Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 322 Baiyue is dead, burn paper if you have any problem

The sky is clear and the waves are rippling. On an unknown island, Yin Xiaoming lives here. He just practices meditation every day.

It has been three years since Li Xiaoyao entered the Demon Locking Tower. In the past three years, Xiaoming's huge mental power has completely calmed down, and he has made great progress in all aspects.

When he was at the bottom of the Demon Locking Tower, the second apprentice sister Lin Yueru, the third apprentice sister Zhao Linger and his brother-in-law Li Xiaoyao reunited.

They made a lifelong vow to never leave each other, and the three of them would eat and play until they were old. With their personalities, they could probably live well together.

At this time, the monster Shu Zhongxian, who Li Xiaoyao had conquered on the road, suggested that it would be best to escape from the Demon Locking Tower.

They are now at the bottom of the Demon Locking Tower. This is almost like an island built on a pond full of demon-transforming water. There is another world under the demon-transforming pool.

There is a seven-star dragon column that supports and suppresses the entire Demon Locking Tower.

As long as the Seven-Star Dragon Pillar is broken, the Locking Demon Tower will collapse. Li Xiaoyao and his companions can leave, and the demons trapped in the tower will see the light of day again.

Just when Li Xiaoyao and his companions were fooled by the immortal in the book and were about to do this, the King of Hell finally appeared.

Originally, he should have appeared when Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru rescued Zhao Linger. Then he was killed by the three protagonists according to the script.

However, because there was a strong and unreasonable Zhang Zhong on his side, the King of Hell did not dare to stop him. This time he did not come out to fight.

He just came to remind Li Xiaoyao and his companions that if the Locking Demon Tower was destroyed, hundreds of thousands of demons in the tower would flee. At that time, there would be a lot of suffering.

I am afraid that in the short term, hundreds of thousands of people will die at the hands of these monsters; in the long run, millions of deaths are not enough.

The King of Hell asked a very important question: "Do you three want millions of innocent people to die for your own freedom? How can you feel at ease?"

Yes! Li Xiaoyao and others immediately found that they seemed to be fooled by the immortal in the book. There is a reason why these monsters are locked in the Locking Demon Tower.

Most of the monsters here are either evil or abnormal because they have been trapped for a long time. If they are released, the world will be in chaos.

Although Zhao Linger is still concerned about the safety of Nanzhao, she is worried that the Moon Worshiper will hurt her father, the Witch King.

But things always have priorities, and the total population of Nanzhao is less than one million. To save one's father, sacrifice the lives of millions of innocent people.

If it were a very selfish person, he might do it. But Zhao Linger is a descendant of Nuwa, so gentle and kind, Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru are not the kind of lawless people.

So the three gave up the idea of ​​leaving the Locking Demon Tower, and they couldn't let the world be in chaos because of themselves.

During this process, the insect king Lu Xiaoming did not speak, just to see how these three people would choose. Seeing that the three people had made up their minds, Xiaoming was also very relieved.

Compared with these three people, Xiaoming is actually much more selfish. At the beginning, he hoped to use the power of the plot characters to rescue himself from the Locking Demon Tower, and he didn't care how many monsters escaped together.

It was not until he used the Earth Spirit Pearl to build Kunlun and confirmed that he could easily leave the Locking Demon Tower that Xiaoming really thought about this matter rationally.

With a way out, he was not in a hurry to retreat. How good is the Locking Demon Tower, which is very suitable for the development of the insect human race.

Where can I find so many high-quality foods in the outside world. Xiaoming decided to at least eat up the evil monsters in the Locking Demon Tower before leaving.

At the same time, he can also use this time to adjust his own energy network. Strive to reach a few more levels.

In fact, Xiaoming can now send these three people out of the Locking Demon Tower, but there seems to be a will that hopes he will not let them go. At least delay for a while.

Xiao Ming did not dare to think deeply about the source of this mysterious feeling. Was it his own inner demon; or the will of the Sword Saint; or even the will of God?

Thinking about it carefully, Xiao Ming felt that it was better for him to be obedient. Therefore, Li Xiaoyao and others lived in the Demon Locking Tower for a year and a half before they were allowed to leave.

During this time, Yin Xiaoming did not dare to go around. He left Wulao Peak and returned to the vicinity of Linjiabao, continued to practice, and did some scientific research part-time.

And he kept Lin's mother informed of the news of her daughter and son-in-law.

Lu Xiaoming held a large Western-style wedding for Li Xiaoyao, Lin Yueru, and Zhao Linger in the Demon Locking Tower. Two women share one husband, and they are two top beauties. Li Xiaoyao is really a winner in life!

Originally, Zhao Linger and Li Xiaoyao had already held a wedding. It was just that it was done in a hurry at the time, and there were not so many new things.

How could Xiao Ming favor one over the other, so he also made up for her this time. It became a wedding for three people.

Then the three of them began to subdue demons and monsters in the Demon Locking Tower, and also helped the Insect King to gain territory.

Deep down, the three of them probably hoped to eliminate all the evil monsters, and then they might be able to destroy the Demon Locking Tower.

With the addition of these three fierce generals, Lu Xiaoming's expansion speed in the Demon Locking Tower was significantly accelerated. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and Zhao Linger's child was about to be born.

With a baby about to be born, not only did Linger need to recuperate, but Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru's murderous aura also disappeared. They stopped fighting, hoping to accumulate more blessings for the fetus.

Later, even Lu Xiaoming stopped the pace of insect human expansion. A few months later, Zhao Linger gave birth to a little girl.

Now everyone had no interest in fighting, and they just took care of this cute little guy all day.

Soon, Yin Xiaoming learned from Lin's mother that the Moon Worshiper had died.

This is what happened. During the time when Li Xiaoyao and others were trapped in the Demon Locking Tower, the Moon Worshiper had killed the Witch King and gained actual control of Nanzhao.

Soon after, the Moon Worshiper resurrected the Water Demon Beast and wanted to use the power of the Water Demon Beast to attack the Central Plains.

If he didn't invade the Central Plains, the Sword Saint couldn't do anything to him. After all, the Sword Saint couldn't enforce the law across borders for other countries' affairs.

But after the Moon Worshiper invaded the Central Plains, the nature of the matter changed. The Sword Saint could deal with him openly.

So the Sword Saint called on the masters and disciples of the major sects in the Central Plains to attack the Moon Worshiper together.

The Moon Worshiper's strength was originally lower than that of the Sword Saint. And the Water Demon Beast is a monster beast, and the major masters work together, and with the help of the demon water, it is almost effortless to deal with him.

They don't have to sacrifice their lives like Zhao Linger in the original story. The descendants of Nuwa are not used in this way.

In this battle, the Moon Worshiper and the Water Monster died, and the Moon Worshiper was also wiped out.

As the leader of the Southern Martial Arts, Lin Tiannan also took several disciples to participate in the battle. After returning, he told his mother what happened in his dream.

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