Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 313 Zhang Zhong

Time passed unknowingly for more than a month, and the third wave of reincarnations finally triggered the plot.

There is a Jade Buddha Temple in the northwest of Baihe Village. The abbot of the temple has some skills. But what he did is a bit unreliable. He converted many hunters and woodcutters in Baihe Village into monks.

These people have families with them. If they become monks, how can the elderly, wives, and children at home live?

The early task of the reincarnations is to build up goodwill with the villagers, and then they can collect these information.

When there is enough information, these things will be summarized here by the protagonist. On behalf of the whole village, the village chief Han Yixian asked Li Xiaoyao and others to go to the Jade Buddha Temple to find out.

Xiao Ming didn't know how many reincarnations followed this time. Because he is now in seclusion and busy with his own affairs.

Although Xiao Ming promised Lin's mother to take care of Lin Yueru. But his own escape is obviously more important. Xiao Ming feels that he has found a direction and can give it a try.

So a few days ago, Xiao Ming had already left Baihe Village under the pretext of being summoned by his master. If it weren't for secretly learning the Ten Thousand Swords Technique, he would have left a few days earlier.

Yin Xiao Ming actually went to the general's tomb for retreat. In his experiment, it was quite difficult to use source energy to open up a space like Guangmingding.

The created space must be able to withstand the space blockade of the Demon Locking Tower. That is not a matter of the nature of the ability of mind. His two small trees of source energy are obviously not enough.

Moreover, he does not know the skills of creating space, so he can only do it by force. So Xiao Ming's little source energy seems to be stretched in the face of such a large-scale scientific research project.

At this time, Xiao Ming got the Earth Spirit Pearl. Although he didn't know what this thing was called and what its origin was. But Xiao Ming still felt the vast energy contained in it.

The mystery of the Earth Spirit Pearl in Xiao Ming's heart is no less than that of the Demon Locking Tower. If it is used as a basis to create space, perhaps there will be no fear of the Demon Locking Tower's blockade of space.

Xiao Ming thought this conjecture was worth a try, but he needed absolute concentration, so Silver Xiao Ming hid in the General's Tomb for retreat; Green Xiao Ming also stopped the expansion of the insect human in the Locking Demon Tower.

The three housekeeper clones were no longer maintained, and Xiao Ming concentrated on studying how to use the Earth Spirit Pearl to open up new space.

During this period, in the Locking Demon Tower, Green Xiao Ming's insect human population was also developing healthily.

First, Xiao Ming, Xiao Lu and some insect people established an agricultural system in the nest. Xiao Ming can make sunlight, soil, water and fertilizer. The insect human soon started farming.

Then, Xiao Ming developed animal husbandry for the insect human. It is difficult to raise large livestock or poultry. So Xiao Ming's animal husbandry is mainly raising insects.

Can raising insects be considered animal husbandry? The monsters caught in the Locking Demon Tower cannot even bring in an egg. It is difficult for Xiao Ming to get livestock or poultry cubs.

However, they always bring in various insects and eggs, and monsters often die in the Locking Demon Tower, so insects can reproduce in the tower.

As for what kind of insects Green Xiaoming raises, we won’t go into details. I’m afraid it will disgust everyone. Anyway, Green Xiaoming himself doesn’t eat them. Anyway, insects are not picky eaters.

And Xiaoming finally found a weapon to deal with monsters - the water of demon transformation. This is the best weapon to restrict monsters in the Locking Demon Tower.

The water of demon transformation is fatal to monsters, but harmless to humans. What about the insect humans of Green Xiaoming’s clan? 50-50. There is some damage, but it will not be fatal.

Xiaoming used alchemy to make a water gun made of special materials, which is specially used to shoot the water of demon transformation. A water replenishment device was built.

So far, the insect humans have energy weapons in their left hands and water guns in their right hands. They move in groups and are invincible in the upper floors of the Locking Demon Tower.

The structure of the Locking Demon Tower is quite special. Generally, you go up from the bottom to the top of a tower, but you go down from the top to the bottom of the Demon Locking Tower. The distribution of monsters is also stronger the further you go down.

So the insect humans only occupy a large part of the top floor and a small part of the negative first floor for the time being, and the negative second floor has just been explored.

However, Xiao Ming still didn't have the courage to go to the forbidden area that could shoot sword energy.

As the number of insect humans increased, Xiao Ming gradually figured out some rules for random spawning.

At the beginning, Xiao Ming could only breed insect humans from level 1 to 4. And there were very few level 4 insect humans.

The largest number was level 2 and level 3 insect humans, which were normal insect humans. They can be called insect soldiers.

Whenever the number of normal insect humans reached an integer of 10, a level 4 insect human might be produced, which Xiao Ming called an insect lieutenant.

But occasionally there were exceptions, and a level 1 defective insect human might be produced to replace the insect lieutenant.

So far, the insect human population has developed to 1. Outside of Guangmingding, the rest are in the Demon Locking Tower. Among them, there are 7 fourth-level insect lieutenants and 2 first-level cripples.

But at this time, Xiao Ming felt something strange. The No. 100 that was being nurtured should be a tough one.

Because this egg has been constantly asking for energy from the insect king, but there has been no sign of formation.

This is because the monsters in the Locking Demon Tower can be eaten with high-level flesh and sufficient nutrition. Green Xiao Ming was able to lay eggs at full capacity.

If it were in the outside world, it is estimated that No. 30 would not have been born yet. Where can you find a place with such rich "nutrition"!

When Yin Xiao Ming planned to retreat, Green Xiao Ming decided to give birth to No. 100 first.

Mobilized all of Green Xiaoming's energy, and even most of Silver Xiaoming's energy. Continued replenishment for two days. The egg was successfully born (vomited).

Xiaoming prayed secretly: No.100 must live up to himself, these energy sources are not a joke.

In the world of The Matrix, Xiaoming's death harvested an entire city, but it did not consume Xiaoming's dual energy at that time. Xiaoming's energy is much stronger now than it was then.

However, this egg actually consumed almost all of Xiaoming's current dual energy, and also consumed Xiaoming's energy that he had automatically recovered in the past two days, and then it took shape.

If this still gave birth to a waste, it would be too sorry for Xiaoming. Of course, the result would not be like this.

When No.100 was hatched, it was indeed earth-shaking, and the powerful breath shocked the entire level of the Locking Demon Tower. Only Green Xiaoming, the insect king, was immune.

This insect man had extremely powerful telekinesis when he was born, his eyes were like eagles, his back had wings, and he also had a bow.

Somehow, Xiao Ming knew that this was one of his most loyal personal guards. He was also a bowman.

Xiao Ming no longer called him No.100, but named him Zhang Zhong.

The name was taken from Huang Zhong, one of the Five Tiger Generals of Shu during the Three Kingdoms period, but he just took his surname.

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