Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 28 Sheltered Area

If you want to do your work well, you must first sharpen your tools. Space exploration robots are something Xiao Ming must know now.

Seeing that it is not a humanoid robot like a mecha, Xiao Ming said with a little regret.

There are various types of exploration robots, adapted to different environments. They will use a rugby-shaped machine about 1 meter long this time, a bit like a submarine. Generally called a probe.

The probe is loaded with a variety of detection equipment, recording equipment, 8 small ion thrusters, a certain amount of fuel, four retractable mechanical arms, and sample storage devices for various volumes.

The periphery of the machine is covered up to make it look like an ordinary stone. It is also equipped with a device for collecting and using solar energy and gas fuel. The operation method is relatively simple.

After transmitting his consciousness to the Chiyou galaxy, Xiao Ming found that he was operating more than one probe. The main brain Jiuweihu allocated him eight probes, which were remotely controlled by multiple threads.

The group controlled by Xiao Ming is still on the periphery of the sheltered zone, orbiting the star Chiyou.

It is said that the feint attack has begun, but it is a pity that it is completely invisible. Xiao Ming really wants to see the space battle.

Other detectors can't see anything either, the space is too vast, 20,000 detectors are scattered in different areas, and the average distance between each other is millions of kilometers.

The detector can't see anything here, the brown fog in the shelter area blocks the entire view in front.

On the other side is the endless starry sky. The stars that can be seen are just small dots of light.

Xiao Ming silently feels the magic of the world around him and his own power. It's as if he has become this detector, a very strange feeling.

The strangest thing is that he feels like he can use superpowers. This is not scientific, his original body is in the game cabin in his bedroom on Pangu Star.

Consciousness can be synchronized with the quantum communication device of the Chiyou Galaxy military in real time through quantum communication, and then remotely control the detector with electromagnetic signals.

The so-called transmission of consciousness is just a figurative statement, and consciousness should still be in the original body. What the hell is it that superpowers can be used here? !

In the Yellow Emperor Galaxy, it can be considered that the replica has its own genes. But here there is only metal.

Could it be that the carrier of superpowers is actually one's own consciousness? And his consciousness is really attached to the detector? Is it a dream? Is it true or not?

Time passed by minute by minute in Xiao Ming's wild thoughts. In a blink of an eye, the order to set off was transmitted to the detector.

Xiao Ming put away his thoughts and put aside the things he couldn't figure out. He started the ion thrusters and the detector turned to the sheltered area.

The brown fog was getting closer and clearer. After the detector was immersed in the fog, the optical field of view was only about a few meters. After turning on the infrared, the field of view was much wider. Still nothing was seen.

After flying deep for a while, Xiao Ming felt that he was unexpectedly suitable for this way of consciousness operation.

It was much smoother than the other methods used by the main body. The eight detectors were lined up in a row, flying like a long snake in the fog.

The action itself had no goal, and many people came to try their luck. Xiao Ming controlled the team and still headed towards the center of gravity, that is, the star Chiyou. Nothing could be seen around.

Gradually, Xiao Ming felt that the connection of consciousness was getting weaker and weaker. Could it be that this fog has the ability to interfere with and block electromagnetic waves?

By the way, it seemed that when the operation started, it was reminded not to go too deep. I was too nervous and didn't pay attention.

At this time, it is natural to rely on superpowers. Xiao Ming activated his superpowers on a detector in the middle of the team to strengthen and transform it.

The communicator was transformed into a matching quantum communicator, which is about the same shape and size as a glass ball. In this way, Xiao Ming's remote control no longer needs to be transferred by the military command.

Various detection equipment has also been greatly enhanced, and Xiao Ming has consumed a lot of mental energy for this. The result is also very gratifying.

"In front of me" can be said to be suddenly clear, and the surroundings seem to be as clear as the surface of the planet Pangu. The fog is no longer an obstacle to him.

——Xiao Ming is no longer going to delve into the scientific principles in the middle. I guess he can't figure it out even if his brain explodes.

Finally, I can "see" clearly. There seem to be countless light spots in the distance. These should be asteroids of various sizes.

At this level of quantity, I am afraid that the inner star system has not yet formed an orthodox planet that has cleared its orbit. I don't know if there are dwarf planets.

The nearest one is a rock the size of a three-story building several dozen kilometers away. Xiao Ming decided to go and take a look.

Soon, eight probes landed on various parts of the rock, collecting and analyzing various rock samples.

This matter is too professional, so Xiao Ming can't help much. It should be handed over to the probe computer program. At this time, Maomaoer's voice sounded:

"Brother Ming, I'm here."

"Maomaoer!" Xiao Ming was surprised, and immediately thought that it might be because he used his superpowers to strengthen the communicator.

In any case, Maomaoer's help is great. "It's great that you're here. I'll leave it to you."

"Understood, Brother Ming. You can go back."

"Huh?" Xiao Ming was startled. Did something go wrong in the game?

"The research work here will not be completed in a short time. Now the Zerg's cover is ineffective for our detection robot, and the field of vision is open.

The probe can stop here and make detailed observations of Chiyou's inner star system before deciding the next target."

"Yes, I haven't thought of it yet? Maomaoer is still smart."

"Before you leave, please use your energy on the robot arm of this detector. Let them bear heavier engineering work.

And the efficiency of our energy collection device has been greatly improved, which can support the detection robot to do more difficult work."

You have become a spirit, right? Xiao Ming complained silently in his heart. After strengthening the robot arm, his consciousness returned to the game cabin.

Let's go to the bottom of the sea to have a look.

Xiao Ming logged in as a diver and came to the limestone town under the sea.

Xiao Saner has figured out the map. The intelligent program will not accept the daily tasks of the profession, and he may not be able to complete the mandatory tasks.

So he went to the blacksmith shop to do ordinary tasks related to the weapons of the sea clan. Purchase materials, deliver goods to the training ground, etc.

Now it is almost the fourth task to be completed. Xiao Ming took the opportunity to deliver the task. Ask the fishman blacksmith for information.

The blacksmiths on the seabed are very different from those on the surface. It is almost impossible to ignite the seabed, so the sea clan mainly relies on submarine volcanoes to smelt metals.

Undersea volcanoes are difficult to control. The sea clan can only use magic to send the ore to the crater to melt, and then bring the solution out.

It is roughly separated in the process of coming out, and is cooled by sea water at the same time, and has become a rough embryo when it is held in the hand.

This metal rough embryo has many impurities. At this time, weapons can be made using the sea clan forging technique, and the finished product will be rougher.

According to legend, the sea clan also occupies some islands on the sea surface, and some of the sea clan can survive on the surface for a period of time.

The island becomes the place where the sea clan forges advanced weapons. For the time being, divers cannot reach such a high level.

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