Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 408: Choice

This matter is indeed a bit difficult to decide.

On the one hand, the explorer's accumulation of hard-working monks is relatively strong, and the development prospects are very good. It would be a pity to give up.

On the other hand, the power of Liangshan is indeed very attractive. There are dozens of level 6 masters like Guo Lao, and even a level 7 master Yu Qilin Lu Junyi.

Even the short and dark leader Song Jiang should not be underestimated.

Although his combat profession is only level 4, Xiao Ming vaguely feels that he still has hidden means. It may not be lower than level 6 when used.

As for whether he has a treasure or a special life profession. Xiao Ming has no way to judge.

Based on the existing information, Xiao Ming can't tell which one is stronger, Shuibo Liangshan or hard-working monks.

However, it feels that there are definitely enough masters in Liangshan. It is an environment very suitable for the development of players.

However, the negative impact of becoming a bandit should never be underestimated.

If I become a bandit, it is estimated that the Song Dynasty court will issue a sea arrest warrant, and my actions on the adventure map in the future will become very inconvenient.

Moreover, it is very difficult to hide and become a bandit in the game.

If it were in reality, Xiao Ming could join secretly, be a little more shabby, and not show up, and no one would know.

But now it is in the game, once the faction of belonging changes, it will be clear to the NPC leaders of both sides.

Although Xiao Ming has actually done things like murder and arson, and even genocide. However, that was in a different environment.

In his hometown, the New Han Kingdom, he is still a law-abiding citizen.

For standing on the opposite side of the national government, suddenly changing his identity and becoming a wanted criminal, this psychological threshold is a bit difficult to overcome.

Just when he was struggling and hesitating, Li Kui was the first to get upset:

"You are so unreasonable. My brother advised me so kindly, but you didn't appreciate it. A real man should do it if he wants to, and not do it if he doesn't want to. Why are you so hesitant? If you don't agree, I will... I will beat you up."

From his tone, Xiao Ming guessed that he might have wanted to say that he would chop himself up if he didn't agree.

But Li Kui was a simple person and couldn't bear to give up the wine and barbecue, so he changed his words temporarily. His momentum was weakened. Some brothers in the hall couldn't help laughing.

He felt quite interesting to Xiao Ming, and Li Kui's words made Xiao Ming feel more comfortable than Song Jiang's impassioned speech.

Song Jiang cursed in a pretentious manner: "Shut up, you black man! We invite people to the mountain only because they share the same ideals and are willing to come. There is no reason to force them."

Since Li Kui did not threaten the explorer with life and death, Song Jiang did not pretend to drive him out.

Tang Long, the fellow villager of the explorer, could not help but speak: "Brother Explorer, we are from the same village, let's talk from the heart.

My foolish brother is just a little blacksmith, but he was forced to become a bandit by the treacherous merchants who colluded with the government. Brother, you are very skilled, how can those enemies of the ascetic monks in the court let you go?

It is true that you are protected by Mr. Guo, but Mr. Guo's status in the court is not as high as the six thieves. Even the status of the ascetic monks in the court is not high.

How can you really protect your brother? It will implicate him. Brother Song Jiang's words are very reasonable. Brother, you can become a bandit for the time being and wait for the amnesty in the future. It will be fine.

You can really do some good things to eliminate violence and protect the good in Liangshan. If you are still in the Huo's Chamber of Commerce, if you encounter corrupt officials oppressing the people, will you care or not? How can you care?"

Tang Long's words are a little more down-to-earth than Song Jiang's. However, he didn't get to the point.

He naturally didn't know where Xiao Ming would encounter corrupt officials? Explorers spend very little time on the adventure map. They won't encounter that kind of plot in the short term.

However, in the long run, their words do make sense. When the explorer reaches level 4, it is estimated that they will definitely encounter such things.

If the game does not involve political struggles in the future, it seems unnecessary to use the Song Dynasty as the background era of the adventure map.

Thinking of the description of the Song Dynasty in "Far Island Strange Man". Xiao Ming was moved. The suppression of soldiers by civil officials in the Song and Ming dynasties was too much.

Soldiers in the Song Dynasty even had to tattoo words on their faces, like prisoners, and were oppressed at will. When the country came to foreign enemies, they were pushed to the front line to die.

Typical ungratefulness, crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, beating the monk after reciting the scriptures, and scolding the cook after eating. When Xiao Ming saw it, he was also very angry.

Wu Yong observed the explorer's words and knew that the explorer had been shaken, so he put forward a statement that was more in line with the explorer's mind.

"Brother Explorer seems to have some concerns. In Wu's opinion, it is better to do this. We can make three rules. If you have any conditions, just put them forward now."

This proposal finally made Explorer officially join Liangshan. As expected of a wise man, he saw through Xiao Ming's concerns at once.

The Explorer put forward three conditions:

The first one is a set of words. Explorers will never do bad things when they join the mountain stronghold. It is okay to rob the rich and help the poor, and eliminate violence and protect the good, but they must never kill good people when they meet them.

For Liangshan, they really kill bad people; as for poor good people, they will also help them.

But once they go to the battlefield, it is inevitable that good people will be injured by mistake, and even some worse things will happen. This kind of thing has been inevitable since ancient times.

Xiao Ming actually understands it in his heart. However, this condition is put forward to leave a lead, and he will definitely do something about it in the future.

The second condition is the most important one. The explorer must use the Liangshan channel to inform his master about his becoming a bandit. And get his forgiveness.

At the same time, the agreement between the explorer and the ascetic monk must continue. He still needs to deliver a batch of general crossbows to the ascetic monk every week.

With the increase of Xiao Mingyuan's energy, it is now as easy as playing to make dozens of general crossbows for the ascetic monk. It will be done in a short time.

This condition is easy to achieve. Liangshan has its own powerful information channels. Soon, he contacted Mr. Guo who was worried about the safety of the explorer.

For a long time, Mr. Guo and Liangshan have not had direct contact. But both sides like each other and have been friends for a long time.

Moreover, the words of Song Jiang and others are not unreasonable. The safety of the explorer can indeed be better guaranteed on Liangshan.

Apart from anything else, if the forces that kidnapped the explorer this time were not Liangshan forces, but the forces of the enemy of the ascetic monk, the explorer would have to suffer a lot.

At least in the rivers and lakes, no one dared to go to Liangshan Marsh to kidnap the explorer, right? As for the matter of Liangshan being wiped out by the court in the future. Mr. Guo is not worried at all.

Based on the strength of the Song Dynasty and the current tense surrounding situation, it is impossible to wipe out the Liangshan forces in a short period of time. The explorer is very safe.

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