Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 290 Battle Upgrade

"Huh? Hum~oh...tsk tsk" A series of meaningless sounds came out from Zhang Wen's mouth in the co-pilot seat.

Selina, who was driving, Xiao Ming in the back seat, and the two beautiful girls all looked at him sideways. What's wrong with this guy.

The little loli was the most direct, kicking the back of Brother Wen's chair, "Fatty, stop whining, everyone knows you are a pig, no need to emphasize."

"No," Zhang Wen paused for a moment, then explained, "I think... I seemed to have come here before. It's just that the time was too short and I didn't pay attention."

The little loli didn't think so: "If you have been here, then what's the fuss. Boring."

Xiao Ming and his sister looked at each other meaningfully. They had already guessed it.

The fat man said he had come here, not yesterday, but on Pangu Star, when he was playing games, he entered a similar secret realm. It was just discovered just now.

"Brother Protector, do you remember what important things happened when you came here last time?" After receiving the eye signal from his sister, Xiao Ming asked.

"Oh, nothing happened, and he left after staying for a few hours." The fat man said cryptically.

In the reincarnation space, it is very dangerous to talk too much. The fat man had to control his impulse to talk nonsense and try to be concise.

Xiaoming and his sister understood as soon as they heard it. Zhang Wen must have been here, but he died soon after. So he didn't have much information to provide.

That's why he hummed and groaned, otherwise he would have a legitimate reason to talk. It seems that it's a problem caused by holding back.

The reincarnationists can't provide any useful information, so we still have to ask from the natives.

Green Xiaoming, who is still away from everyone, sucked a little blood from several living vampire mummies in Guangmingding and read their memories.

He sorted out a relatively complete understanding of the vampire clan. It turns out that there is another leader of the vampires, a female vampire-Emilia. She is the owner of the empty coffin.

Soon she will return to the vampire mansion and prepare to sleep, and at the same time she will wake up another leader, Marcus, to lead the vampire clan in her place.

Xiao Ming also discovered from the memories of these vampires that there are actually undercurrents within the vampire clan. The current temporary leader, Kraven, is actually a traitor.

It's not that he betrayed the vampire clan. He just made a secret alliance with Lucien, the leader of the werewolves, and wanted to kill the three leaders of the vampires. Replace them himself.

This brain-dead guy, if the three leaders of the vampires are dead, what power does he have to ensure that the werewolves will not exterminate the vampire clan.

There are so many people like this.

Those who are ambitious and strong enough are heroes or heroes. Those who have ambitions but are completely incomparable in strength are just high-minded and low-skilled.

Guys like Kraven, who don't consider improving their own strength and only want to rely on conspiracy and trickery to get things done, are just scoundrels. They are not good enough to do things, but they are more likely to cause trouble.

The vampire guarding the important place where the coffins were stored was considered to be Kraven's confidant. The female vampire Erica also liked Kraven very much.

From their memories, Xiao Ming basically knew all of Kraven's plots. Speaking of which, killing Victor and Marcus was also a great help to Kraven.

Suddenly, Xiao Ming's circle noticed something strange. The density of werewolves around was increasing, and a large net was gradually forming, surrounding his convoy.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming's circle was large enough. If he was suddenly attacked, it would be troublesome. His group of people might be wiped out.

He glanced at Kraken and Zhao Jiuzhou in the car in front of him in the circle. Xiao Ming still couldn't see through their disguise, nor could he tell their combat power level.

Well, with himself and these two mysterious masters, they probably wouldn't be wiped out.

"Stop!" Xiao Ming immediately said to Selina in an imperative tone, "If there is a situation, notify everyone to stop!"

Selina has extremely rich combat experience. The order was immediately issued and the brakes were stepped on.

"Master, what happened?" Selina asked, and the eyes of several people in the car were also focused on Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming quickly explained the situation: "We are exposed. Hundreds of werewolves are surrounding us from all directions about one kilometer away. They will arrive soon."

What he thought in his heart was that it was not only werewolves, but also some vampires who were surrounding us. They did not fight when they met the werewolves. It was obvious that they were in the same group.

These vampires were probably Kraven's subordinates. It seemed that Kraven and Selina were not very harmonious, but it was not appropriate to talk about this now.

"There!" Xiao Ming pointed to a tall office building with 70 or 80 floors on the side of the road and said: "We hide there to defend and call for reinforcements immediately."

Selina saw that the building seemed to be a dead place, but when she thought of the master's undead magic, she instantly understood Xiao Ming's idea.

At the same time, she was also convinced that the master was definitely not playing tricks on her, but really believed that there were werewolves surrounding her and was making arrangements to deal with it.

The strongest person had arranged this, so Selina naturally obeyed. Following her order, the group quickly abandoned the vehicle and rushed into the office building with all the weapons.

On the way, some vampires naturally expressed their confusion. How could they react so strongly just because of a word from an outsider? Don't they want to investigate?

This statement also resonated with many death walkers. Selina seemed to trust that human too much. Although he was very strong, he might not be in the same group with the vampires.

Selena's senses were very sharp. She could feel that this group of reincarnations had no ill will towards her. More importantly, she was the only one who could see the nearly 100 ghosts flying in the sky.

These ghosts alone could instantly wipe out this team of death walkers. The leader simply didn't bother to deceive them. There was no need. But this matter was not easy to explain.

While she was hesitating, Xiao Ming made a prompt decision and pulled out the traitor that Kraven had sent to Selena's team.

Xiao Ming's body was only a level 2 senior, and he was not strong enough to suppress the traitor. The one who really suppressed the traitor was Xiao Hong, a level 3 senior.

Anyway, most of the people present couldn't see Xiao Hong, so Xiao Ming was happy to take advantage of the situation.

Vampires are a race with a long lifespan. Unexpectedly, the longer they live, the more afraid they are of death. The elves in the game are also immortal, but they value honor the most and are not afraid of death.

Compared with the two, vampires are really low. Under violent coercion, the traitor told everything he knew about Kraven.

The plot is so detailed and the details are so rich that other Death Walkers can't help but believe it. Even Selina just found out that Kraven has so many tricks.

This is the result of the limited knowledge of this traitor. If they knew that Kraven wanted to kill the three leaders and replace them, who knows what their reaction would be!

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