Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 295 Boss Renewal

Main quest 3 was actually completed by Li Songrui and Liu Xiaojing together. The other reincarnationists had no idea that these two girls would get the big prize.

Of course, the clue was given to them by Xiao Ming. It was meaningless for Xiao Ming to complete this quest, as he could not actually receive any quests.

Of course, this reward had to be given to his sister. By the way, he also planned to let Brother Wen and Datang Li Yuanji benefit from it.

But this time Zhang Wen took the initiative to give it up. This would make the little Lolita feel like she had taken advantage. Because she and Xiao Jinger would both get about half of the quest reward.

If they only got 1/3, then this favor would not seem to be big enough. This was the little boss trying to figure out the second-generation ancestor's mind.

He really guessed it right. The little Lolita was really a little princess who only cared about face. As for that little reward, she didn't care.

Zhang Wen was able to give it up generously because, as the fat guardian of the leader, he also had a mine at home, so he didn't care.

Being able to practice for an hour in the rich spiritual energy of Guangmingding is much more useful than some ordinary rewards.

The spiritual energy concentration of Guangmingding decreased a little during the two days when Green Xiaoming transformed the Zerg, after all, everyone was using it, and Silver Xiaoming was reluctant to waste energy to replenish it.

After the birth of the Zerg King, Xiaoming's various supernatural energies surged. After his telekinesis stabilized a little, Guangmingding also became much larger, so the spiritual energy concentration suddenly decreased several times.

In recent days, because Xiaoming's silver network and green network have become more stable, Xiaoming has begun to replenish spiritual energy in Guangmingding.

At the same time, Xiaoming, Xiaojing, and Zhang Wen's daily cultivation of the three people has returned to normal. They have to come for two or three hours every day.

When Xiaoming's energy was unstable, he did not dare to let everyone take the risk of entering Guangmingding to practice. Don't be afraid of accidents, just be afraid of one.

At that time, Xiaoming was worried that if he didn't hold on, his telekinesis collapsed, causing Guangmingding to collapse, that would be troublesome.

Although the probability of this happening is not high, there is no need to take this risk for two or three days of practice.

As for how the younger sister and the little lolita completed the task, Xiao Ming did not look carefully. Basically, the two of them took Serena to look through various materials.

Because Serena's strength has improved, some of her memories have become clearer, and she also has doubts in her heart.

The final hammer proved that according to Xiao Ming's hint, several vampires who knew the truth were found. Under coercion and inducement, they told the truth of the year.

At that time, Serena wanted to seek revenge on Victor. But she was worried about implicating the reincarnations. Mainly afraid of implicating the two little sisters.

Xiao Jing'er certainly knew that Victor had returned to nature, and she and the little lolita instigated Serena to secretly kill him while Victor was still sleeping.

If Victor was still alive, according to the setting of the space, there must be a big battle here. But Brother Wei is dead, and there is something to burn paper. The battle is unnecessary.

When Serena carefully opened the coffin, she found that there was only a small handful of ash in the coffin.

Serena began to believe that Victor was dead. It's not that she can tell that the little dust came from Victor. She's not that capable yet.

But she understands Victor's desire for power and his emphasis on his own safety. Victor couldn't leave secretly, that wouldn't fit his character.

Although death is not the only explanation, it is the most likely one. But without solid evidence, Selena still can't let it go.

Seeing that the task has not been completed, Xiao Jing'er finally took out her trump card. Tell Selena that it was the leader who killed Victor.

For this reason, Selena came to Xiao Ming specifically to verify. Xiao Ming took out all the mummies that were made at the beginning, including the beautiful vampire Erica. In addition, there are other vampires that the reincarnationists caught before but have not killed.

Xiao Ming, who has stored enough blood, no longer needs them, so he simply returns them to the vampire clan.

These vampires are the vampires that disappeared at the beginning, which means that the leader did come to the vampire mansion. And the place that was invaded at that time was Victor's residence.

If she still doesn't believe it, Xiao Ming told her that he had killed Marcus. When the coffin was opened, it was empty.

Selina finally believed that the leader had killed Victor. Mainline Mission 3 was officially completed.

Fortunately, Selina had lost her loyalty to the vampires, otherwise she should have killed the guy who killed the two leaders of the vampires.

Now, haha.

After the mission was completed, most of the reincarnations left the reincarnation world directly.

The ones who stayed in the Legend of the Night were Xiao Ming, Yijian Guanghan Zhao Jiuzhou and Tianxia Weigong. Only the three of them used the mission card to renew.

Kraken must have a mission card in his hand, but maybe because he didn't like this world very much. So he didn't renew it. The mission card is not free.

Xiao Ming's purpose of renewal is very simple. In the reincarnation world, the time of the outside world is stopped. He can use this time to continue to stabilize the energy network in his body.

After stabilizing 80% or 90%, he will return to normal games and life. Especially for the life of the Zerg, stable strength is still needed.

Originally, Zhang Xiaoming didn't dare to stay. Because he knew that Marcus still had a father alive. He could be found at any time.

So Lu Xiaoming stayed away from the main force and actively prepared for war.

But later, it was not Alexander who came, but the mercenaries. They drove a new helicopter. The dog owner is really rich.

They came to inform Green Xiaoming. Although Marcus died in his hands, Alexander would not trouble him.

Alexander has always been very clear about the harm his two sons have done to the world. He just couldn't bear to deal with his own children.

Now his children died in the hands of the enemy, which is acceptable.

And in the old man's heart, he thinks that this is something that will happen sooner or later. Marcus is too tyrannical and has long been guilty of crimes.

As long as the old father doesn't have to do it himself, he will be thankful.

Xiaoming judged through Ning and Yuan that the mercenaries should not lie. There is not even any hesitation. It can be seen that the news is still reliable.

In this way, he can finally renew the subscription with confidence. Use 1 E-level task card to renew. Extend the time of another task. ——5 days of vacation, not bad.

Unfortunately, things did not go as planned, and Zhao Jiuzhou and Tianxia Weigong soon came over.

Their next task is to face Emilia's test. They think Xiaoming's task should also be. So they came to discuss with him.

Emilia, the only remaining leader of the vampires, is about to return. She will then test the abilities of the reincarnators. Whether they are really qualified to be friends with the vampires.

This battle is just a test. Xiao Ming and the others just need to prove their strength. It is not necessary to win.

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