Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 274: The Admiral's Advantage

If you have a left arm, you must have a right arm.

[Xu Youbi], a human general of level 10, rank 1. He is also a survivor of the massacre of Xingyilang's family. He is one of the few human generals in the family.

Xingyilang's strength is hand-to-hand combat, while Xu Youbi's specialty is artillery. He is an excellent gunner. Together with Xingyilang, they are called the left arm and the right arm.

However, this title is more of a joke, and they are not well-received by the family.

Not many people know that Xingyilang is an illegitimate child. His father dare not take care of him too much, fearing that someone will find out about the trick.

But privately, his father treats him very well. Otherwise, he would have no chance to grow up. It's just that he is ignored on the surface.

So Xingyilang didn't feel that the family had let him down. After the family was destroyed, he still wanted to destroy the Laidao family for revenge. It would be best if he could revive the family again.

But Xingyilang also knew that these were difficult things. If you want to do it, you need the right time, right place, and right people.

Xu Youbi is one of the few good friends of Xingyilang, although he doesn't know the inside story of this good friend's life. But he has a strong desire for revenge.

Xu Youbi was appointed as the gunner of the fleet by the driller. His favorability towards the driller is also 40 points.

[Li Xiaohai], human navigator. Surveyor of a family merchant fleet of the Ming Dynasty. Later, he was captured by pirates of the Kuhn Chamber of Commerce and became a slave.

After being rescued, he became a surveyor of the driller fleet. Favorability 50.

[Bater], orc navigator. The original orc tribe was destroyed. He was sold as a slave. Bater is a rare orc who doesn't get seasick at sea.

But he can only fight, or do some heavy and tiring work, which makes him very suitable to be a stormtrooper or boatswain.

Orc slaves were originally the most unpopular. Because orcs have such a bad temper, most people dare not buy orcs as slaves. They might be beaten to death with one punch.

Xiao Ming was not afraid of this. Battelle was beaten to a pulp by Xiao Ming's special forces beast, and he was convinced.

So he was appointed as the boatswain, responsible for leading people to wipe the deck and maintain the ship every day. Favorability 50.

In addition to these talents who became navigators, there were nearly a hundred hammer dwarves among the rescued slaves;

A dozen human pirate sailors; and 4 dark elf swordsmen of the same race as the barbecue girls. They are all 1st to 2nd level sea arms.

These people greatly enriched the maritime strength of the researchers. They are grateful to the researchers and can be used as their own people.

These people are scattered on 5 large ships, which can improve the loyalty of the crews of these ships.

Normally, after the researcher becomes an admiral, he can control these 5 large ships. Unless there are special circumstances, especially special plots.

At that time, if there are only hired sailors on the four ships other than the flagship, and there are no people loyal to the admiral. It is easy to go wrong.

But with these loyal subordinates, the safety of the four ships will be greatly increased.

Let's briefly talk about some settings of the admiral identity.

The researcher is just a 0-level 5 hero, and his command ability is not high. Even with the three generals under his command, Lin Shen, Xing Yilang, and Xu Youbi. The total command ability is not very high.

And to start a large battleship, at least 200 sailors are needed, and 5 large battleships are 1,000 people.

This is just the minimum requirement for starting a battleship. There may also be situations such as battles. So each battleship must have at least 400 to 500 people.

And a large battleship can carry tens of thousands of command abilities. The little command ability of the researcher is far from enough. Ordinary heroes are not enough either.

At this time, the awesomeness of the admiral identity is shown.

The admiral can hire ordinary sailors for his fleet, who can both drive ships and participate in battles.

But it is not counted in the command ability of the researcher's own hero, only in the command ability of the fleet.

That is to say, the admiral can hire the command of the fleet directly under his command. This will invisibly increase the combat power of the researcher at sea.

Of course, these sailors are just to make up the numbers. As a junior admiral, the researcher can only hire sailors up to level 0.

Even with the bonus of navigators such as Lin Shen and Xingyilang, its combat power is still worrying. If a real fight breaks out, the researcher's own troops must be the backbone.

In the case of the researcher, he is invincible when encountering players or ordinary low-level NPC heroes. But if he encounters an NPC admiral, he is a piece of cake.

On land, if a player becomes a leader-level figure of an army, he will also receive similar treatment. This is also the main direction of the players' efforts.

Of course, the admiral status of the researcher is only meaningful on the strategic map. There are other settings on the adventure map. The rules of the game on both sides are different.

Xiao Ming actually has two such leader-level characters now. One is a researcher and the other is a diver.

But the power of the diver is too small, so small that it is pitiful. And it has not been recognized by all parties. Therefore, his bonus as a leader will not be too strong for the time being.

The Driller was really lucky. Not only did he get the status of admiral, but he also got a large warship. These two things are things that early players can never get.

Five large warships plus the status of junior admiral have brought the Driller's command limit to more than 50,000.

During this period, if any player clashed with the Driller at sea, he would be unlucky. 50,000 level 0 soldiers, one person spitting can drown him.

If it were just medium-sized ships, it wouldn't be so scary. With only 5,000 command power, Xiao Ming could be crushed to death by dozens of players.

But a fleet composed of 5 large ships cannot be crushed by a simple human wave.

If you can't beat a large ship, you can run away. You can't catch up with a small ship, and you can't block it. The big ship can just run over the small ship.

In principle, the game has only been started for 2 weeks, and the most players can get on the strategic map is a small ship.

They are not eligible to buy medium-sized ships, and they are not eligible to build medium-sized shipyards.

As the admiral of the Researcher's fleet, you can buy medium-sized ships. But there are no large ships in East Asia.

There are some outside of Asia. But it is impossible for people to sell a large battleship, a national treasure, to the Researcher, an Asian pirate.

So the Researcher is now in a very coincidental and powerful advantage.

If you change to a professional player, this advantage is money. With the advantage of military strength, he can sweep all the players on the Asian sea.

With this strength, Xiao Ming can directly negotiate with those large guilds that are developing on the sea. They need to pay protection fees, otherwise they will be beaten.

If any guild can let the current researchers serve them. Then becoming the player overlord on the Asian sea surface is as easy as pinching a snail with three fingers - it is a sure thing.

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