Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 324 Thunder Spirit Pearl

Because Xiao Ming can directly create an environment with abundant spiritual energy. Therefore, Yin Xiao Ming and Lu Xiao Ming's cultivation in Taoism has made great progress and now they have reached the late stage of foundation building.

And because of the Thunder Spirit Pearl, the attributes of the two Xiao Mings have soared.

Yin Xiao Ming's physical attributes have reached the intermediate level of level 3. The spiritual attributes have also grown to the primary level of level 6.

The attributes of the insect king have not changed much. It is still the intermediate level of level 4 physical attributes and the intermediate level of level 6 spiritual attributes. But they are already very close to the advanced level.

This Thunder Spirit Pearl was given to Li Xiaoyao by his master Jiu Jianxian before he entered the Demon Locking Tower. But it has never been used.

On the way to rescue Zhao Linger, the insect humans basically pushed through. Later, the three of them lived and lived in the Demon Locking Tower thanks to the care of the insect king.

In order to express his gratitude, Li Xiaoyao generously gave the Thunder Spirit Pearl to the insect king.

Kunlun is a small world that Xiao Ming opened up in the depths of his soul with the Earth Spirit Pearl. When the Thunder Spirit Pearl of the same origin was placed in Kunlun, it was immediately absorbed by Kunlun.

And it achieved the effect of 1+1\u003e2. After 2 years of cultivation, Kunlun did not grow to 1 cubic meter.

After absorbing the Thunder Spirit Pearl, it instantly expanded to about 3 cubic meters. At the same time, the daily growth rate is also much higher.

Kunlun's strength has made Xiao Ming's two bodies much stronger. Various energies have also made progress.

Seeing that the Thunder Spirit Pearl has such a miraculous effect, Xiao Ming almost thought about collecting the remaining few spirit beads. But later he thought about it and gave up.

He didn't want to provoke the cultivators of this world again. The holder of the Earth Spirit Pearl was originally the Red Ghost King, who was already a guy that Xiao Ming couldn't deal with at all.

Being able to snatch the Earth Spirit Pearl from him was completely the right time, right place, and right people, all in place, which created this miracle.

The right time is that the Red Ghost King has just obtained the Earth Spirit Pearl and cannot exert its effect; otherwise, the Red Ghost King can use the Earth Spirit Pearl to escape at any time.

The right place is that the General's Tomb is just right for Xiao Ming's undead magic to work; only then can it harvest tens of thousands of undead soldiers and completely change the balance of power.

And the right people means that the Ghost General just resonates with the Zerg's spiritual power. That's why he surrendered to Xiao Ming. Otherwise, he would always escape if he practiced with the Red Ghost King.

Because the right time, right place and right people are all together, Xiao Ming was lucky enough to get the Earth Spirit Pearl. This kind of thing can only happen once and not again.

According to Li Xiaoyao, the Thunder Spirit Pearl was controlled by a powerful spider monster, and Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru almost died in front of it.

It was all thanks to his cheap master Jiu Jianxian who killed the monster and they escaped.

The difficulty of obtaining the spirit pearl can be imagined. Xiao Ming will not take such a dangerous thing.

In fact, he is not afraid of dying once or twice, because there is a resurrection stone. I am afraid that Yin Xiaoming will also be imprisoned by some master or divine beast.

Then Xiaoming will really have no hope. On one side is the tiger's mouth, and on the other side is the wolf's den. This life will be explained in this world.

So it doesn't matter if Green Xiaoming occasionally commits suicide once or twice, but Yin Xiaoming must not waste it.

Therefore, Xiaoming didn't even dare to go back to Wulao Peak again. There are true gods in the world of Saint Seiya. If he is imprisoned for thousands of years, he will be completely dead.

In the past three years, Xiaoming has practiced the Shushan sword technique to the level of the sky sword, and he can already fly with the sword.

Moreover, Xiaoming's spiritual power is quite abundant and his endurance is super strong. Li Xiaoyao can't even match one tenth of Xiaoming in this regard.

In the integration of various supernatural energies, Xiaoming has made a major breakthrough.

When the number of insect humans increases, Xiaoming feels the feedback of the insect humans' spiritual power to the insect king. The more insect humans there are, the stronger the insect king's spiritual power is.

It's just that the 6th-level intermediate spiritual power of the Insect King is too strong now, so this growth is not particularly eye-catching.

All the insects regard the Insect King as a god-like existence. Dedicating their faith to Green Xiaoming is very close to the principle of Saint Seiya.

So, combining telekinesis, microcosm, and spiritual power, led by the Insect King, all the insects created a joint telekinesis ability - the Insect Cloth.

All insects can obtain their own Insect Cloth by dedicating their faith to the Insect King. The Insect King himself also has his own Insect Cloth.

The Insect Cloth can enhance the attack and defense attributes of the Insect Man, and the strength of the Cloth depends on the strength of the Insect Man and the power of the Insect King. The strength of the Insect King's Cloth depends on all the Insect Man.

For the time being, the Insect Man population is not large, only more than 200. So the Insect King's Cloth is not very strong. Therefore, the Insect Man's Cloth is not particularly strong.

But as long as the number of Insects continues to grow. The Insect Cloth will surely shine.

In fact, at this time, Green Xiaoming has unknowingly embarked on the path of faith to become a god. This path has great advantages, but also has great hidden dangers.

At this stage, Xiao Ming is still in the process of exploration. He has only strengthened the attributes of attack and defense by a few percent, and the real advantages and disadvantages have not yet been reflected.

In addition, Xiao Ming has added a special agent uniform to the [Uniform Mind Beast Clone] series, which combines telekinesis and ninjutsu.

On Pangu Star, movies and TV series about spies and agents are endless and very popular. Xiao Ming, a otaku, also likes them very much.

Especially female agents, who are usually charming and eye-catching. Therefore, Xiao Ming developed the special agent uniform clone.

The special agent clone does not have the strong firearm ability of the special forces. The main ability is close combat, and has special skills such as computers and driving.

Xiao Ming gave the Quick Cut Fruit to the Agent Uniform. So one of the agents can turn his right arm into a sharp blade at will, and his work ability will be more outstanding.

As you can imagine, agents are supposed to blend in with the crowd and disguise themselves as ordinary people. It is generally not suitable to carry too many weapons, which is easy to be exposed. Besides, there are many places where weapons are not allowed.

So the advantages of the Quick Cut Agent can be fully utilized. He has no weapons on his body, but he can immediately start to cut people when needed.

Another Imitation Fruit was also fed to the Agent Uniform. So there is one more agent who can imitate other people's appearance.

Xiao Ming considered this aspect from the beginning when setting up the Agent Uniform clone. So Xiao Ming's Agent clone has the ability to partially adjust his height, weight, and fatness.

With the Imitation Fruit, this agent can impersonate most people. Of course, he can't impersonate fingerprints. In some occasions, the Imitation Agent will surely play an irreplaceable role.

At least after returning to Pangu Star, he can replace himself and appear in the surveillance of all parties.

In addition, the Smoke Fruit was fed to the Special Forces Uniform by Xiao Ming. A special soldier whose head can suddenly turn into smoke can probably scare people.

Only the light-floating fruit is left, which Xiao Ming has not used. Xiao Ming plans to sell this magic weight-loss drug for a good price.

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