Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 361: Record of Generals

In terms of Nen ability, Xiao Ming's growth is also amazing.

But this thing cannot be said to be obtained by Xiao Ming's efforts, it should be classified as a kind of adventure. Or it can be said to be a stroke of luck.

There are more than 20,000 insect people under the command of the Insect King. Basically, everyone is a Nen ability user. Over the years, they have developed various and strange Nen abilities.

Xiao Ming plans to pick a few of the more fun and interesting ones to learn. He is best at not developing new abilities himself, but simulating other people's Nen abilities.

To put it bluntly, it is plagiarism. It's just that the King of Insects wants to copy the abilities of his subordinates, and no insect will refuse.

Two years ago, the insect man ranked No. 10,000 was born. He is the third personal guard of the Insect King.

Because he is obviously an intellectual type, Xiao Ming named him Zhang Liang, and the name imitated Zhuge Liang.

Zhang Liang always has a book in his hand. This book is his special Nen ability-Insect General Star Record.

The ability of this book is to record the Nen abilities of the insect people that Zhang Liang likes. And it can be used by Zhang Liang.

This ability is awesome! He can use the Nen abilities of all the insect people under his command. He is not inferior to the ability of the leader of the Phantom Troupe.

However, with Xiao Ming's ability, he can't copy or simulate the Nen ability of Zhang Liang, a 7th-level master. He can only give up.

Among the insect people, the personal guards are the most loyal to the king, and they are die-hards.

Zhang Liang feels very honored that the king likes his ability. Zhang Liang is even more heartbroken than the king that the king can't copy his ability.

Xiao Ming himself just feels it's a pity. He has many trump cards and there is no ability that he must get.

But from the perspective of personal guard Zhang Liang, he feels very sorry for the king.

For this reason, he actually took the most extreme way and practiced another one-time Nen ability - [Loyal Devotion].

At the cost of becoming a useless person with no ability, he transferred the ability of [Insect General Star Record] to his king.

He even thought about dying at the cost, so that the ability received by the king would definitely be stronger.

But he carefully analyzed the king's personality. If he really died, Wang would probably never use this ability because of guilt. Wouldn't that be counterproductive?

Zhang Liang was right. Xiao Ming would never use the death of his child to improve his personal ability.

If Zhang Liang really died, it would become Xiao Ming's inner demon. At that time, Xiao Ming would not only never use the General Star Record, but even his original ability would be greatly weakened.

Now Xiao Ming is more likely to accept this approach. Some people may say: hypocrisy, what should Zhang Liang do if he loses his ability?

This is Mars. Losing ability on Mars is not a big deal. There has been no war here for a long time, and it is peaceful and peaceful.

Zhang Liang's behavior has also won the respect of all insect humans. His status is quite high, and the other two guards are all inferior to him.

Even many monsters and intelligent undead admire him very much. Even if Mars falls into war again one day in the future. Zhang Liang's position is unshakable.

The only pity is that Zhang Liang can no longer participate in the first competition on Mars. But he is an intelligent insect man, and he is not interested in one-on-one battles.

Zhang Liang's time is a beginning. There are still some insect men on Mars who can match his loyalty.

In addition to the other two guards, some "old" insect men who have followed Lu Xiaoming for many years can also achieve this loyalty.

They almost followed Zhang Liang's example and dedicated their loyalty.

Fortunately, the ability of the General Star Record is to copy the insect man's mind ability for the king. They don't have to pay such a high price.

And Xiaoming also has the power to choose which insect man to enter the General Star Record. It is still up to Xiaoming to check.

[Insect General Star Record] can copy other people's mind abilities. Such a BUG skill, of course, cannot be without strict restrictions.

The first condition is that the copied can only be the insect man's mind ability. Human, monster, and monster are all not allowed. It must be an insect man.

Secondly, the copied insect man must also be willing to be copied by the king. Then become a general star in the General Star Record.

At the same time, the copied ability cannot be used at will, and must be activated by the insect man's telekinesis.

No matter where the insect man is, he will inject a certain amount of telekinesis into the General Star Record every day because of his loyalty and faith to the king.

Once the insect man dies or is no longer loyal to the king, the source of this telekinesis will also be cut off.

In this case, if the king uses up the stored telekinesis, he will lose this ability permanently.

Don't think that Xiao Ming wants to cheat with source energy. Although source energy can provide a supplement for almost any energy.

But we know that telekinesis is idealistic. You can deceive others, but you can't deceive yourself. So Xiao Ming can't play a marginal ball.

If he plans to use source energy to supplement the insect man's telekinesis in the future, then the [General Star Record] itself will inevitably fail.

In other words, source energy cannot be used to supplement this telekinesis with loyalty and faith. It really is gone once it is used up.

Such strict restrictions do weaken the practicality of the General Star Record. But it also reduces its consumption of Xiao Ming's telekinesis potential.

Otherwise, with Xiao Ming's upper limit of telekinesis, it would be difficult for such a powerful telekinesis ability to stand firm.

The Star Record is divided into two parts: 36 Heavenly Stars and 72 Earthly Stars.

Every insect man who is included will become a star general.

As for whether he will become a Tiangang star or a Disha star, it is not decided by the insect king. It is determined by their loyalty and faith in the king.

There is a significant difference between Tiangang and Disha. Only the truly loyal insects will become Tiangang stars.

They are the kind of insects who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the insect king; even if the king betrays him, he will not betray the king. Therefore, Tiangang stars cannot be deleted.

The ability of Tiangang stars is permanent. Even if the insects around them are dead, this telekinesis will still be replenished to a certain extent every day. (This is called love until death.)

In contrast, Disha stars are more like temporary workers. Not only can insects choose to betray; the insect king also has the power to delete it from the general star record.

Relatively speaking, Tiangang stars are more powerful and lasting; Disha stars are more flexible and changeable. Used together, it is seamless.

The restrictions on Tiangang stars are really strict. There are more than 20,000 bug people. Xiao Ming has collected more than 60 kinds of Nen abilities, and there are less than ten people who can become Tiangang Stars.

The first one is Tiankui Star-Zhang Liang, whose ability is General Star Record. Zhang Zhong's Moon Shooting Arrow is also among them.

In addition, there are various abilities. For the convenience of the author in the future, I will not list them one by one here.

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