Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 393 Skyfall System

As Xiao Ming continued to charge the portal, the huge door frame made of obsidian gradually changed.

At the beginning of charging, in the 4th minute, the bottom of the door frame began to emit a faint blue light. Little by little, the range of light became larger and larger, spreading along the door frame.

At the 13th minute, the entire door frame was shrouded in this faint blue light, and it continued to absorb Xiao Ming's energy.

At the 15th minute, it seemed as if there was a door panel in the middle of the door frame. The light started from the door frames around and began to spread along this invisible door panel.

At the 18th minute, the entire portal was bathed in blue light.

In the blink of an eye, the portal was activated. The game system did not ask Xiao Ming's opinion at all.

The light flashed, and the diver disappeared from the spot. Only the dark door frame was left at the spot, without a trace of light.

This was not the first time for Xiao Ming to teleport in time and space.

There was no trace of fireworks in the time and space teleportation of the reincarnation space. It was a gentle and silent process, without any vibration or flash. The time-space teleportation was over in the blink of an eye.

The time-space teleportation in the game needs a little fireworks. In fact, the game can be completely free of any light and shadow effects, but that does not meet the aesthetic tastes of most players.

There must be some big scenes before players will buy it. Time-space teleportation must be more handsome.

So every time Xiao Ming teleports between the adventure map and the strategic map, the game will provide a cooler teleportation screen.

To be honest, Xiao Ming is no exception. He is still willing to see these wonderful pictures.

At this moment, Xiao Ming is making mental preparations, and his eyes have not seen anything yet. Suddenly, a voice sounded in his mind:

"Player Zhang Xiaoming, you have triggered a special reward and obtained the [Technology Exchange System]. You can use high-quality energy to exchange for corresponding technologies."

Before he could react, Xiao Ming felt that there seemed to be something more in his body. It should be the so-called system.

ω Heaven-dropped system! This is a good thing that can only be encountered but not sought.

Among the online novels that Xiao Ming has read, there is a special genre called system flow.

The system is used to exchange things for the protagonist. The things that can be obtained are different. Items, technology, cultivation, skills, servants, etc., are varied and ever-changing.

Some systems are very specific and only provide one item; some systems are more complex and can provide multiple things;

Some systems even exceed the reincarnation space, almost everything you want. It can be said that there is nothing that the system cannot give, only what you can't think of.

The system will generally require the protagonist to provide something as a price.

The appetite of the system is quite good, and it eats everything. Money, status, data, items, energy, and even emotions... There are so many.

Some are relatively simple, allowing the protagonist to exchange comfortably; some will also torment the protagonist to death;

There are also some fierce systems. If the protagonist does not satisfy it, it will also be cruel to the protagonist. Castration, disability, obliteration... It is unlucky to encounter such a system.

From a certain perspective, the system is a bit like a special fairy magic weapon.

In the story of the system flow, the protagonist relies on the system that can provide plug-ins to quickly turn over, take revenge, pretend to be cool and slap others in the face, and finally become invincible.

In the past, every time Xiao Ming saw something exciting, he was envious of the system. Sometimes he also wished that it would be great if he had one.

Unexpectedly, he really got one today. Although it was only in the game, it also satisfied Xiao Ming's long-cherished wish.

As for the plug-ins brought by the system, well, the more the better, and more skills are better, but Xiao Ming now doesn't pay much attention to this system.

"Hello host, I am very happy to serve you. I am the administrator of the [Technology Exchange System] - 軨軨."

Before he could see the light again, the voice of the system administrator sounded in Xiao Ming's mind. The pronunciation of his name is very misleading.

Xiao Ming always thought it was 'Lingling' or 'Lingling'. He never thought it was such a '軨軨'.

Even if he knew it, Xiao Ming actually didn't know the meaning of this name.

"Hello, Lingling, ... I am also very happy to be your host." Xiao Ming was very familiar with mental communication, but it was his first time to contact the system, so he was a little tongue-tied.

Dangdang didn't notice anything and continued to briefly introduce his own functions:

"Please allow me to introduce the functions of this system to the host. The system is incarnated as a ring fixed on the host's right thumb. Others cannot see it.

Each time, the system will provide more than 3 technologies for the host to choose. After the host selects, high-quality energy can be infused into the ring.

When the energy slot is filled, the technology can be obtained. After that, the system will provide 3 new technologies again.

The higher the quality of energy provided by the host, the better. If it is lower than a certain level, the system will not accept it. Be careful not to use low-level methods such as being struck by lightning.

For the time being, the system is only a first-level system, and the quality of technology exchanged is limited. When the player has completed a sufficient number of exchanges, the system will also be upgraded, and the quality of the exchangeable technology will also be improved accordingly. The introduction is over, and the player is requested to explore other situations by himself.

In addition, this system does not have novice rewards, so please don't ask any more questions."

It took less than 3 seconds after he finished speaking. Xiao Ming's vision was restored. But he still didn't know where he was. It's so dark!

The light here is very dim, visibility is very low, and the eyes can only see within a range of five meters around.

But it seems that the diver is in a building. Because the bricks and stones under his feet show that this is obviously a man-made ground.

Darkness is a common method used in various games to increase the sense of mystery and fun. Players also need to light torches or use lighting magic. In short, it will be difficult. But this little trick will not be difficult for Zhang Xiaoming.

Without saying a word, he sent out the two skills of circle and map scanning at the same time.

"Damn! It's so big!" The information fed back by the reconnaissance made Xiao Ming exclaim involuntarily.

This place gave him the feeling of a layer of the Demon Locking Tower. It's just much taller and wider than the Demon Locking Tower.

If it were other players, they would only think that this was a magnificent building. It is impossible to associate it with the unique situation of the Demon Locking Tower.

But Xiao Ming's scan can find some clues. When the mental power probes below 100 meters underground or above 100 meters on the ceiling, it encounters a space barrier. This is considered as ironclad evidence.

As for the surroundings, Xiao Ming's mental power has not yet explored the end. The material of the wall here is very special, and it consumes a lot of mental power.

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