Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 276 Skeleton Army Specialization

Han Dong has been fighting all over the place these days, and his adventure level has risen to level 10, and his follower Qiu Santong is the same.

In addition, Han Dong's strategic level has risen to level 13, with 2 points of strategic attack and 1 point of strategic defense. He has learned a new professional talent, primary attack.

His action limit and command limit have both increased. The number of troops has also increased. He has recruited many farmers and added some soldiers. The overall development is okay.

After the explorer asked Qiu Santong about his wishes, he used the [Golden Statue of the God of Light] to transfer Qiu Santong to a level 0 archer general, directly under Han Dong's subordinates.

It's really a good friend. Qiu Santong can be a hero, but he is willing to be a general under Han Dong. It's really touching.

Because the explorer has the racial talent of "recruiting ascetics", when he and Han Dong joined forces, many of Han Dong's soldiers directly became ascetics.

There are also a large number of farmers in the friendly army who directly became ascetics. And took the initiative to join Han Dong's team.

Humans and ascetics are compatible, and both believe in the people of the God of Light.

Especially these farmers who lost their homes and were rescued by ascetics, they are more compatible with the ascetics.

Originally these people were poor people, and after becoming ascetics, their bodies are much stronger than before.

Seeing the changes after others became ascetics, more farmers also took the initiative to transform into ascetics. The number is close to half.

It took Xiao Ming a lot of effort to upgrade the inheritance equipment for these people. It is not good without upgrading, and they rely on their long-range shooting ability.

These people unloaded a lot of bows and crossbows, and Xiao Ming asked Han Dong to carry them with the army. They will be used in the future when recruiting new soldiers.

After this operation, Han Dong's combat effectiveness has become much stronger. Unfortunately, Xiao Ming has never seen the seaside he expected.

It is absolutely unrealistic to deal with the continuous attacks of orcs on land. Even the terrain of Turtleback Mountain City cannot be defended against powerful orcs.

So the only solution Xiao Ming could think of was to go out to sea. With the barrier of the sea water and the advantage of his own ships, there was hope of holding on.

Xiao Ming had not read the part of the late Ming Dynasty in the book "The Strange Man on the Far Island". Therefore, he did not know that someone had already done this in a parallel universe.

Mao Wenlong, the Left General of the Ming Dynasty and the General of the Ping Liao Army, led his troops to stay on the island and ensured his own safety.

He would cross the sea to the territory of the Qing Dynasty every now and then, fight guerrilla warfare, take advantage, and make the Qing Dynasty very annoyed.

Although Xiao Ming did not know this person yet, he would know in the future.

Even if he still did not read the part of the late Ming Dynasty, the strategic map itself was a magically modified situation of the Ming Dynasty, and there was also an NPC named Mao Wenlong here.

Since they were all making a living on the sea, they would meet sooner or later in the future. It was just unknown whether they would be enemies or friends when they met.

The deceased had finally completed the project of digging the river. There is a wide river from Pingnan City that leads directly to the lake on the edge of the map.

I hope there is something else outside the lake. The diver's subordinate Lao Xiedai has set off with 4 medium-sized warships, 4 generals, and more than 700 undead pirates.

They will go to the lake first, and then explore farther. There are abandoned places around here, it's too poor.

The diver's instructions to Lao Xiedai are to try to find the sea.

In inland waters such as rivers and lakes, these pirates can't really show their true strength. The sea is the destination of pirates.

In the past few days, the dead have also "harvested" the other twenty or so large warships. The Lao Xiedai undead pirate army has been expanded to more than 700.

And now that he has money, Xiao Ming did not hesitate to use the [Skeleton Army Specialization Scroll] on Pingnan City, spending 50,000 gold coins.

The most obvious change in the city is, wow, there are so many skeletons! There are suddenly many more skeleton NPCs in the city. The number of other undead races decreased slightly.

The most reduced was the vampire race, which had followed the Linmu family for a long time; (not as a military unit, but as an NPC.)

The rest saw that the nature of the entire city had changed, so why bother staying there? It was just right to go to the Linmu family. So Xiao Ming helped the Linmu family invisibly.

After the skeletons were specialized, the four barracks in Pingnan City were transformed into skeleton barracks.

Level 1 ordinary skeleton soldiers; Level 2 skeleton shield warriors; Level 3 skeleton cavalry; Level 4 flying skeleton soldiers. They can be recruited next Monday.

Flying skeleton soldiers are the air force of the skeleton clan. As for the undead like bone dragons, they are a faction of their own and do not belong to the skeleton clan.

When Pingnan City became a skeleton-specialized city. The next change was the city that the dead originally occupied - Funnel Village, which is now a city.

Funnel City was also transformed into a skeleton-specialized city. After waiting for more than a week, the city was successfully transformed.

I almost waited until the flowers withered, and now I can finally build advanced barracks.

After owning two skeleton-specialized cities, the system gave a special prompt:

The player reported to the dead that he was the first player to own multiple skeleton-specialized cities. Please choose whether you are willing to master the racial talent - skeleton-specialized.

There is nothing to hesitate about. Xiao Ming immediately chose to agree.

Primary Skeleton Army Specialization: Passive Talent. The attack of the skeleton army under your command is +5, defense +5, life +5, damage +2, speed +2.

This kind of improvement is almost doubled for the first-level skeleton soldiers. It is indeed a very excellent talent.

The prerequisite is not low. There must be 2 cities with skeleton army specialization, and the first player to do it must be a player. The next player may not have 2 cities.

Xiao Ming's plan for the dead is the same as that for the researcher. They are all waiting to set off next Monday, but the dead have repaired a large ship.

Xiao Ming is still very troubled by the generals who stay behind. The dead have many generals under their command, but they are all generals of the undead.

The undead subordinates they lead are not suitable to sort out the things in the twenty or so large ships. The suitable candidates are the human general Zaoye Yihe and his 50 human subordinates.

But if the dead want to take a boat to explore the next map, it seems inappropriate for this naval commander not to bring a box of dates.

It's really a dilemma. I can only hope that a non-undead hero or general will come to the tavern next Monday.

However, Xiao Ming himself knows that this is a luxury. A non-undead hero would have to be crazy to run to the city of the undead.

However, this is the only city in the abandoned land, so there may not be no hope. It's just that the hope is not great.

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