tears were about to flow.

Although Xiao Ming knew that this was a big deal, he did not expect the reaction of these masters to be so big. Except for Mr. Guo, the other three people gathered around, and a lot of words came out of their mouths like a string of cannons.

Xiao Ming was stunned and did not hear a single word clearly. After a long time of chaos, Mr. Guo stopped the three people's behavior. Then he pulled Xiao Ming to explain the situation and signed a treaty.

Speaking of it, the status of ascetics has always been embarrassing, or the overall strength of ascetics should be that status.

Melee is not as good as melee professions such as swordsmen and knights, long-range combat is basically 0, magic is not as good as mages and priests, and because they cannot stack equipment, they are a bit embarrassing in all aspects.

The significance of its existence is that the requirements are relatively low, and the resources consumed for training are few. It is a standard poor profession.

It is conceivable how other professionals view the ascetic monks as a group. There is still a necessity for existence, but the status is not very good.

It is a little stronger than cheap cannon fodder, but not as many as cannon fodder. In terms of arms, it is impossible to build a city independently.

Mr. Guo also popularized the concept of building a city for the explorers. Each race has many arms, and each arm has many branches.

The general form of racial city building is to find a balance between multiple arms.

Basically, it takes the stronger rank of each arm, which refers to the comprehensive consideration of quantity and single strength.

In terms of strength, of course, the higher the rank, the stronger it is, and the number is still an important consideration.

Some powerful arms can build cities independently or jointly. The arms composition of this kind of city is different branches of one or several arms.

The more powerful arms almost all build cities independently or jointly. Infantry, archers, cavalry, mages, priests, and even some branches of some arms like swordsmen and alchemists are eligible to build cities independently.

There is competition and cooperation between arms, but they are not strongly opposed.

For example, although the independent city of infantry does not produce other arms such as archers and cavalry, it will still hire some.

They will not only have infantry for the sake of face. They are not that stupid. Building a city independently is just a representation of strength.

How embarrassing is the status of the ascetic monk? There are no ascetic monks in the ordinary version of the human city.

Ascetic monks temporarily only exist in the independent city of priests, and they can be built or not.

In view of this situation, the high-level ascetic monks are eager to get rid of this embarrassing status as a whole.

The strength of the ascetic monks comes from the advancement of inherited equipment. Just like the explorer who advances from an ordinary ascetic monk to a strong crossbow ascetic monk.

The strong ones among the ascetic monks have been advanced several times and are very high-end combat power. But they cannot become an arm.

The overall advancement of the ascetics is not satisfactory. The advancement of the inherited equipment is relatively difficult. This is also the reason why the advancement of the explorer is valued.

Therefore, the high-level ascetics have been committed to creating a variety of ascetic soldiers and creating a diverse training mechanism.

Cultivating a long-range ascetic soldier is one of the shortcuts.

The upper level of the ascetics also has different opinions on this issue. Some ascetics also want to jointly build a city with other minority soldiers.

Guo Lao's faction is not willing to accept it. Jointly building a city may not be much better than the current situation of relying on the priest profession.

Iron must be hard, and improving the strength of the ascetics is the hard truth. If the strength of the self is not improved, it will be very disadvantageous after the joint city construction, and the right to speak is also limited.

It is not easy to improve the strength!

Finally, there is a way in front of us. If the primary ascetics use general crossbows as much as possible, will there be a certain probability of advancement to strong crossbow ascetics like explorers?

Even if the probability is only 20% to 30%, or even 10%, it is powerful enough to change the occupation structure of the ascetic monks.

And this will also become a trigger. Can the same method be used to advance the magician ascetic monks, knight ascetic monks, etc. in batches?

So everyone can understand the importance that Guo Lao and others attach to this matter. After proving that explorers can independently make universal weapons for ascetic monks, everyone is ecstatic.

The idea of ​​using universal weapons to increase the chance of advancement of ascetic monks has long existed.

However, it is very difficult to make universal weapons, and it requires masters. But masters make more money by making high-level weapons.

What ascetic monks need is low-level equipment. You can ask them to make one or two pieces, but the master can't afford to lose that person by mass-producing low-level equipment.

Of course, there are some inside stories. There must be people who don't want the status of ascetic monks to be improved. There is also destruction from the enemy.

At the same time, a large number of craftsmen are occupied by other professions. Because ascetic monks do not need equipment as a whole, they all use inherited equipment. It is conceivable what the attitude of the craftsman group towards ascetic monks will be.

Now the ascetics have their own people who can make universal equipment, and it is a divine power. This is the reward from the God of Light to the ascetics.

With a large amount of equipment, not only can the ascetics' dream of mass advancement be realized, but there are also a large number of experimental products for the ascetics to study and train craftsmen.

This is the feeling of a lifelong dream being realized.

Next is the time to sign the contract. How to ensure that the explorers are always loyal to the ascetics group.

It is definitely unrealistic to lock Xiao Ming up and force him to make equipment. NPCs know the characteristics of adventurers.

So what should we do?

Mr. Guo directly accepted the explorer as his youngest true disciple (giving him status),

and enjoyed sufficient preferential treatment (giving him money),

and hid the news in all aspects (keeping him safe),

and also assigned the explorer two high-level shadow warriors who did not take up space (both ensuring safety and monitoring).

Finally, a life-saving spell was added. Once a fatal blow was suffered, it would be activated immediately. In addition to saving his life, the explorer would be transferred to the Ascetic Monk Headquarters (finally insurance).

These generous conditions were enough to make the unhappiness of being monitored disappear, although the shadow warriors only ensured safety and did not help him fight.

But in this case, it would be a miracle if the player could not find a loophole? Besides, Xiao Ming did not want to find a loophole too much, and he did not play games in this way.

There are also some limitations to NPC monitoring. Players certainly do not have embarrassing things like excretion and bathing in the game, but there is a function of hehehe.

Monitoring is definitely not allowed at this time. At the same time, the explorer's bedroom is also outside the surveillance range, giving him a private space.

Of course, there is no protection without loopholes, and Mr. Guo will have other arrangements behind the scenes.

But for Xiao Ming, it is enough. The worst case scenario is that this role is no longer used, and we still have three roles. Who is afraid of who?

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