Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 390 The Fishman Instructor's Mission

"These octopus slingers are pretty good! I didn't expect that a small first-level Naga like you could win the favor of that person... The sea god is really kind."

Xiao Ming drove the diver to the training ground of the Graystone Town military camp to see if he could get the task of fighting.

The third-level fishman instructor who "sold" the octopus coolie to the diver last time took the initiative to greet him on a seahorse. He was naturally attracted by the octopus slingers he had never seen before.

Seeing that the diver, a first-level Naga, could lead a type of soldier that he had never seen before, the fishman instructor was quite jealous. That's why he said what he said just now.

In fact, he could also guess the source of these octopus slingers. There was a big octopus not far from the town marking the territory there, which was obvious!

With the support of that big guy, the fishman instructor did not dare to forcibly snatch the diver's mercenaries. Perhaps because of this, his tone was inevitably a little sour.

It's just human nature. Who hasn't had some envy, jealousy, and hatred? Probably only the low-level undead can be immune to this.

Even the Zerg will envy the strong. But the Zerg rarely envy or hate. These two emotions are really a waste of energy.

If you envy, just work hard yourself. This attitude is the common value of the Zerg. It is really ironic that such a correct three views appear in the Zerg.

Because the Zerg have no language and no writing, everything is communicated through the spiritual sea. It is difficult for general negative emotions to stand.

Emotions such as jealousy and hatred will cause internal strife and hurt the foundation of the Zerg. Therefore, such emotions will be quickly diluted by the collective consciousness of the entire Zerg until there is no trace.

Unless it is an individual with a very strong negative consciousness, if he cannot suppress the jealous fire in his heart no matter what, this individual will be rejected by the entire tribe. And it is difficult for individuals of the Zerg to survive without the tribe.

Many predecessors who have possessed the Zerg have revealed their original forms in the spiritual sea. Some have been assimilated by the collective consciousness of the Zerg; some have been excluded from the Zerg.

In addition to being a plug-in made by the ancestors of the Zerg for the Zerg, the Spiritual Sea is also a powerful touchstone. Xiao Ming was almost tricked.

Xiao Ming is also a human after all. He also has negative emotions such as selfishness, arrogance, jealousy, greed, etc.

Although not very strong, it is definitely dwarfed by the Zerg. To be honest, it is much more despicable than the Zerg.

It's just that Xiao Ming's soul is already very strong, so he has received a strong infusion of mental power. Xiao Ming has reached the height of the master in one fell swoop.

The consciousness of the Zerg who become the master is almost the same as that of humans. A small amount of negative emotions is also allowed to exist to some extent.

Soldiers need to be noble and brave, but as a commander, if he doesn't have a little bit of scheming, he will only lead the Zerg to destruction. So the Spiritual Sea is more tolerant of the master.

The master can selectively conceal his inner heart. No other Zerg can spy on the privacy of the master, even the stronger master can't do it.

Because Xiao Ming climbed to the position of the master as soon as he was "born" in the Zerg, he was able to avoid the touchstone of the spiritual sea. He was not assimilated or rejected by the Zerg.

He was even able to create his own special tribe - the Zergman.

The fishman instructor just said a few words that were neither salty nor bland, and did not even taunt him. There was just a slight hint.

Maybe he was afraid of the big octopus, so he didn't dare. But his little emotion could not be hidden in Xiao Ming's "circle".

Xiao Ming has seen too much envy, jealousy and hatred from others in the past ten years. There is no more excitement in his heart.

"Instructor, I am here to take the task. Is there any task suitable for me?" Xiao Ming asked the instructor calmly.

The instructor saw that Xiao Ming did not answer, as if he had said nothing just now. He was a little unhappy.

But the player asked about the task, and he was restricted by the system and had to answer truthfully. He could only helplessly unfold the task list for Xiao Ming to look through. At the same time, he mixed in a little private goods.

[Explore the sea monster's lair]: Purple master-level task.

"Fifty kilometers east of Graystone Town, there is a terrifying cave. There is no grass within a radius of ten kilometers, and marine life often dies here.

The sea tribe in the town speculates that it should be the lair of some powerful sea monster. I hope the brave men of the sea tribe will go to find out."

In fact, the contribution of divers in the training ground of Graystone Town is very average. Because divers usually accept tasks from Emily and the sea children, and often accept tasks from the fishman blacksmith. Time is limited, so he rarely accepts tasks from the sea military. The contribution is naturally not high.

Therefore, purple-level tasks should not appear in the task list of divers at all. Occasionally giving a blue master-level task is already very face-saving.

However, as the publisher of the task, the fishman instructor has the right to open some more advanced tasks to players if the players meet certain conditions.

The diver has a relationship with the ancient giant octopus outside Graystone Town and immediately becomes an invisible resource.

In this case, the choice of whether to open task permissions to divers falls into the hands of the fishman instructor.

Logically, he didn't have a good impression of the divers. Not opening up the permissions would be the normal choice. But our instructor had a "high" EQ and did the opposite, opening up the permissions for the divers. He planned to use the sea monster's knife to kill the Naga's arrogance.

The instructor knew that the diver could be resurrected and would definitely not die. However, these octopus slingers would most likely die in the sea monster's lair. It was also a relief.

Even if the diver really succeeded, as a fishman who opened up the diver's authority, he would definitely gain a lot of points in front of the sea god.

In any case, he would not suffer any loss. This guy is cunning enough.

And Xiao Ming took advantage of the situation and really took on this purple task. What's so scary about fighting? Exploration is Xiao Ming's forte.

The book is brief. The diver who took on the task made simple preparations and put all the octopuses in the portable tent.

I, a Naga, followed the instructions on the map of the task and came to the task location - the entrance of a seabed cave.

This place is dark and secluded, and there are no creatures wandering around. They are probably scared away by the gloomy and terrifying atmosphere here. They won't get close at all.

Xiao Ming was happy when he saw it. So that's it! The smell of death emanating from this cave entrance actually smells like it.

No wonder there are few plants and animals here, and no wonder I feel refreshed when I come here.

I am super familiar with the smell of death. It even feels like home.

[Scan the map], Xiao Ming released his mental power and scanned the inside of the cave. He quickly saw the internal structure and wild monsters clearly.

I wish all candidates good luck in the college entrance examination. Good health.

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