Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 377 Researchers set sail

In the port of Xinluo City, among more than a hundred small and medium-sized merchant ships, five large warships stood prominently.

The crew and sailors passing nearby couldn't help but look up at its towering appearance. I imagined how great it would be if I could board this big ship one day.

In the waters of East Asia, large ships are only a thing of legend. Haven't seen it for hundreds of years.

The last time I heard about the existence of large ships was when Zheng He, the great eunuch of Sanbao, went to the West.

To this day, there are probably only a few immortals who can still remember the scene back then.

Xiao Ming only took out these large ships last weekend, and the original plan was to go to sea on Monday.

Not many people would see large battleships like that, and everyone else would just hear about it. This way it won't cause too much trouble.

But he never expected that Xiao Ming would live in the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy for ten years.

Although this did not affect Pangu Xing's time, it had a huge impact on Xiao Ming's emotions. It reminded Xiao Ming of many past events. My heart is racing and it's hard to calm down.

After returning, Xiao Ming spent the first three days with his sister and soothing his own emotions. By the way, I handled some real-life matters.

Anyway, I haven't logged into the game, nor have I entered any secret realm.

When he first lay down in the game room, the nine-tailed fox took the initiative to say hello to him.

Mao Maoer followed Xiao Ming for ten years, ate the Renren Fruit, and evolved into a rather strange existence. This gave the Nine-tailed Fox a lot of fresh data.

In addition, Xiao Ming has become an official member of the League of Legends. Jiuweihu very consciously improved Xiao Ming's treatment and authority.

Xiao Ming also asked Jiuweihu about the Shennong Project, but this matter had nothing to do with the business scope of Jiuweihu. The nine-tailed fox didn't know much more than Xiao Ming, just a few words.

Xiao Ming had no choice but to ask the nine-tailed fox to collect relevant information in this regard. In the past, Nine-Tailed Fox did not pay attention to the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors plan.

If he pays serious attention, this alien technology super brain will definitely be able to get a lot of useful information. Xiao Ming has confidence in him.

Even Mao Mao'er said: "Don't worry, Daddy, Jiuwei's mother will check this matter, and there will be no problem."

Because Xiao Ming has not logged into the game for three days. These five large warships stayed in Xinluo Port for three days.

One can imagine the impact they had. Basically, all the forces in East Asia know about it.

The Li pirates had a squadron of large warships, and there were five of them at once. This can actually destroy the existence of a small country.

In addition to the closed Ming Dynasty, which ignored this matter, the orcs who lived in the interior and made a living by riding and shooting also did not care.

Other countries and forces are paying close attention to the movements of this fleet. Almost everyone was thinking carefully.

If five large warships were sailing on the sea, almost no one would dare to make an idea. Now parked in the port, this is a rare opportunity.

As for how these ships appeared inexplicably in the port, no one went into details. This is a magical world, so it's not surprising at all that something like this happens.

The first person to make a mistake was the king of Xinluo. He is a local snake. If he really decides to rob someone, he has the highest chance of success.

Of course, that's only 50-50. These five large ships are fully equipped and can leave the port at any time. If you fail to catch it, there will be endless troubles.

Therefore, King Xinluo felt that the Li family pirates must have greatly increased their military strength. Unfortunately, I don’t know which party it is supported by.

Putting these big ships in Xinluo Port is obviously a confidence. Possibly even fishing for law enforcement.

Once Xinluo takes action, Li Huamei can send more large warships. By then, even Xinluo might be occupied by her.

In particular, the officials under his command also preached that Ming Dynasty must not be provoked. The indecisive King Xinluo thought again and again, and finally gave up his greed.

Now that you have given up greed, flattering is a must. If something happens to this fleet in Xinluo Port, the Li family pirates will still cause trouble for Xinluo, so why not do it themselves?

So since you are not going to take action, you must protect it. Xinluo greeted the researcher fleet and dispatched specialized troops to isolate the area where the researcher fleet was located from both land and sea. Except for members of the Li family fleet, no one else is allowed to approach.

Lin Shen and other generals and navigators were speechless and convinced that Li Gou had done this.

In addition to the character of King Xinluo, there was also the reason that the Li family pirates had already bribed many officials in Xinluo.

They usually say good things for the Li family, but now when the big ship comes out, who can compete with them. They spared no effort to help.

With the official help of Xinluo, other forces' covetous efforts cannot be implemented for the time being.

Lin Shen also promised verbally that the Li family's second fleet would definitely have good relations with Xinluo and would also provide protection when appropriate.

Naturally, they are just clichés and there is no substantive agreement. Lin Shen does not have this authority.

If this is an adventure map, others can send a small group of elite troops to conduct a sneak attack. If they sneak onto the ship, they will indeed have a chance to capture these large ships.

It's just that on the strategic map, battles have rules. Once the sneak attack starts, it will show the start of war.

Facing the military strength and firepower of five large warships. It is equivalent to a siege war, and these small cities can still be driven away. Small elites simply cannot sneak onto the ship.

The Li family's second fleet finally left Xinluo Port, and everyone in Xinluo, from the king to the soldiers, breathed a sigh of relief. TNND, the pressure is too great.

The researcher stood at the bow, surrounded by three generals: Lin Shen (adjutant), Xingyilang Zuo Bang (charge captain), and Xu Youbi (gunner).

There are also barbecue girls (cooks), Bater (boatswain), and Li Xiaohai (surveyor) accompanying them.

Everyone witnessed the great moment of the second fleet's first voyage.

After leaving the port for a long time, they went to their respective posts.

After reading the system records, the researcher carefully discussed the next itinerary and tasks with Lin Shen.

Xiao Ming now knows the situation of the strategic map, which is probably the situation of the late Ming Dynasty in a magical modification, and the terrain is not much different.

So Xiao Ming decided that the fleet would sail eastward along the coastline, bypass the Liaodong Peninsula, and enter the Bohai Sea area.

Still sailing along the coastline, we should find out the terrain of this area. Because this area is the confrontation line between the orcs and the Ming Dynasty. Xiao Ming is likely to participate in the war in the future.

Another hope is that if we can meet the explorer and Han Dong's team, we can find out the specific location of Han Dong.

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