Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 349 Interesting time points

Time is a magical thing. Because it gave birth to countless famous sayings, countless great people sang praises for it.

Xiao Ming sometimes immersed himself in this sigh. Especially in the equally magical place of the reincarnation space, time seems particularly interesting.

Xiao Ming has been thinking about one thing all along, why did the Bull King's summons take effect at that time?

He was on his way to the Nuwa Temple at that time. It can be said that he was still in the middle of the mission. The time in the outside world should be relatively static.

The summons should have happened before he entered the Underworld; or after he left the Underworld and entered the Legend of Sword and Fairy; that would be reasonable.

This is not something that can be explained by saying VIP treatment. It has little to do with Xiao Ming's VIP status.

Later, he probably had a guess. After talking with the ninja duo, he felt that his guess had a 61.8% probability of being correct.

The Bull King's summons did not play a role before the mission world. Instead, it was used after Xiang Mo entered the alien world of Mars.

This time point is just after the ninja duo completed the task. Sima Gundam's Transformer should also be in this wave.

Although the reincarnationists generally cannot feel the subtle difference in time, everyone thinks that the task world is a matter of a moment in the outside world.

In fact, the reincarnation space is used to release reincarnationists in batches. Everyone does not enter the reincarnation world at the same time.

When Xiao Ming saw the second wave of reincarnationists in Xianjian 1, he already understood.

So the wave that Xiang Mo entered the reincarnation world was still behind Sima Gundam's wave.

Then Xiang Mo used the summons in his task world and pulled Xiao Ming and others into his task.

Of course, only Xiao Ming had the opportunity to discover this kind of thing. Others were probably still confused. Low-level reincarnationists would definitely not discover it.

I just don't know if a reincarnationist of Jiang Shizu's level would feel it.

And don't forget that Xiao Ming and his team entered the Xianjian world by using the world invitation letter after the regular and hourly reincarnation task was completed.

In the meantime, they also rested in the team space for about two hours. This timeline is actually very vague.

According to the first experience. Xiao Ming thinks that in the team space, time should run normally and be synchronized with the Pangu world.

Logically speaking, only those who use the world invitation letter at the same time as Xiao Ming and his team will enter the same mission world.

If there are only a few people, it is understandable. It's just a coincidence. But now the number of people is too large.

It's impossible that hundreds of people just happened to use the invitation letter 2 hours after the end of the regular mission. It's totally unreasonable.

Moreover, the Bull King's summons can only summon the Chinese reincarnations from Pangu Star. For this, Xiao Ming can only think of three assumptions for the time being:

The first assumption: There are really many Chinese reincarnations, even at this time point, there will be a lot of people gathered.

If this assumption is true, the total number of Chinese reincarnations is probably more than hundreds of millions. This is simply impossible.

Of course, the world touched by the reincarnation space spans countless galaxies in the universe, and it is not surprising that the total number of reincarnations exceeds 10 billion. It's just impossible that there are so many Chinese from Pangu Star.

The second hypothesis: The Bull King's summons is not just to summon the reincarnationists who are on a mission. It also summons those who are unemployed at home. This possibility is not small.

The third hypothesis: The reincarnation space is playing with time again. This hypothesis is more complicated.

The time that seems to be running normally in the team space is actually an illusion. The so-called team space and personal space are just another kind of reincarnation world.

During the time that the reincarnationists stay in the reincarnation space, the outside world has always been relatively static.

It's just that when the reincarnationists are teleported back to the original world, the reincarnation space will delay for a while. The specific delay time depends on how long the reincarnation has stayed in the team space.

Xiao Ming can roughly assume the operating rules of this reincarnation space, but he doesn't understand why at all.

Why do you want to do something that seems meaningless. Is it just because the reincarnation space or Qianxing Tower can do such a casual playing with time?

But then again, if we talk about meaning, there are many problems.

What is the meaning of the existence of the reincarnation space? Why do we need to give abilities to reincarnators by completing tasks?

How does the space want to arrange the reincarnators with abilities? Why not give them abilities directly and not ask them to do tasks at all?

... If we keep asking these questions, they will become philosophical questions.

Maybe there are answers to these questions, but that is definitely not something that Zhang Xiaoming is qualified to conclude now.

Xiaoming, who found that his thoughts had gone astray, shook his head vigorously and threw away all these philosophical questions.

Don't think about those things. The real problem that Zhang Xiaoming should be concerned about is that the types of subdued mind beasts are seriously insufficient.

ο(=ω<=)ρ This is a major event that affects combat effectiveness. It must be treated with caution. In fact, it is the outbreak of the soul of otaku.

Yin Xiaoming and the two ninjas parted ways and returned to the underground military camp.

The military operations on Mars were completely stopped; because Zhang Zhong was in the Locking Demon Tower, the strength of the insect humans was also superior, so the military operations here could continue.

The two Xiao Mings were in seclusion at the same time, devoting themselves to the research of the uniform series...

There is no year in the mountains, and the cold ends without knowing the year. When Xiao Ming came out of seclusion, he didn't know how many days would pass.

He scanned the map, listened to the reports of his subordinates, and talked with his real clone. Xiao Ming roughly understood the situation.

The one-month mission time of the Bull King's summons had long ended. The reincarnationists had all left the mission world.

It was a bit regretful and a bit relieved. Xiao Ming actually wanted to meet Xin Shui again. It would be nice to get close to a beautiful woman.

Senior Jiang Shizu, Xiao Ming also wants to meet and chat again. I can ask you about some things in the reincarnation space and the League of Legends.

Xiao Ming missed not only the reincarnationists. He also missed all the plots of the Martian aliens.

At this time, the Earth's exploration of Mars had ended, and all the surviving team members had returned to Earth.

At the same time, a part of the Martian cockroaches, led by several leaders, boarded the human spacecraft and marched into the Earth.

After that, it will be the cockroach people and the earthlings who will fight for the hegemony of the earth. Mars has completely belonged to Hei Qiang. (It actually belonged to him originally.)

If I say I have no regrets, that would be a lie. But Xiao Ming has always been easy-going about these things.

Besides, for the dream of being an otaku, it is worth missing out on anything.

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