Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 355: Mars version of Resident Evil

Since the characters and the reincarnationists left Mars, Mars has suddenly become much quieter. There are also fewer battles.

The strong ones among the cockroaches are nicknamed abbots because of the dots on their foreheads. If there are several dots, they are called abbots with several stars.

In fact, only a part of the abbots appear in the plot, but there are actually quite a few abbots among the cockroaches on Mars.

Many of these abbots died within this month. Most of those killed by the characters were killed by the reincarnationists.

The threat of the cockroaches on Mars to the reincarnationists depends entirely on numbers, and the strongest abbot is only the strength of the 4th level.

The lowest reincarnationists are all C-level, that is, the 5th level. Beating one or two abbots is like playing.

In the end, the abbots were scared, and no abbot took the initiative to run to the reincarnationists to show off.

Except for the dead abbots, almost all the rest went to Earth to expand the territory. Only a few abbots are left on Mars, managing hundreds of millions of cockroaches.

Seeing that the invaders had left, the black warriors thought they could finally live in peace. Who knew that Xiao Ming would come out of retreat soon. The nightmare of the cockroach people began again.

Before, even when fighting against B-level reincarnations, the black warriors could always find the opponent's traces. Know where he is roughly.

But Xiao Ming is different. He put on an invisible uniform and the cockroaches couldn't see him at all.

He was used to using guerrilla tactics, shooting and changing places, and the cockroaches couldn't catch his tail.

The abbots thought of many strategies, but they still couldn't do anything to Xiao Ming. They could only silently endure Xiao Ming's harassment and ravage.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming only killed about 1,800 cockroaches every day. This is not very fatal to the cockroaches, just give birth to more.

The total number of Martian black warriors is over 100 million. It is estimated that it will be difficult for Xiao Ming to kill them all.

Besides, Xiao Ming is actually quite lazy. He comes out to fight guerrillas every day, mostly to change his mood and pass the time.

There is nothing to be unhappy about playing with Xiao Xiaoer. But the shadow clones always bring physical and mental fatigue to Xiao Ming.

So Xiao Ming still needs to relax sometimes. Obviously, killing cockroaches can make Xiao Ming feel good.

Beating children on rainy days is just for fun. Anyway, there is nothing to do, so Xiao Ming beats the cockroaches as a naughty child.

But his damage to the cockroaches has never been serious. The cockroaches finally ignored him.

... You can do whatever you want. If any group of compatriots meet you, they will be unlucky.

Xiao Ming is like the AIDS of the cockroaches. There is no cure, but the lethality is limited.

Until this day, the catastrophe officially came. The later generations of this world call it: Mars Doomsday-Resident Evil-Cockroach Extinction Event.

On this day, T virus and antidote + Red's MO ability + Insect King's fusion ability + Xiao Ming's source energy =? ? ? The answer to this question finally appeared.

Xiao Ming gained the ability of [Mars Virus]. This also indicates that the end of the cockroach people on Mars has entered the countdown.

Yin Xiaoming spent several days non-stop releasing a large number of Mars viruses everywhere on Mars. Then let it spread in the Martian atmosphere.

The Mars virus is different from the T virus. Some people are immune to the T virus. But there are almost no immune to the Mars virus.

Within three months after the virus was released, more than 100 million cockroach people died and turned into zombies again. Hunt down the few cockroach people who are not dead.

After another month, all the black strongmen on Mars have turned into zombies. So Xiaoming has to release antidotes everywhere on Mars non-stop.

Since then, Mars has become a planet full of cockroach corpses. This large number of corpses will become a stepping stone for the vigorous development of insect humans.

The cockroach people are all dead, and Xiaoming does not need to harvest their deaths. What can be done by harvesting the undead soldiers? There are no enemies at all.

These corpses can be regarded as nutrients for insect humans. However, the cockroach people are not completely extinct.

They also left tens of thousands of cockroach egg cases. Protected by the egg sheath, most cockroach eggs survived tenaciously.

This is even better, as the insect humans can raise the black strong as livestock.

Xiao Ming had moved from the Demon Locking Tower to the agricultural system on Mars. Now it can be carried out openly on the surface of Mars.

The agriculture of the insect humans is relatively developed in terms of crop planting, but it is far behind in terms of meat. In the Demon Locking Tower, they relied on raising insects for food. Now they continue to raise insects.

It’s just that they used to raise tiny insects, but now they raise cockroaches that are taller than humans.

Xiao Ming himself can’t eat cockroaches, but the insect humans and monsters don’t mind at all. Monsters can eat them, let alone black strong.

In fact, at this time, Xiao Ming can completely consider coming out of the Demon Locking Tower and returning to the real world.

It’s just that the planet in front of him is too rare, and only such sufficient food can guarantee the development of the insect human population.

Xiao Ming really wants to know what it will look like after the insect humans develop thousands or tens of thousands. With such a rare opportunity, Xiao Ming decided to stick to it...

Finally, it was the 10th year. The number of insect humans had grown to more than 20,000. Green Xiao Ming was vomiting eggs every day until he was exhausted.

He couldn't hold on any longer. Developing to 100,000 people seemed to be an unattainable goal. Xiao Ming had no choice but to give up.

Among the insect humans, when the serial number reaches hundreds or thousands, high-level insect humans will appear. Generally, they are between levels 5 and 6.

Only when the number is 100, 1,000, or 10,000, the personal guards of the Insect King are bred. Each of them is a 7th-level existence like Zhang Zhong.

When the number is 100,000, Xiao Ming is not sure what will be bred. This time, there is probably no chance to know.

After having the second 7th-level personal guard, the general can finally go to battle in person.

There are no monsters in the Demon Locking Tower that can compete with the personal guards. So they surrendered to the insect humans one after another. They "voluntarily" put on the [Penalty Collar].

After Xiao Ming completely pacified the Demon Locking Tower, he began to prepare for leaving.

The monsters, according to their own wishes, some stayed in the community in the Demon Locking Tower, and some came to Mars through Kunlun.

It's just that the world of Mars aliens is a world dominated by technology, and supernatural energy is not very abundant.

The monsters who are willing to come to Mars are generally those who particularly advocate freedom. The monsters who stay in the Demon Locking Tower may care more about power.

The living conditions on Mars are no less than those inside the Demon Locking Tower. With Xiao Ming's alchemy, a prosperous town was built on Mars.

More than 20,000 insect humans, more than 20,000 monsters, and more than 20,000 undead. On the vast Mars, they began to live freely.

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