Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 431 Core Skills

After possessing the yellow source energy, it is natural that Xiao Ming can feel more clearly and keenly many things involving the three tribes of humans, gods and insects.

Many things that were previously unclear are now understood more deeply, and of course there are more unknowns. The light spirit is an obvious example.

The existence of the light spirit is quite strange. Xiao Ming believes from various evidences that they should be the ghosts or spirits of the members of the God Clan.

However, Xiao Ming is very familiar with ghosts. He himself is a player of undead magic, and there is a group of ghost soldiers living in the Hundred Ghosts Box.

The feeling that the light spirit gives Xiao Ming is different from the normal ghost.

Generally speaking, ghosts (ghosts) are invisible. Only when they reach the level of level 3 ghost soldiers and have strong energy can they make themselves visible.

Below level 3, ghosts occasionally appear. But that is generally not a real appearance, but their energy is drying up the spirits of other people.

Different people have different mental abilities, so usually only people with more sensitive senses can see ghosts. Commonly known as Yin-Yang eyes.

So it is normal that some people can see ghosts and some can't, even though there are clearly ghosts there.

Of course, it is more normal that most of the so-called haunted phenomena are caused by suspicion and hallucinations of humans themselves;

Or other natural phenomena, such as spontaneous combustion of white phosphorus. It has little to do with real ghosts.

Speaking of the light spirits, Xiao Ming can probably confirm that they are the "ghosts" of members of the God Clan. But their existence form is very different from the ghosts Xiao Ming knows.

When they are invisible, Xiao Ming, who can see ghosts, has never been able to "see" them.

Until now, there is yellow source energy. Xiao Ming probably relies on the advantage of being a "same clan" to sense their existence. But it is still invisible.

This matter is quite strange. While using source energy to feed the light spirits, Xiao Ming can feel the subtle communication between him and the light spirits.

It is very scattered, as if the light spirits said a whole sentence every time they communicated, but Xiao Ming received not a few words, but a few scattered pinyins, and he couldn't even spell out a word.

But this feeling attracted Xiao Ming, so this time Xiao Ming fed the light spirit for several hours.

As a result, Xiao Ming seemed to know something, but also seemed to know nothing. In short, the connection with the light spirit must be closer.

The same is true for the Zerg in the Chiyou galaxy. After possessing the yellow source energy, the attitude of ordinary Zerg towards the Zerg King has not changed much.

Green Xiao Ming is already the master. Ordinary Zerg have long accepted his existence. What has really changed is the spiritual power ocean.

In the past, Xiao Ming always felt very sluggish in the spiritual sea. After all, Xiao Ming's spiritual power is different from that of the Zerg.

Now, the spiritual sea seems to have suddenly opened its arms to him. In less than 2 days, Xiao Ming searched for a core skill of the Zerg.

Rather than saying that it was searched, it is better to say that the spiritual sea deliberately sent it to him. This is a very mysterious feeling.

[Wormhole]: As the name suggests, it is a time-space transmission technology that consumes huge mental power. Open a space wormhole. It can also be called a space gate or a space tunnel.

The requirement is that the Zerg who performs this skill must have his mental power in two far-flung spatial locations.

That is, there are two different spatial coordinates. Then the Overlord can use these skills to build a wormhole between the two coordinates.

After the wormhole is opened, it only needs to input mental power to maintain it, and it is no longer necessary for the mental power of the Overlord to exist on both sides.

[Wormhole] is definitely the core skill of the Zerg. It is nonsense for a cosmic overlord that spans countless galaxies to not have space teleportation skills.

In fact, this skill is just that for Xiao Ming. Because Xiao Ming's Bright Summit can also do this, and it saves more energy.

However, such a great skill, Xiao Ming has to learn it even if it is repeated.

Other people's stones can polish jade. Moreover, it is very likely that the skill [Wormhole] is the real gem. Bright Summit is just a strange stone.

Xiao Ming learned other mental power skills almost in the blink of an eye. But this skill is different.

The entire Zerg army under Xiao Ming stopped and was on guard on the spot. Green Xiaoming was absorbed in learning wormhole skills...

"Brother, please help me." In Guangmingding, Xiaojing, who had just finished practicing, acted like a spoiled child to Xiaoming.

"No problem. What's the matter?" Xiaoming responded instinctively.

"Brother, please think of a way to get the game in. I want to play games in Guangmingding?"

"Huh?" Xiaoming was stunned. If you want to play games, just go out and play. Why must you go to Guangmingding? He frowned, not understanding.

Brother Wen, who was riding on Xiaoxiao'er, interrupted and answered his doubts.

"My dear sister, what a great idea. To be honest, Xiao Mingming, think of a way. You have three energy sources now, you can definitely do it.

This place is so comfortable. I can't bear to leave. Not only do you need to bring the game in, you also need to modify the game cabin for us.

Change it to an open one, so that the spiritual energy can always...ah, always...pile up? Stick?...Anyway, that's the idea. You know what I mean."

Brother Wen was so excited that he was a little speechless. His sister rarely took the opportunity to confront him, and nodded repeatedly.

Xiao Ming took a closer look and found that due to the good environment of Guangmingding, his and his two basic Qi training techniques had greatly improved.

Xiao Jing'er's Qi training has reached level 9. Xiao Ming was scared. How could it be so fast? My sister's talent for cultivating immortals is too strong.

In fact, this little growth in the Qi training period is nothing. It is entirely due to the super rich spiritual energy in Guangmingding.

Because of the improvement of the Qi training level, Xiao Jing's mental power has also grown, almost reaching level 2.

She also learned alchemy and has some experience in using it, but of course it is far less than Xiao Ming.

Brother Wen is not bad either. He combines spiritual energy with telekinesis, which is equivalent to a level 6 Qi training practitioner.

Although the growth is a little slower than Xiao Jing'er. But in terms of conversion into combat power, spiritual telekinesis is much more convenient.

In the past, Xiao Ming didn't want them to stay in the zero-gravity environment of Guangmingding for a long time. It was nothing more than fearing that it would hurt their bodies.

With their current level of Qi training, the damage caused by zero gravity can be easily restored by spiritual power. In other words, they can live in Guangmingding for a long time.

Without any worries, of course, the longer he stays in Guangmingding, the better.

As for the outside world, Xiao Ming can occasionally arrange for the shadow clone to change into their appearance to confuse people.

Since his sister has made a request, Xiao Ming must find a way. This matter must be discussed with the nine-tailed fox.

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