Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 380 Saving the People of Ming Dynasty

[Mad Demon Shield]: Hero strategic defense +5. Tier 3 strategic equipment, equipped on the left hand shield.

This is the treasure that the explorer looted from Twisted Wheel·Chaos after winning the battle.

The guy with Tier 3 strategic equipment should not be an ordinary character. It seems that the "Wrench" family is quite powerful.

Xiao Ming casually strengthened the Mad Demon Shield with silver source energy. The attributes of the equipment after strengthening have not changed at all.

There is only one more item, when the troops under his command attack at close range, there is a 25% chance to attack once more. This is another weakened version of the effect of the combined treasure.

The combined treasure that includes the Mad Demon Shield is called [Axe of the Fierce Barbarian Lord].

The special effect of the complete treasure is: when the troops attack at close range, they will 100% attack once more. Quite ferocious. Almost equivalent to doubling the combat power.

In addition, it will also increase the effect of the hero's pathfinding skill by one level. If it is in a complex terrain area, it is still quite useful.

How to say this effect? ​​It is indeed good. But compared to [Ghost King Cloak] and [Cursed Armor], it is far behind.

In Xiao Ming's plan, the explorer will definitely seek development in other places in the future. Han Dong can only rely on himself, so this strategic equipment should be left to him for self-defense.

Han Dong mainly leads swordsmen, and has a 1/4 chance to attack once more at close range, which is quite effective.

He is likely to lead the Crusaders in the future. The troops that can double attack will have the opportunity to attack four times in a row. It will definitely become the nightmare of all enemies.

Red powder for the beauty, sword for the hero. The explorer gave Han Dong the enhanced Crazy Demon Shield.

If it were other heroes, it would increase the favorability a lot. Unfortunately, Han Dong's favorability is as high as 90 points, and a piece of strategic equipment can no longer cause a ripple.

"Brother Explorer, these people have something to say to you."

Han Dong silently accepted the equipment, and his gratitude was hidden in his heart. The man flashed and revealed 7 or 8 villagers following him.

"Sir, sir. Help! Wuuwuwu."

"Please, save us. Please."

"Hero, the villagers are almost killed. The orcs are too brutal."

"Little devils, no, these orcs are really not human." (Brother, you are acting out of character.)


These villagers spoke unclearly, and suddenly knelt on the ground, begging in a flurry. Xiao Ming was confused.

What exactly do you want to help with? Please tell me clearly. ——Xiao Ming thought that this should be a special task.

As expected, the explorer and Han Dong calmed the emotions of these villagers. They collectively issued tasks to the two.

The system also gave a prompt: Purple Master Level Task [Save the People of Ming Dynasty].

This task appeared because the explorer defeated the orc hero.

Most of the villagers who were looted by Chaoshaer's troops were liberated.

But their villages were destroyed and their relatives were separated. Even if nothing happens now, they will not be able to survive in the future.

Thinking of the Explorer, a level 0 hero, who had just defeated an Orc level 2 hero. They thought hope had finally come.

So they begged the Explorer and Han Dong to find them a place to live and work in peace.

This is really a blessing in disguise.

The Explorer wasted two days this time, and almost caused Han Dong's entire army to be wiped out. It turned out to be a good thing.

Without this time of defeating the strong with the weak and seizing the flag. Han Dong would definitely miss these people who had been robbed by Chaoshen. Naturally, this purple master-level task would not be triggered.

Xiao Ming had only done this level of task once before, which was [Auntie Han's Troubles]. Through that task, the Explorer got Han Dong, a good helper.

What rewards will this purple task give?

Simple and practical: Every rescued Ming citizen has a 1/3 chance of becoming a militia under the Explorer or Han Dong.

The remaining 2/3 of the people will also become residents under the rule of the two and pay taxes for them.

At the same time, every time the number of rescued Ming people reaches a new level, the system will give rewards.

The most important thing is that this task has no deadline. The explorer and Han Dong can continue to do it.

Is there any need to ask for such a good thing? Of course, I accepted it with pleasure.

I thought that these villagers would join Han Dong's subordinates immediately.

Who knew that after they thanked him, they dispersed. Each went home to find their lost relatives and other villagers.

They agreed with the explorer that as long as they gathered enough villagers, they would come back. I hope that the explorer or Han Dong's troops will wait for them here.

So, the possibility of orcs chasing and killing them at that time is almost 80%. Purple tasks are really not easy to do.

Xiao Ming thought about it and decided not to wait here. It would be better to find a suitable island nearby as a base.

So Xiao Ming switched to the dead and prepared to move the large warship.

Unexpectedly, the informant was already walking on the water, far away from Pingnan City. In fact, he had entered the map of the abandoned land next door.

The researcher had a fleet recognized by the system that was about to set sail. Such a big thing, the intelligent program cannot make the decision. It must wait until Xiao Ming comes online before making a decision.

The informant was because he had the strategic equipment [Water God Shoes]. No boat is needed, he can walk directly on the water.

So the intelligent program led the troops and walked out directly on the water.

Xiao Ming originally planned to repair a large ship on Monday and then board the ship to set off. However, he had not been online for three days, and the plan was messed up. The intelligent program led the troops to set off.

Xiao Ming had been undecided about which general to send to stay. Now the intelligent program made a direct decision.

The only human general, a box of dates, and 50 pirates were left in Pingnan City. (Because he was originally the one who stayed. The intelligent program just didn't change people.)

If the dead turned back now, it would take at least more than a day to march back to Pingnan City. That would delay things too much.

Xiao Ming thought about it and took the undead troops off the water and landed. Then he took off the water god shoes and put them in Guangmingding.

The intelligent program was left to operate the dead to walk on land and open the map. He switched back to the explorer again.

Han Dong put on the water god shoes and led the large army, the peasant army and the explorer himself to walk on the water.

The water god shoes have been strengthened twice. With it, heroes can not only walk on water, but also stay on the water for a long time. It's so magical.

In order to prevent the possibility of ice forming near the Bohai Sea in winter, Xiao Ming led Han Dongjun to the deep sea and found an unknown island.

Although the island is small, it can barely accommodate one or two villages. Xiao Ming decided to move Xiaoyang Village here.

In fact, at this time, Xiao Ming should use the teleportation function of the statue to teleport the explorer to Pingnan City, and the ship can also be transferred.

However, Xiao Ming wanted the fleet of the researcher to show off in front of these villagers. So he forgot to do it for the time being.

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