Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 371 Late Night Test

There was only a thin crescent moon in the night sky, half of which was covered. In the wilderness outside the city, it was pitch dark.

Xiao Ming controlled the skeleton soldiers to move a few hundred meters away from the main road to avoid blocking the road and being discovered.

It was estimated that this was unnecessary, and the roads around were probably controlled long ago.

Xiao Ming left the skeleton soldiers there, but did not intend to command them himself. He let the skeleton soldiers play their own roles.

This kid hid a mile away, found a big rock, and sat on it to watch the show.

Xiao Ming could see the surrounding situation clearly by scanning the map.

Surrounding the skeleton soldiers were 8 low-end D-level reincarnations. Their power systems were different.

They might be planning to test Xiao Ming's ability in all aspects. Now they can only test the skeleton soldiers in all aspects.

Hehe, Xiao Ming still had some fun in the success of the prank.

Expanding to the periphery, there were seven or eight observation points within a radius of half a mile to two miles.

There were only one person at the least and three or five at the most. They were probably observers sent by various forces.

Their observation methods were also different. The closest one was using an infrared telescope. Some others used technological means, and some used supernatural means. There were many more.

There were two aircraft hovering in the air, which looked quite high-tech. They did not make any noise, which was much better than helicopters.

In fact, there were several satellites in the near-Earth orbit observing this place. This level of treatment really made Xiao Ming a little flattered.

There were more than a dozen soldiers in the aircraft with a more plain shape, including Zhao Yongmeng and Meng An.

As for the conversation between them, Xiao Ming was too lazy to listen. In fact, it was mainly because he did not dare to listen. The scan could see people, but he could not hear what they said.

If he used the circle, he should be able to hear it. However, Xiao Ming was not so desperate to use the circle to eavesdrop on an A-level master.

In another rather cool aircraft, it felt like there were representatives from several parties, but Xiao Ming couldn't tell where they came from.

However, Xiao Ming recognized one of them. Isn't this Chang Sun Chong from the Tang Dynasty? How did he appear here?

You can't tell in the game that this guy has reached level B. Has the background of the Tang Dynasty Guild reached this level?

Think about the situation when you met Li Songrui in Underworld. He hired a level D reincarnationist as a bodyguard, and Zhao Yongmeng from the military also took the initiative to help.

At that time, I felt that the background of the Li family was indeed good. So Xiao Ming took the initiative to flatter Li Songrui.

But no matter what, I didn't expect that the Li family was a family that could drive level B reincarnationists. What level of strength does the Li family have?

Xiao Ming felt a headache after thinking about it. Ignore it for the time being. Concentrate on watching the show.

Even Jiang Shizu, who is level S, did not discover his mental scanning ability.

This shows that the Zerg's map scanning skill is quite hidden and basically will not be discovered. Xiao Ming was assured to use it boldly.

The real battle lasted for a long time, but it was quite boring.

Although the combat intelligence of the skeleton soldiers has improved a bit, if Xiao Ming does not control them, they are really not good enough to face the reincarnationists.

The 8 reincarnationists soon found that if a few people used long-range magic to kite, they could completely destroy the group of skeleton soldiers without any damage.

Although these skeleton soldiers have 2 archers, they are not a substantial threat to their own side.

However, they are here to test their combat effectiveness. Although the test object Zhang Xiaoming is not there, these skeleton soldiers are also worth a comprehensive test. So they started close combat.

It was a bit troublesome once they got close. Xiao Ming's undead soldiers are smarter, and they also got the bonus of Xiao Ming's close combat ability.

The skeletons know martial arts, and no one can stop them. These skeleton soldiers are not yet at the level of martial arts, but they still have a certain degree of close combat skills.

These reincarnationists just fought and almost capsized in the gutter. Fortunately, they are all very experienced in combat. After a little chaos, they quickly adjusted and regained the upper hand.

The skeleton soldiers with excellent comprehensive combat effectiveness caused a heated discussion among observers from all sides. Skeleton soldiers are common, but it is the first time to see one that can fight.

"Not bad, not bad, little brother's skeleton soldiers are really unique." A voice suddenly sounded beside Xiao Ming.

Another woman's voice immediately hit back: "Of course, this is a rising star in our League of Legends. The higher-ups are very optimistic about it. Old turtle, don't have any bad ideas."

These two people, one is the local leader of the Loose Cultivator Alliance who I have met before-Turtle Hermit. The other is a woman covered with red gauze, even her face.

When they came quietly, Xiao Ming had already seen it in the scan. But you have to give a little face to the A-level master, right? So Xiao Ming pretended not to see it.

Seeing that the other party was running directly towards him, Xiao Ming also understood that his invisibility was not invincible. At least he didn't fool these two.

At this moment, the other party suddenly spoke, that is, he wanted to communicate. Xiao Ming couldn't help but perform.

The acting career of several years in the Demon Locking Tower finally came in handy. Sometimes life does require some acting skills. Should I consider practicing them in the future?

Xiao Ming was shocked at first, as if he was frightened; then he was quiet for about 10 seconds, as if he had calmed down his fluctuating emotions and was ready to deal with it;

Then he slowly turned his head and saw that the two A-level guys were looking at him with a smile.

Xiao Ming quickly removed his invisible suit, stood up and saluted the two: "Greetings, two seniors. I am sorry to show you my ugliness."

Turtle Hermit nodded in return. The woman waved her hand casually:

"No need to be so polite. Xiao Ming, I heard from the True Ancestor that you are good before, but I didn't quite believe it. Today, it seems that the True Ancestor has a good eye."

Seeing Xiao Ming's confused face, she smiled and said: "The True Ancestor is Jiang Shizu. As for me, you can call me Hongchao."

She pointed at Turtle Hermit and said, "I am on the same level as this old turtle. You are under my control now, so why don't you show your respect to me."

(-*)Xiao Ming was a little confused. Is there anyone who wants a gift right after meeting? This sister Hongchao doesn't treat herself as an outsider.

Turtle Hermit saw Xiao Ming's embarrassment and knew that the boy hadn't figured it out yet. So he secretly pointed to the battlefield.

Xiao Ming finally reacted. It turned out that his skeleton soldiers attracted attention. All parties might want a few samples to study.

Hongchao didn't actually ask for it for herself, she just wanted to do it for her.

After all, Zhang Xiaoming is now protected by the League of Legends, and others can't ask Xiaoming directly for it, they have to go through Hongchao.

However, it's unlikely that he won't give it, and Xiaoming can't grasp the scale and measure, so of course it's most appropriate for Hongchao to take over.

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