Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 396 A Dangerous Battle

The battle between the Second Fleet and the Wandering Pirates was really dangerous.

Don’t think that the Driller was fighting 20,000 with 50,000 command points. His 50,000 were all 0-level sailors.

0-level sailors and 1-level sailors both have 1 point of command points. But in terms of combat power, 2 or 3 0-level sailors can only match one 1-level sailor.

The enemy has no 0-level troops, all are 1-3-level soldiers. If we simply compare combat power, the enemy is about twice as strong as the Driller fleet.

In this way, the Second Fleet should not have fought against this Wandering Pirates.

The scan shows that the pirates have a command power of between 10,000 and 20,000. Xiao Ming did not expect that the enemy would randomly reach the maximum force.

However, the Drillers also have many advantages.

First, the enemy has no hero leading them. There is only one 4-level soldier as the leader, not even a general. So the whole army did not get the hero bonus.

Secondly, the large ships of the Second Fleet are too strong. The artillery fire was sharp and fierce, and the durability of the hull was strong enough. It was like a relatively low-level city wall.

The pirates were only small and medium-sized ships, and they suffered a great loss when attacking large ships.

Again, the entire army of the researchers was equipped with strong crossbows. All 0-level soldiers could shoot from a distance. This greatly improved their combat effectiveness.

Finally, it was Xiao Ming's unscrupulous cheating.

The special effect of the bone breastplate slowed down all enemy forces and reduced damage within 15 minutes of the start of the battle. This gave the fleet the opportunity to kill a large number of enemies in the early stage.

The 3rd-level magic continuous fireball set fire to half of the enemy fleet's ships during the early long-range bombardment.

Hero attributes, admiral skins, professional talents, etc. also have bonuses for naval battles, which are still within the normal game range. It can't be considered a big cheat.

The activeness of the aliens and a large number of shadow clones on the battlefield is really cheating.

Xiao Hei and his children have a total of 14 alien mind beasts, all of which are level 3 soldiers;

10 types of 100 shadow clones of beastwoman uniforms, all of which are also level 3 soldiers. With the help of ninjutsu, their strength is almost close to level 4;

There are also 10 special forces, 10 policemen, and 10 agents. Although they are only level 2, these uniforms are also very strong when paired with shadow clones.

This group of powerful guys played a huge role on the battlefield and stood in every dangerous place. They reduced the casualties of their own level 0 sailors.

The most important thing is that these shadow clones are all mind beasts and are not afraid of death at all. They can even self-destruct before dying and pull a few enemies on the road together.

After death, Xiao Ming will continue to summon a supplement. What is really consumed is Xiao Ming's energy. Xiao Ming's energy reserves are super strong.

From time to time, he also covers a key soldier with a spiritual shield, turning a dying soldier into a meat shield immediately.

With so many advantages, the Drillers won the battle with a casualty rate of less than 1/5 of the entire army.

His general Xingyilang also led the soldiers to seize 3 enemy ships. A lot of spoils were seized, enough to make up for the loss of the fleet.

What really consumed a lot was Xiao Ming's source energy and mental power. The game can't take care of this loss.

As long as Yin Xiao Ming's soul goes to the Chiyou galaxy and possesses the insect king, this mental power will soon be replenished from the spiritual sea.

As for source energy, it is even simpler. It will automatically recover after resting for 7 or 8 hours.

After the tragic victory in the battle, Xiao Ming didn't dare to waste any more. He led the Drillers' fleet all the way forward and docked in Yizhou before 8 pm.

After the two days of fighting, the losses were really not small, and the gains were even greater.

The Drillers' adventure level and strategic level were each upgraded by 1 level; [Primary Pirate Admiral Skin] was upgraded by 3 levels, and now it is level 5.

Naval strategic attack +5; Naval strategic defense +5; Naval mobility +50%; Command +500.

ω Xiao Ming thinks that skins are really useful. No wonder the highest level of primary skins in the system settings is only 10. Otherwise, it would be too BT.

In the past two days, I have been fighting naval battles with my fleet as an admiral, and have fought 6 or 7 battles of varying sizes. Therefore, the growth of primary skins is still very rapid.

The subordinates have also grown, but most of their levels are higher than the researchers, and have not reached the level of upgrading.

In the private army of the researcher, all the surviving arms have been upgraded. Of course, this army has also suffered considerable losses.

Under the key protection of Xiao Ming's mind beast, 93 dwarves under Xingyilang Zuobang survived, and 2 dwarves were upgraded from level 1 to level 2.

The first-level pirate puppets of the researcher and Xu Youbi were lost in total 48. Most of them were lost by Xu Youbi's troops. Xiao Ming could rescue the puppets around the researcher in time.

Lin Shen had 50 4-puppet canoes under his command, which were often used to disrupt the enemy's formation and interfere with the enemy's formation; block certain specific ships to make the enemy more scattered and disorderly. They could not help each other.

Sometimes canoes were also used to carry aliens, or the orc girl's shadow clone, to rush to the enemy's ship to make trouble.

It can be said that these 50 canoes played a great role in this battle.

Because they were always on the front line, their losses were also quite heavy. Only 22 of the 50 canoes were left. Almost three-fifths of them were killed.

With such a large loss, if he continued to fight like this, when would he be able to accumulate a large-scale army?

Xiao Ming deeply reflected on his mistakes: Damn, I was so overwhelmed by victory at that time that I went to fight such a strong enemy on impulse. As a result, I was beaten like this.

Even if I win such a battle, it is not worth it. This lesson is too profound. I really can't provoke such a battle again in the future.

Yizhou is the port of Daming. Compared with Xinluo Port, it is not very prosperous.

However, because it is such a small place, the infiltration of the Li family is deeper. The market share occupied is not small. The trade volume completely exceeds the amount that Xiao Ming can consume.

At the same time, the Li family also has a certain share of the military. If Xiao Ming is willing, he can recruit a certain amount of 1-2 level soldiers of the human race here to supplement the private army of the researcher. Not to mention the supplement of 0-level sailors.

But Xiao Ming thinks that the share of manpower should be left to the main fleet of the Li family. He will also deliver 4 large ships to Li Huamei.

By then, the command force of the Li Huamei fleet will be only 50,000, and the manpower of the Li family pirates will definitely need a lot of replenishment.

The fleet of the researcher is still mainly used to replenish puppets. This is the most suitable for him.

Xiao Ming left all the troublesome things such as trade and supply to his adjutant Lin Shen and the intelligent program to deal with.

After Xiao Ming arrived in Yizhou, he went offline directly. It is time to adjust his status and prepare to enter the reincarnation space.

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