The border logistics base is built on a small group of rocky asteroids.

This group of 17 or 18 asteroids ranges in size from a few kilometers to tens of kilometers, and they travel through the universe at basically the same speed.

The buildings of the base are scattered on each asteroid.

The returning reconnaissance fleet also stops nearby to keep the relative speed still. There are currently four reconnaissance fleets parked near the base.

People don't need to drive a spacecraft to go from one asteroid to another. They can fly directly with the jet system of the space suit. Many people like to fly back and forth for fun.

The maintenance department is built on an asteroid. After landing, Xiao Ming activated the magnetic shoes and stopped. There are about seven or eight assembly rooms nearby.

Xiao Ming landed and swiped his ID card. The ground had a fluorescent display path, leading Xiao Ming into one of them.

Inside the house, there was a 3-meter-high construction engineering robot, and two people in maintenance clothes were flying around the room to repair it.

Several people were wearing sealed clothing. In fact, in the entire base, the only place with an air circulation device is probably the living area. You have to wear a sealed suit in other places.

Seeing someone coming in, the two maintenance workers flew down, activated the magnetic shoes and stood in front of Xiao Ming. Through the glass of the mask, you can see that the two men on the opposite side are both in their forties.

A little disappointed. Xiao Ming was still looking forward to an old hermit with a beautiful granddaughter. It can only be said that the YY heart of the otaku never stops.

After listening to Xiao Ming's idea, the two uncles were very happy. It was rare that there were young people who didn't like fighting but liked mechanical maintenance. Immediately began to practice teaching on the spot, how to repair engineering robots.

In this hour, Xiao Ming accompanied the two uncles to repair 5 robots, and it felt that they could make one in reality.

This is of course an illusion, but the engineering robots are indeed not beyond the technical level of the New Han Kingdom. Xiao Ming left the secret realm with a full sense of accomplishment. Back to personal space.

This sense of accomplishment not only comes from learning mechanical repair, but also a great surprise from the game of Arctic ice cubes that he has been playing.

While learning with the two uncles, Xiao Ming did not stop playing. Finally, he played until he died in this game.

If he persists long enough and gets good enough results, the game will give him a high score reward, the "Nezha 6-type auxiliary mechanical arm guard".

This is a universal game equipment that can be used in the magic planet and other secret realms with mechanical creations.

It is put on the player's arm like an arm guard, and up to eight small mechanical arms can be extended from it, which looks like an octopus, and the tip can be connected to a variety of small tools.

The mechanical arm can be controlled by the player's consciousness or by the built-in auxiliary intelligent program. The auxiliary intelligent program will be different depending on the level of technology entering the game.

The most exciting thing is that each of Xiao Ming's four characters in the magic planet will have a mechanical arm guard. It turns out that if you play well in the secret realm, you will get this kind of benefit. You should take the secret realm more seriously in the future.

It is a good habit to use superpowers frequently. The basic material of the reinforced mechanical arm guard has been upgraded to liquid metal.

It can be deformed at will, and it is more flexible and convenient to use. It is no longer just for auxiliary use, and it is not difficult to turn it into a weapon and armor.

But it has not yet obtained the additional attributes of the game, only the basic attributes.

——Xiao Ming secretly hoped that it could be upgraded to nano-metal material, but unfortunately it didn't come true.

After playing with Nezha 6 for a while, Xiao Ming was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep. He entered the secret realm several times before his excitement calmed down.

Most of the secret realms he entered were not for Nezha. He played casually and couldn't concentrate, so he quit when the time was up.

For the secret realms of the mini-game type, you can basically quit if you don't know how to play. Some require 5 minutes, and the story-type secret realms require at least ten minutes before you can quit. There are also those that require longer time.

At the same time, the expansion pack is not the only entrance to the secret realm. There will also be secret realm entry points inside the Magic Planet game. These will be slowly known in the process of Xiao Ming's future exploration of the secret realm.

The last time he entered was finally a scientific secret realm. Xiao Ming chose the initial identity of a maintenance worker in the army, but found that he didn't know anything except repairing engineering robots, and he couldn't even repair the guns on hand.

Now his excitement finally cooled down. It turns out that if there is no corresponding knowledge, Nezha will be wasted in his hands.

What kind of secret realm is this? Xiao Ming didn't have enough information. He only knew that his country was called America, and the language he spoke was English, a minor language on Pangu Star, and it seemed a bit strange.

The citizens were of various nationalities, black, white, and yellow. He was the most numerous pretty boy among them, and his name was Henry Smith.

Why wasn't he a yellow man? Were they trying to discriminate against me? Would he lose at the starting line? He really thought too much.

In the army, he learned that it was now 1943 AD (what the hell is AD). The whole world was fighting the Second World War.

The army's equipment was indeed a bit old. It couldn't be compared with the space fleet of the New Han Kingdom, and it was about a hundred years behind the general level of Pangu Star.

I won't go into the background setting in depth. When Xiao Ming has the opportunity to see the world map in the future, he will know that the distribution of land and ocean in this world is the same as his world.

Xiao Ming decided to take the initiative to find the logistics department to learn about the mechanical knowledge of this world. On the way, he saw a troop training on the playground, and one of the little guys kept making a fool of himself.

Is there something wrong with this kid? He is also a soldier with this kind of physical fitness? Xiao Ming didn't have time to care and continued to go to the logistics department.

In the war era, there are inevitably some unqualified soldiers in the army. It's okay if they are not willing to learn. The black maintenance man still took good care of him. He took Xiao Ming to repair and maintain the guns while explaining.

So Xiao Ming missed all the important roles and plots perfectly. He did more than half an hour of physical work with great interest and fell asleep in a daze.

Then he automatically exited the game and continued to rest in the game cabin. I seemed to dream about my parents in the middle of the night. I hope that you two old people can live a happy future life after thawing in the future.

A few hours later, Xiao Ming woke up from the game cabin. It was already the early morning of June 8th.

In the living room, on the dining table is breakfast bought from the street, including steamed buns, fried dough sticks, soy milk, and pickles (the impact of technology on food is not that great).

Brother Wen is eating a lot, and he is having a quarrel with Xiao Jing across from him.

He keeps bragging, and Xiao Jing keeps quarreling back, but he never gets tired of it.

Seeing Xiao Ming coming over, Xiao Jing thought she had waited for her savior.

"Where did you go last night? Did you go home in the middle of the night?"

"I went home! Why are you nagging more than my mother? I went to the movies with my friends."

"Watching a movie with friends? A man or a woman?" Before Xiao Ming could speak, Zhang Wen on the other side could not sit still.

"A woman. What's that expression on your face? Even if it's a man, it's none of your business. My brother didn't say anything." Xiao Jing looked disgusted.

"Your brother is confused, an old virgin, he doesn't know shit. I tell you..."

How can this be a personal attack? Xiao Ming looked at the noisy two, helpless, and he shouldn't have asked too much.

These two guys, who are 20 years apart in age, don't know what's wrong with them, they quarrel whenever they meet. I dare not get involved in this kind of war, hurry up and eat, I want to play games. Xiao Ming ate his food.

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