Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 401 The Tragedy of Human, God and Insect

During the fusion process, Xiao Ming could not continue to do the task. And he had to stay in the designated place of Qianxing Tower to meditate and retreat. All he needed was to change clothes, take a bath, burn incense and pray.

In fact, the second Xiao Ming stepped into the room, he vaguely felt that he had actually left the task world.

Now he is in an independent space, which is convenient for Qianxing Tower to merge.

Xiao Ming is not very clear about how long the fusion process took.

Because from the beginning of the fusion, Xiao Ming seemed to be trapped in some strange illusion.

It seems that he experienced the same doomsday catastrophe from the perspective of a member of three races at the same time.

Xiao Ming has no way of knowing how strong these three races were before the doomsday.

However, the confidence and even arrogance of the three races made a deep impression on Xiao Ming.

That is definitely not comparable to the national pride of the descendants of Yan and Huang on Pangu Star.

They are not at the same level at all. One only dominates a planet; the other occupies countless galaxies. Can this be the same? !

Two of the three races have no language. There is only one race that is almost identical to humans. This race has a language.

So many of the names of the three races are named after the language of the human race.

Of course, Xiao Ming needs to translate it again through the meaning. Although they are all human beings and their languages ​​have many similarities, they are indeed not the same language.

In the name of humans, these three races are human, Protoss, and Zerg.

Among them, the human race is hardworking; the Protoss is proud; the Zerg is greedy. The other two races are invading and oppressing humans, and humans have to fight back. Of course, this is just the human race’s own opinion.

From the perspective of the Zerg, humans are another kind of insect, not much different from the Zerg. They are all extremely aggressive races.

It’s just that the structure of human society is too complicated, with too many unfair phenomena, which is far worse than the Zerg system. It seriously affects the competitiveness of the race.

If the human race is led by the Zerg, it may be a kind of progress, or even liberation.

Only the Protoss is the enemy in the eyes of the Zerg. However, it is difficult for the Protoss to reproduce. The number of ethnic groups has always been limited. That's why they are evenly matched with the Zerg.

From the Protoss's perspective, the Zerg and the Terrans are like two ignorant children who don't study the truth of the universe, but instead fight endlessly for territory and resources. All the resources they snatched were used in the war. It's really stupid.

But their war also implicated the Protoss, and the Protoss had no choice but to passively fight.

In the endless war, the Protoss had to take the same path as the Zerg and Terrans.

Grab resources as much as possible, and then convert the snatched resources into combat power to continue the war...

At this point, it's like all crows are black.

One day, a disaster suddenly struck. The universe area where the three races of humans, gods, and Zerg are located was attacked indiscriminately by an unknown person.

The three races were confused and had no idea where the attack came from. No laser beams or missiles were seen.

The attack came inexplicably to all members of the three races. Those who were hit must die.

At this time, each of the three tribes had a small team, fighting for a cosmic wonder in a certain starry sky.

Strangely enough, this thing, in the eyes of the human race, looks like an ancient zither. The human race calls it the [Fuxi Qin].

In the eyes of the Protoss, it looks different, a crystal ball shining with yellow light. (Crystal is just an approximate term, it probably looks like this.)

In the perception of the Zerg, it is a delicious fruit.

It is really amazing. It is obviously the same thing, but different races see different things.

It is really like a blind man touching an elephant, each one looks different.

Xiao Ming certainly doesn't know who sees it more accurately. He said with a little curiosity.

Back to the point, when the end of the world came, the strong men of the three tribes had already touched the edge of the treasure.

Suddenly feeling the crisis, the strong men who were originally enemies of each other suddenly communicated with each other in an instant, and worked together to use this treasure to temporarily block the power of the end of the world.

Then all the fleets of the three tribes in the local area were teleported away together by time and space.

In order to avoid the end of the world, the masters of the three tribes used all their strength in this time-space teleportation. The distance of the teleportation was quite far, spanning countless galaxies.

The landing point was the space in the center of the Yanhuang Three Star System.

After arriving, the three tribes suffered heavy losses. The top masters basically exhausted their energy during the teleportation.

After the end of the time-space teleportation, they all died because they could not resist the residual power of the doomsday.

The low-level troops of the three tribes could not withstand the space shock caused by the hasty time-space teleportation. Basically, there was no one left, and they all died. They didn't even make it to the Yanhuang Three Star System.

Only those members of the three tribes who were neither strong nor weak; who were not qualified to participate in the time-space teleportation; and who did not die from the space shock, survived by chance.

At this time, if the remaining personnel of the three tribes work together, they can create a brilliant civilization again.

It is even possible to combine the strengths of the three tribes to create a more brilliant civilization than before.

Unfortunately, the three tribes have been fighting each other for countless years, and the resentment they have accumulated against each other is too deep.

Among the three tribes, those masters who had a long-term vision and a big picture view were almost all dead now.

The remaining mid-level masters were not so wise.

Almost at the moment of confirming safety, the three tribes started fighting again.

Because the Zerg were physically strong, the most survived. So naturally, the Terrans and Protoss joined forces to deal with the Zerg.

There were not many participants in this battle, but it was very tragic. Everyone knew that there was only one chance, so they all tried their best.

In the end, they all died together without any surprise...

The last wreckage of the three tribes' spaceships flew to different galaxies. All the members were dead, and the three wreckages of the spaceships just coincidentally parted ways.

The Zerg space battleship was originally a living Zerg creature. The Terrans called it [Leviathan].

This dying Leviathan, carrying the bodies of the Zerg warriors, took the initiative to float towards the Chiyou galaxy. It probably didn't float far before it died.

The last wreckage of the Protoss' spaceship flew to the Yellow Emperor Galaxy.

The human warriors died first, but there were still computer programs running. So they took the initiative to fly the spaceship to the Yan Emperor Galaxy.

At the same time, during the battle, a small spaceship of the human race passed through the space-time channel and went to the solar system where Pangu Star was located. Later, it was discovered by the Twelve Kings of Daqin.

This was the cosmic war that took place 1.8 million years ago.

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