Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 327: Shenmu Forest

With the skills of Zhao Linger, Lin Yueru and Li Xiaoyao, how could ordinary monsters be their opponents?

When Li Xiaoyao's Heavenly Sword came out, almost no monster could stop him. For the experience of fighting, Lin Yueru asked Li Xiaoyao not to use the Heavenly Sword at will, and she rarely used her own tricks.

However, it was their choice to hold back, and the monsters who fought with them had to go all out. For this reason, the three of them suffered minor injuries from time to time, and also tempered their martial arts.

A dozen days ago, in a battle with a monster, Zhao Linger was injured again. This time Zhao Linger's luck was very bad - in fact, it was intentional by the space.

Although Linger's injury was not serious, it disturbed the fetal qi. Yes, Zhao Linger was pregnant again. After this shock, Linger fell seriously ill in a few days.

Xiaoyao and Yueru hurriedly took Linger back to Xianling Island, and at the same time invited famous doctors from all over the country to treat her.

Li Xiaoyao also flew to Baihe Village on a flying sword and invited Han Yixian and his daughter to Xianling Island. But still no one could cure her.

The doctors explained that Zhao Linger (a descendant of Nuwa) had a special physique. They (the doctors in the mortal world) could not solve this problem.

So Li Xiaoyao's cheap master appeared again and invited the Saint Aunt.

The Saint Aunt did have a way to cure Zhao Linger, but she needed phoenix eggshells and unicorn horns as medicinal materials. This medicine is enough for becoming an immortal.

At the same time, the Saint Aunt also pointed the direction to Xiao Li. Otherwise, how would Li Xiaoyao know where these two things would be.

This plot is naturally arranged by the reincarnation space. Because there are suitable reincarnations who need to do tasks.

"Sixth brother, this time my master sent us a helper, who is said to be a Yanshi. The master said that he will wait for us outside the Shenmu Forest."

Is that so? After listening to Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru's story. Xiao Ming probably also knew that this was a means for the space to issue tasks. That Yanshi is most likely a reincarnationist.

But what kind of job is a Yanshi? Xiao Ming is a modern man after all, and he doesn't quite understand many ancient terms.

The three of them were flying very fast on their swords. When they were about to reach the Shenmu Forest, Xiao Ming finally found the so-called Yanshi.

This horse is clearly a high-tech mecha! Are all the Yanshi in ancient times so awesome?

In ancient times, Yanshi was a puppeteer who manipulated mechanical puppets, but ordinary puppets were not big, at most they were about the same size as humans. And most of them were made of wood.

The puppet in front of him was made of all metal and was five meters tall. The Yanshi was probably sitting inside it, right?

Xiao Ming and the other three looked at each other. Lin and Li felt that just by looking at this puppet, they knew that this Yanshi must be very powerful. But Xiao Ming observed something even more shocking.

There was no Yanshi at all, nor was it a mecha driven by humans. This robot was the reincarnationist itself.

Everyone on Earth in the parallel world knows that this is a Transformer. Although Xiao Ming has never seen it and cannot recognize it at first glance, he can still make a rough analysis.

First, through Yuan and Ning's observation, there is no human in this robot at all. Xiao Ming has no contact with the robot, and his telekinesis cannot distinguish what level it is.

Secondly, the Zerg scan also recognizes that this is an independent individual. The color is blue.

Blue means that Xiao Ming can deal with it. The problem is that the result of the scan says that two Xiao Mings can beat this robot together.

But Green Xiao Ming is not here. Silver Xiao Ming is still the weaker of the two. Can he really deal with it easily?

Silver Xiao Ming is not sure, but he has another trump card and does not regard this robot as a threat.

The robot clasped his fists and saluted, "Dear Taoist friends, I am Sima Gaoda of Yanshi, and I have been ordered to assist the three of you in getting medicine. Please rest assured that I will definitely do my best and go through fire and water without hesitation."

The three of them hurriedly bowed their hands in return to thank him and said a few polite words. Xiao Ming was still complaining in his heart: You are obviously a robot, and you gave yourself a Chinese name. You are quite clever.

Xiao Ming thought Sima Gundam was an alien mechanical life. He was very happy that he finally saw an alien reincarnation in the reincarnation space. But he didn't know that he had completely misunderstood.

Although Sima Gundam was a pseudonym, he was indeed from Pangu Star. He just underwent transformation in the reincarnation space and turned himself into a Transformer.

This form cannot be seen on Pangu Star. It can be seen that Sima Gundam is determined. He really loves Transformers.

Time is running out, and the four of them exchanged a few words. Under the leadership of Xiao Ming, they flew directly to the Phoenix Nest. The three of them flew on swords, and Sima Gundam transformed into an airplane and followed closely.

Shenmu Forest is a very annoying maze. In the original book, Li Xiaoyao can't fly on a sword, and can only climb between trees with his hands and legs. It took a lot of effort and time.

At this time, things became very simple. The four people flew over. The aircraft form of Sima Gundam is quite eye-catching. I have occasionally seen immortals flying with swords, but this is the first time that a jet fighter has appeared in this world.

After careful observation, Xiao Ming found that such a large all-metal robot was actually powered by electricity. Rich people, they spend a lot of money on electricity every day.

Sima Gundam himself is also very depressed.

(ノへ`、) Blue and thin mushroom. Transformers should be driven by pure energy blocks, but energy blocks are too damn expensive. Sima Gundam can't afford it at all, and using electricity is also a helpless move.

If a few people crawl in the middle of the woods, many wild beasts and monsters in the Shenmu Forest will dare to come and cause trouble. But they dare not mess with the monks who can fly with swords.

The most frightening one is Sima Gaoda, whose huge and ferocious body persuaded all the monsters and beasts to retreat. In nature, the bigger the guy, the scarier he is.

It only took ten minutes for the four of them to reach the Phoenix Nest at the top of the Shenmu Forest.

Sister Phoenix is ​​not at home for the time being, and there is no trace of her within a few kilometers. But the Phoenix Nest is not empty.

A birdman with fiery red wings, with dozens of flying monsters, is waiting in full battle.

Although the monsters dare not stop Xiao Ming and others, they are still quick to tip off. The flying monsters under the Phoenix seat came to protect them.

The time is too short and the number of monsters is still small. Wait a little longer, and there will be more monsters gathering.

The birdman waved the spear in his hand and shouted: "Who dares to spy on the Phoenix's nest? Get out of here quickly, or I will show you no mercy!"

He was good at pretending, but Xiao Ming saw through him. This is a C-level reincarnation. I don't know what race he is, maybe an alien.

His body power is indeed much stronger than Yin Xiao Ming, so he can be used to test Xiao Ming's trump card.

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