Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 420 Beast Girl VS Chitauri

Xiao Ming's orc girl uniform is paired with shadow clones, each of which has extraordinary skills.

The shadow clone alone is already powerful enough, and the special effects combined with the uniform are even more powerful.

Catwoman holds a dagger and jumps back and forth between buildings, moving extremely quickly. They are difficult for the Chitauri to target.

He ducked past the Chitauri warrior. Before the soldier could see the enemy clearly, his neck had been cut.

Even if the Chitauri are riding on a flying machine, they will inevitably be attacked. Facing a type like Catwoman who is particularly good at jumping, it is only slightly safer in open areas.

If the aircraft cannot fly high enough, it will be particularly suitable for Catwoman.

Because Chitauri soldiers need to control the aircraft, they must remain seated on the aircraft, which in turn limits their freedom of movement.

A scene that often happens is: hearing the cry of ‘meow’, eh? A Chitauri warrior discovered, 'Why is there a big cat squatting on my aircraft? ’

Take a closer look, damn, it's an enemy... and then nothing happens, Catwoman has already pierced his vitals with a knife.

The last image he saw in his retina was the afterimage of Catwoman using her strength to jump away from his aircraft.

It is precisely because of Catwoman's unusual activity that she attracted the attention of most people on the battlefield. Of course, it also attracted the attention of the Avengers.

Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye and others are all experts with eyes and ears in all directions. After noticing Catwoman's performance, they knew that reinforcements from unknown forces were coming.

After paying a little attention, I naturally discovered other mind beasts fighting on the surface. Yes, these people can see the mind beast.

Catwoman was jumping up and down in the sky like crazy, while the other orc girls were fighting together on the ground.

There are snake girls shooting bows and arrows from a distance, and each snake girl's combat power is no less than that of Hawkeye; the arrows are condensed from the power of mind, and the ammunition capacity is much more than that of Hawkeye's arrows.

Getting closer is the peacock's attack range. The peacock feathers powered by sword control can deal with the Chitauri accurately.

When you get closer, you will be inexplicably controlled by the fox girl's charm, or you will be knocked unconscious by Cai Die's hypnosis;

The Chitauri are better at dealing with physical attacks and energy attacks, but they have basically no resistance to magic, especially such mental attack spells.

It is reasonable for the fox girl's charm to charm humans, but it is a bit strange to charm these alien races, right? The aesthetics are completely different, okay!

The principle of this mental spell is to make the enemy feel that they have seen a beautiful woman and be confused. It is not to show them a fixed form.

So what these Chitauri see is their own image of beauty, the beauty among aliens. It’s normal to be tempted.

These mid-range and long-range attack orc girls are not good at melee combat, and the shadow clones in the middle of their uniforms are not decorations.

Not to mention physical skills, he can even unleash a ninjutsu from time to time.

Of course, the strongest in melee combat is the combination of the dog girl holding a spear and the clam girl holding a double shield.

In terms of attack power alone, the blow from the dog girl's spear is the heaviest blow among the orc girls. (This does not include the alien suit.)

Although the quality of Clam Girl's double shields is not as good as Captain America's vibranium shield, it is still capable of blocking Chitauri's energy gun attacks.

Finally, there is the core bunny girl, who can use sewing techniques to replenish the vitality of injured mind beasts. Each group is a complete fighting group.

Although the number of human shields seems to be a little less, the speed and physical skills of the shadow clones more than make up for this lack.

If the Chitauri cannot organize several times the number of armies, or dispatch the Chitauri dragon, there will be nothing they can do against the orc mother fighting group.

The Chitauri Great Dragon is a biological warship built with a combination of biotechnology and mechanical technology. Like a very long whale. Can fly in the air.

The weight and body-covering armor alone give it plenty of combat effectiveness. There are many Chitauri warriors inside to cooperate with the dragon in fighting.

Facing such a war beast, Xiao Ming's mind beasts had no good solution.

The attack power is not enough to cause fatal injuries to the dragon, the defense power cannot block its impact, and the spiritual magic cannot deal with such a big monster.

You can only avoid them by relying on speed, but once the formation is spread out, it will be difficult to take care of each other, and it is easy for the Chitauri warriors to blow them up one by one.

It really suffered a big loss at the beginning. Many mind beasts were forced to self-destruct, but they failed to kill a big dragon.

Later, I figured out a countermeasure, which was to gather more than 8 fox girls and colorful butterfly girls to cast spells together.

The stack of 8 charm or hypnosis spells can make the dragon unconscious for a period of time.

But that was only to this extent. The attack power of the mind beasts was still not enough to kill the dragon under the protection of the Chitauri warriors.

But the threat was finally lifted, and these dragons couldn't wake up for a while. If it doesn't move, it's just a big piece of meat. Arrange all the soldiers around him and deal with it before it's too late.

Since the professional equipment of the Orc Girl fighting group is relatively balanced, the Avengers who originally fought alone gradually began to fight together with the Orc Girl.

The aura of the protagonist of the Avengers is too strong. Even those who are not as strong as the Nian Beast still play a greater role in the battle than a single Nian Beast.

So the battle gradually evolved into a situation with the Avengers as the core and the Nian Beast Group assisting them in the fight.

With the Avengers attracting firepower, the pressure on the Nian Beasts is greatly reduced; with the Nian Beasts cooperating in combat, the Avengers' safety is also greatly increased. 1+1\u003e2.

"What are you? You are definitely not human, right?" Hawkeye asked a snake girl beside him during the battle.

This is the fourth Avenger to ask this question to the mind beast.

"Yes, we are not real people, but a kind of clone-like skill. It doesn't matter if the clone dies. The main body is still hiding in a safe place."

All the shadow clones answered the Avengers in this way. The Avengers would not think that their main body is a coward.

No matter who uses this fighting method, the main body should be well protected. Only in this way can it play the greatest role.

The Avengers have a good impression of the main bodies behind these mind beasts who come to help in times of need. They all agreed to meet and chat after the battle.

Only the Hulk was busy smashing things everywhere and didn't care about the mind beasts at all.

Thor found that the face of the shadow clone seemed to have an impression. It should be a warrior who was sent to Earth by Asgard before and has lost contact now.

So many mind beasts have the same face. Thor is knowledgeable and naturally understands that this should be some skill or magic of this warrior.

He lost interest in getting to the bottom of it. Thor's characteristic was that he preferred physical combat. When it came to magic, his brother Loki was the expert.

Thor secretly hoped that this warrior would not run into Loki, otherwise his magic power would be useless in front of Loki.

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