Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 352: Stop when you have enough

⑥[Witch] (all black uniform and stockings): ability to study supernatural energy.

Strictly speaking, the witch uniform belongs to the fantasy world, not the common professional uniform in modern society.

Xiao Ming originally developed this uniform beast to study the undead army in the game.

During the years trapped in the Xianjian world, he occasionally released it to conduct research and transformation experiments on the undead army under his command.

However, Xiao Ming's focus has always been on the insect human side, so there are not many achievements in the witch uniform, but only accumulated a certain amount of experience.

During this retreat, Xiao Ming expanded the scope of witch research and let it help him study various supernatural energy systems.

⑦[Reporter] (all gray): Share Xiao Ming's vision. Record all the sound and other information that Xiao Ming "sees".

Matching props: camera. Its function is to store, edit, and play various video materials recorded by the reporter.

Originally, Xiao Ming wanted to cancel this uniform. It was developed before because Xiao Ming's mental strength was not enough.

With only his own brain, Xiao Ming could not process so much information in time. Therefore, he needed the help of reporters to record the information first. Then he could replay it and conduct research and analysis when he had time.

During that period, replaying the battle scenes occupied a large proportion of Xiao Ming's daily life.

Now that Xiao Ming's mental power has skyrocketed, this problem no longer exists. Xiao Ming can completely remember the information with his mental power. The reporter has become dispensable.

If it had not found a new meaning of existence, it would probably be cancelled during this retreat.

The new meaning of the reporter's existence is: shooting and playing small movies. Serving the insects and monsters in the Locking Demon Tower.

Since Xiao Ming had a shadow clone. He developed a business in the Locking Demon Tower that copied various cartoons and film and television dramas from Pangu Star.

It was widely welcomed by the insects and monsters. The most important thing is that Xiao Xiaoer likes it. This business has greatly strengthened the cohesion and centripetal force of Xiao Ming's subordinates.

But it also has great side effects, and Xiao Ming can't bear it. After each performance, the feeling would return to Xiao Ming.

Performing once or twice was OK; performing eight or ten times was a bit tiring; after dozens or hundreds of times, Xiao Ming was so bored that he wanted to vomit blood;

Thinking of having to perform hundreds or thousands of times in the future, wouldn't he want to die? ! This was not Xiao Ming's original intention.

If it was cultivation or scientific research, each shadow clone would bring some progress to the original body.

In this case, Xiao Ming could accept the accompanying fatigue. Even accept it happily. There is gain if there is effort.

However, this group of shadow clones who are actors are different. They only bring Xiao Ming a heavy psychological burden. There is a little sense of accomplishment.

If Xiao Ming still has a dream of becoming a star, the acting career in the Locking Demon Tower is a dream come true. Every shadow clone who is an actor is also honing his acting skills for the original body. Xiao Ming will be very pleased to bear that hardship. It can be imagined that Xiao Ming can also quickly hone his acting skills to the level of a movie emperor. It is easy to get a nickname like the Thousand Faces Movie Emperor.

It is a pity that Xiao Ming has no interest in acting. So these shadow clones are just mechanically repeating the same thing. That little bit of pleasure and sense of accomplishment is insignificant.

If this continues, Xiao Ming's collapse is just around the corner. In a hurry, he thought of the uniform reporter, this mind beast that had not seen the light of day for a long time.

He gave it a new prop-camera. Finally, he rescued himself from the dire straits.

This also reminded Xiao Ming. Using multiple shadow clones will inevitably bring burdens to oneself.

Mental and physical fatigue, accumulated, is really not fun. It is still necessary to relax and stop at the right time.

Don't think too highly of your physical and mental qualities. When Xiao Ming first learned multiple shadow clones, he was really a little blindly confident.

Xiao Ming believes that shadow clones must be used in places where they are valuable, and physical and mental fatigue must be exchanged for corresponding benefits.

As for some things that are of no value to oneself, they can be completed with other abilities. Mind ability is one of the options.

In each future film and television work, Xiao Ming only needs to perform once with a shadow clone. The reporter recorded it and played it everywhere.

In fact, Xiao Ming also had an idea that he could develop a full set of mind beasts such as directors, screenwriters, actors, prop masters, and makeup artists. They could produce various works.

However, considering that the number of mind beasts required was too large, his own mind power could not afford it. He quickly gave up this idea.

Xiao Ming himself could not perform, and the film and television works performed by his shadow clones were far from the original.

Classic movies can be interpreted as unsatisfactory works by shadow clones. Fortunately, the insect humans and monsters have never seen the world, so they can watch it.

Besides, they have no choice, just watch it. I have to say that Xiao Ming, the insect king...tsk tsk... is really heartless.

⑧[Game Goddess] (Virtual Light and Shadow): The function is to let people enter the magic planet game. Matching props: virtual helmet.

In real society, it is very common for beautiful stars to promote and endorse games. It’s just that there is no uniform style in this industry.

Xiao Ming simply set the game goddess as a virtual image, which gives a stronger sense of technology.

If the goddess of games is only responsible for logging into the Magic Planet game, it is really a waste of talent. Xiao Ming made a game for the goddess of games.

Since he is not capable of writing large games for the time being. So Xiao Ming made small or medium-sized games.

It can't even be said to be production, in fact, it is just plagiarizing the secret realm of the Magic Planet.

So the insect humans and monsters are blessed again, they will see the 9th art of mankind - games.

Now the small games that the goddess of games can let people play are: Arctic Ice, Finger Attack, Squirrel War, Knights of the Round Table.

These are the secret realm games that Xiao Ming is more familiar with. Others will be added slowly later. You can't make too many games at once, which consumes a lot of mental power.

In the branch of professional uniforms, there are still many projects that can be developed. But Xiao Ming stopped there. Just enough.

He just improved and strengthened the original uniforms. In fact, the newly added professional uniforms are only [school uniforms].

Because this branch is not the focus of Xiao Ming's retreat this time. Xiao Ming's main purpose is to develop more types of combat uniforms.

This allows the skill [Multiple Uniforms Shadow Clone] to be fully utilized.

Special Forces, Police, Agents, and Stealth uniforms are all classified as combat uniforms.

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