Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 337 Long time no see

In the original Martian Alien, Eva's rebirth took a whole week, and she was not interrupted by the cockroaches. Otherwise, it would be difficult for her to complete her rebirth.

Such an important battlefield, such a fierce battle, even other plot character teams in the distance felt it.

The Martian cockroaches did not send follow-up troops to check the situation. I don't know if this is a plot bug, or the black strongmen are really not smart enough.

But today, before Eva started to rebirth, Xiao Ming came to take advantage. Her rebirth is almost doomed to fail.

As for Eva and Adolf's abilities, when will Xiao Ming discover them, this is unpredictable. It is even possible that they will never be discovered.

Later, the actual situation proved this point. Xiao Ming did not find that there were too few body tissues left in Eva and Adolf.

A certain insect man passed by and saw it, and thought it was not worth carrying, so he absorbed it directly. He did not have the fusion ability of the insect king, but was absorbed by him as nutrition. Such a good material was wasted.

Xiao Ming never knew what he missed.

He was originally in the closest position and rushed here at the first time, but he missed the best spoils. This is a very ironic thing.

If it weren't for the ecstasy and excitement of getting the fire source fragment, Xiao Ming should have intervened in the battle in time after sending Qu Dapao away, and he would not have missed the opportunity.

A blessing in disguise, the wisdom of the ancients is indeed true.

It will be a long time later when a reincarnation talks about the alien world on Mars that Xiao Ming will sigh for it.

And at that time, Xiao Ming didn't care about this ability at all.

"It turns out that it's the senior who has arrived. Long time no see." Xiao Ming bowed in one direction and greeted with a fist.

As soon as he finished speaking, a tall figure stood in front of Xiao Ming, and there was an 8 or 9-year-old boy sitting on the man's shoulder.

The person who came was Jiang Shizu, the head of the League of Legends (the largest organization of reincarnations) in the New Han Kingdom. He was still wearing the white suit with a scarf.

After this meeting, Xiao Ming found that Jiang Shizu's hands often made movements that simulated playing the piano, and he didn't know why.

Time went back ten minutes ago, and Jiang Shizu suddenly appeared in Xiao Ming's scanning "field of vision". And he seemed to have no idea of ​​the Zerg's map scanning skills.

He seemed to be strolling leisurely, but in fact he was running at lightning speed. Carrying a child, he was still approaching Xiao Ming at a very fast speed.

The color he showed in the Zerg scan was black, which was much darker than Zhang Zhong's color. It means that Jiang Shizu's strength is one level higher than Zhang Zhong.

How high is it? Xiao Ming, the current classmate, is completely unable to evaluate it.

Because Jiang Shizu was discovered in advance, Xiao Ming got the most important reaction time. He quickly stuffed all the Zerg people and most of the undead soldiers back to the underground military camp.

Only Xiao Hong's Hundred Ghosts and thousands of Level 2 Skeleton Soldiers harvested from the death of the Cockroach People were left. This is probably easier to explain.

Although he could hide himself first and let his soldiers face Jiang Shizu. But it would be too cowardly to do so.

Without the presence of the master, these undead soldiers might not be safe. Besides, he might not be able to successfully hide in front of Jiang Shizu. It would be better to face him directly.

So Xiao Ming made preparations and waited for Jiang Shizu's arrival. At this time, Jiang Shizu had entered the range of Xiao Ming's circle, and he obviously felt Xiao Ming's circle.

"Just be polite. You said it's been a long time since we last met, but it's only been a week since we last met. Long time?" Jiang Shizu was casual.

Xiao Ming also smiled. He had been in the world of Fairy Sword for almost 5 years. For him, it was indeed a long time since we last met. For a moment, he forgot that time outside was still.

He had to scratch his head and change the subject: "Haha, it feels like a long time. By the way, who is this?" Xiao Ming gestured to ask the identity of the little boy.

"Oh, him," Jiang Shizu looked down at the little boy, "I'll decide whether to tell you about his affairs later. Let's talk about business first."

What else is business? Xiao Ming thought he wanted to ask what happened here just now, so he quickly worded it in his mind.

Only to hear the zombie ask: "This is only your second mission, and you are still a temporary reincarnation anyway. Why are you also summoned?"

As he said this, he simulated playing the piano with both hands. As if he thought of something, he looked at the undead around him.

Xiao Ming also seemed to understand something, and said respectfully: "Please teach me, senior."

After that, he cast a small-scale death harvest on the remaining cockroach corpses on the ground.

The magic of death harvest is classified as a special life skill in the Magic Planet game.

Originally, it was a high-end magic that only talented necromancers who had been immersed in the field of undead magic for many years could master.

Xiao Ming, who has source energy, automatically received bonuses in various fields of the magic planet.

So he learned this special magic on the day he got the role of the necromancer, the dead. Since then, death harvest has become one of Xiao Ming's signature skills.

Death Harvest is actually a high-level comprehensive form of various undead summoning. And it is the relatively best choice.

Xiao Ming only learned one type of undead summoning, which is to summon skeleton soldiers. To use this magic, you only need bones and the breath of death. Other magic is more complicated.

In the future, corpses will be used to summon zombies; to summon ghosts, corpses that have just died will be needed; if you want to summon more advanced soldiers, the materials will be even more difficult to find.

To summon the undead, a target is set in advance, and then the appropriate materials are selected to cast magic. Use magic power and the breath of death to transform the materials into the desired undead soldiers.

The corpses used generally have residual breath of death. If the breath in the corpse is not enough to cope with the transformation, the caster must use his own breath of death to supplement it.

If there is too much breath of death remaining in the corpse, the caster cannot get it, and it will only dissipate into the surrounding environment.

This inevitably causes a lot of trouble for the necromancers, and there is a lot of waste. Therefore, the death harvest appeared.

The magic of death harvest itself can distinguish the actual situation. For weaker corpses, they are harvested into bones and death breath;

Stronger corpses are directly transformed into suitable undead soldiers. The caster will not be required to provide the breath of death.

Over the past few years, Xiao Ming has performed Death Harvest thousands of times, and now he is very familiar with this special magic.

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