Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 333 MO Surgery

"Fuck, awesome!" The insect king Green Xiaoming, who had just sucked some flesh and blood, sighed sincerely.

Half an hour ago, Silver Xiaoming saw a small-scale conflict between cockroach people and humans on the surface of Mars.

But the human side drove vehicles and all wore white combat uniforms. These people are not reincarnations, but plot characters.

They fought against dozens of cockroach people and easily won. They left the cockroach corpses all over the ground and walked away. Xiaoming went over to pick up the bargain.

Most of these people used Chinese martial arts. Several of them also showed superpowers, which can change part of their bodies into other species. At the same time, it also showed that they do have certain abilities of the species.

Is this bloodline? Or a monster? It doesn't look like it. Before they transform, some of them need to inject themselves with drugs. It seems to be the power of technology.

And everyone's supernatural energy doesn't seem to be particularly strong. The combat power of the flesh is not bad, but it is only between level 2 and 3.

However, two of them were obviously very capable and did not show their full abilities.

Almost all the human team members were injured, leaving some blood at the scene, and some of them had a few pieces of flesh and skin knocked off.

After sucking these flesh and blood, the genetic information obtained by the insect king was actually quite limited. But don't forget that Green Xiaoming has the ability to understand human memory by sucking blood.

Combining these human memories, plus the previous memories from cockroach people, Xiaoming probably also sorted out the whole story of this world.

However, the intelligence of cockroach people is too low, and their memories are very vague. So Xiaoming's intelligence collection on cockroach people is still relatively one-sided.

To put it simply, in the middle of the 21st century, humans on Earth put algae and cockroaches on Mars. They hope to transform Mars and make it suitable for human habitation.

500 years later, Mars had problems. After several investigations, it was found that the cockroaches evolved into cockroach people. Mars is already someone else's territory.

However, humans have also developed methods that can allow human bodies to have the special abilities of insects and even other animals. That is, BUGS surgery and MO surgery.

After that, the Earth sent out this expedition team, which was jointly organized by major countries in the world and consisted of 100 people who had undergone surgery. They were divided into six classes.

Xiao Ming saw this team, which was the fourth Huaxia team. Through blood sucking, Xiao Ming understood the attitude towards Huaxia in the original works of this world.

Combined with the history of the Earth world in the book "Far Island Strange Man", Xiao Ming came to a conclusion.

The original author of the Martian alien has problems with his three views. In particular, the smearing of Huaxia is very serious, describing Huaxia as a big villain. This makes Xiao Ming a little unhappy.

Of course, this kind of thing is inevitable on Pangu Star. The Huaxia countries on Pangu Star are very strong, and other countries are suppressed very badly.

Therefore, in various works circulated underground in other countries, the smearing of Huaxia is even more serious.

Huaxia naturally regards these situations as their spiritual victory method. It's just boring YY, not worth paying attention to.

As a native of Pangu Star, Xiao Ming naturally has this confidence. It's okay to be unhappy for a while. Now it's more important to see what you have gained.

Xiao Ming already knows the principle and mechanism of MO surgery very well. Compared with Zerg and Zerg-human, MO surgery can be said to be quite crude and has great side effects. Those who have undergone the surgery are basically exchanging their lives for abilities.

It is not very useful for reference. However, if this surgery is used to transform ordinary people, its effect will be very obvious.

A few successful works are also beneficial to Zerg-human. For example, Xi Chunli's stealth ability. It can help Xiao Ming design the stealth uniform more perfect.

Squad leader Liu Yiwu's blue-ringed octopus is also okay. The gene pool of the Zerg King does lack this kind of gene reserve.

The one who had a certain impact on Xiao Ming was Bao Zhilan. His MO ability is chordate type-soft pot crabapple.

I won't go into details. Anyway, as long as this guy has enough energy, materials and light, he can keep replicating his own clones.

After a comprehensive analysis of this ability, Xiao Ming found that it is only very useful at low levels, and it is too bad after high levels.

First of all, compared with the shadow clones in ninjutsu, the memory of the dead individual cannot be transmitted back to the main body, and cannot increase the experience of the main body. So the clones of Bakuzhilan are nothing more than soldiers.

Although Xiao Ming does not know how to use shadow clones yet, he has some knowledge in this area.

As for the types of soldiers, Xiao Ming has a lot of options: undead, mind beasts, puppets, insect humans... Xiao Ming has more useful types of soldiers.

Consuming the same energy and materials, Xiao Ming has many ways to make more outstanding and more fearless soldiers.

The only useful feature of Bakuzhilan's clones for Xiao Ming is that the clones are real bodies, not much different from the original. They can be used to pass off as real.

The clones made with other abilities such as ninjutsu are easily recognized by reincarnations. But this kind of clone is difficult to identify.

Therefore, although it is a bit useless, Lu Xiaoming still merged this ability into himself.

Lu Xiaoming's body is the insect king, so it is not difficult to merge this genotype ability.

What's more, he has mastered the knowledge about MO surgery. His fusion is much more perfect than that of the humans in this world.

And he also discovered a very strange phenomenon. Although the clone is made from the body of the Insect King, the soul is doubled, and all the necessary information is in the brain.

Therefore, Lu Xiaoming can not only split a clone with the same appearance as the Insect King; he can also split a clone with the same appearance as Zhang Xiaoming's original body (i.e. Yin Xiaoming).

Therefore, Yin Xiaoming does not need to undergo MO surgery. The key is that Xiaoming is not willing to make any changes to his original body.

Why is the appearance emphasized here? Because this clone only has the same appearance as himself. He has his own self-awareness, and his personality will be slightly different from the original body.

And in terms of strength, it also depends on how much energy Xiaoming is willing to consume to make a new body.

With Lu Xiaoming's ability, he can only make a 3rd-level intermediate body at most, and cannot give the clone higher physical attributes.

As for spiritual attributes, it cannot be given, it all depends on the clone's natural luck.

The Insect King can obviously produce 4th-level, 5th-level, and even super-high-level insects like Zhang Zhong, so why can't he give his clones stronger power?

This is because the production of insects relies on the inheritance of the Zerg, Chimera Ants, Aliens and other races.

The production of clones depends entirely on Xiao Ming's own ability and a little primitive instinct of chordates. It is already a fluke that he can produce a 3rd-level intermediate body.

This paragraph will not be put in the main text to increase the word count. Let's introduce it to everyone in the author's words.

Bao Zhilan is a character in the comic "Mars Alien" and its adapted animation. Due to the characteristics of M.O, it can split into multiple self-conscious selves, and the reproduction time can be shortened through machinery, and each individual can coexist with simple memory. The mother and child bodies connected to each other are cut off artificially.

His M.O ability:

① The so-called "chordate" is a creature with an organ called the notochord that has the same function as the spine, which is much closer to humans than insects. It even has a brain, heart and digestive organs.

② Soft sea squirts are called "colony-shaped sea squirts." They perform a kind of asexual reproduction called "budding." Keeping part of the body connected to the mother, the brain and internal organs continue to grow. What's more, it coexists with algae in the body and can even perform photosynthesis.

③ Every time the explosive arsenic "buds", it consumes a lot of energy, materials and light. When reproducing, the budding speed is fastest when humans or human corpses are used as materials.

④ Of course, it is impossible to create an individual stronger than the "original explosive arsenic", and the consciousness is not exactly the same, so it is difficult to say that it can be "rejuvenated." In fact, there have been experimenters who have successfully undergone this operation before, but they all failed to work due to mental breakdown, and it seems that the original personality of the explosion is "adapted" to this characteristic.

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