Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 369 Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors

"Are you sure? Boss Tan, don't fool your brother." Xiao Ming asked seriously.

Tan Guangwen raised four fingers on his right hand: "I swear, I will never lie to you. I gave you a level 4 confidentiality clearance. It can be found on the government website. Can I go to such great lengths to lie to you?! Right?"

Tan Guangwen understood the distrust of ordinary people towards such things. Therefore, he made a very solemn promise to Xiao Ming.

In Tan Guangwen's impression, Xiao Ming's memory of him still remained in high school. After twenty years of not seeing each other, many feelings have actually faded.

Tan Guangwen had met Xiao Ming's clone in the dispatch fleet of the Yellow Emperor Galaxy. The reactivated memories and feelings fell on Zhang Xiaoming. Although he still thought that the clone was not operated by Xiao Ming himself.

Xiao Ming was really clear about his misunderstanding. So he showed some surprise appropriately.

In fact, Xiao Ming was indeed a little surprised, but he did not doubt its authenticity. Because what Tan Guangwen said was completely in line with Xiao Ming's cognition.

Xiao Ming already knew about the [Yanhuang Rise Plan], and he also heard from the Nine-Tailed Fox and some people in the military that there are other similar plans.

What Tan Guangwen told Xiao Ming was one of the branches, of course Tan Guangwen did not mention the Yanhuang Three Star System.

[Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors Plan] is the universe seeding plan of the New Han Kingdom. The purpose is to spread the life of Pangu Star and the blood of Yanhuang to the entire universe.

Eggs cannot be put in one basket. Life is too precious and should not be confined to Pangu Star.

This plan is divided into many actions of different levels and branches.

The lowest level of action is codenamed [Sparks]. The New Han Kingdom will put the most primitive single-cell life forms, as well as a large amount of basic life materials such as nucleic acids and proteins, inside a small meteorite and randomly launch it into the depths of the universe.

According to Tan Guangwen, the New Han Kingdom launches a meteorite on average every month, spreading the sparks of life. This plan has lasted for hundreds of years.

These meteorites will drift in the universe for a long time, and most of them may not be activated until their own life completely loses its activity.

But I believe there will always be lucky ones who fall into a suitable environment and reproduce the descendants of Pangu Star life.

This may even happen billions of years later. By then, humans may have been extinct.

This blind plan to spread life can only be regarded as a comforting plan. However, the cost is very low, just launching a meteorite.

With the current technological level of the New Han Kingdom, it is too simple. So the New Han Kingdom is doing this in a casual way.

Of course, this matter must also be very careful. There must be no traces of technology and civilization on the meteorite that flies out. It must be like a very ordinary meteorite.

Otherwise, if it is picked up by other alien civilizations, it may attract them. Isn't that courting death? !

[Sparks] Operation sounds like the same as the suicidal behavior of humans in the Martian Alien. In fact, the difference is very large.

The humans in the alien world of Mars designated Mars as their neighbor, and then released a large amount of moss and cockroaches to Mars. The singleness of the species caused the subsequent crisis.

Operation Spark will avoid targets within the solar system, and even avoid targets in neighboring galaxies. Ensure that these meteorites, even if they begin to spread life, will be in a very distant galaxy and a very distant future.

Moreover, what Spark uses is also the most primitive single-cell life, as well as some basic components of life. Mature species such as cockroaches and mosses will not be used specifically.

In addition to the casual action of Spark, there are also some actions that are more targeted.

In fact, the New Han Kingdom now has good space capabilities. It is completely possible to build a "self-sufficient" space station in outer space. This is the basis for colonizing other galaxies.

The reason why self-sufficiency is quoted is that the space station actually needs the energy support of the star, and may also need to use some local materials. It's just that these materials are very common, and ordinary meteorites and asteroids can provide them.

Self-sufficiency means that with the support of these limited materials, a group of fully equipped expedition teams can survive and even reproduce in a star system for a long time. It does not need the support of a Pangu-like planet.

Only when the technology reaches this level, the New Han Kingdom is qualified to carry out the action of colonizing other star systems.

A feasible plan to colonize alien stars requires many rigid conditions. (To explain it in detail is really too wordy. Let me briefly explain it here.)

With the black technology from alien spacecraft as the framework; some non-renewable technology and materials from the reincarnation space as supplements; and with the support of powerful reincarnationists; the New Han Kingdom can indeed have a more reliable plan to colonize other star systems.

Even if the plan fails, the reincarnationist can still hide in the reincarnation space and live until death. Because the reincarnation space does not force the reincarnationist to return to the original world.

As long as the reincarnationist has enough shopping vouchers to buy supplies, he can always survive in the personal space.

This is almost not a problem for formal reincarnationists.

This type of plan has already been implemented or is still in full swing. They will all be named after one of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

Of course, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are just fictitious references. There are many versions of this saying. The plan of the New Han Kingdom will not be just eight.

Anyway, they are all ancient figures, so just use them. There is no need to be serious about choosing which names.

In the conversation between Tan Guangwen and Zhang Xiaoming, it was only briefly mentioned that there are many similar action plans.

But no information that Xiaoming does not need to know was disclosed. Instead, it mainly introduced the plan that Xiaoming's parents participated in - [Shennong Plan].

The destination of the Shennong Plan is Wolf 359. It is a red dwarf star, about 7.7 light years away from Pangu. It is very close.

It is expected to take nearly a hundred years during the journey. It is safer to go slower.

Most members are in cryogenic hibernation during the journey, and a few crew members will take turns to control the colony spacecraft.

There are also a certain number of reincarnations who serve as additional forces to protect the colony spacecraft. There are many advanced reincarnations among them.

And the participants (such as Xiaoming's parents) were not deceived into joining. Instead, they were selected through auditions.

This kind of plan does not need to deceive people, and if you want to join, you need to queue up.

Apart from anything else, the medical insurance alone is very attractive. There is a high-tech medical cabin in the spacecraft, which can even treat many previously incurable diseases.

A lot of people are flocking to it. Even those who are not sick at the moment want to join. So it is normal for Xiao Ming's parents to join.

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