Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 262 Lich Richard

Xiao Ming carefully looked at Richard's life energy, and he should not have any bad intentions.

So he quietly left the house. Leaving the room to this pair of infatuated men and women.

The researcher rented a large yard using Sayid's identity. The researcher came into the yard and chatted with his subordinate Lin Shen to relieve his boredom.

At the same time, he made an exchange and left Green Xiao Ming with the researcher to wait for news. Silver Xiao Ming returned to the diver to continue protecting the mermaid and octopus on their way.

Why did he exchange? Xiao Ming felt that the green source energy played a big role in rescuing Richard this time.

In order to prevent any accidents, he made this exchange. He left Green Xiao Ming to be on guard.

As for what Richard's current state is, Xiao Ming can't say for sure.

Generally speaking, the undead soldiers obtained by death harvest will become the subordinates of the player character. You can check it directly in your personal information.

But this time Xiao Ming did not use magic, but source energy. The death harvest performed in this way is not the death harvest skill in the normal game.

Perhaps it should be renamed as [Source Energy Skill].

In the Magic Planet game, many skills or magic are real. However, there will be some adjustments in the game.

Because most players will not use these skills, they must cooperate with the game system to use the skills normally.

So the effects of these skills are also set by the system. This is the normal game mode.

When the player can use these skills, the game system is no longer needed. The rules in the game no longer restrict these skills.

These skills will be closer to their real effects.

If the skills are used through source energy, the effect is three times stronger than normal skills.

Take the death harvest as an example. When Xiao Ming started using it in the game, he could only harvest skeleton soldiers, zombies and other undead soldiers set in the system.

When Xiao Ming himself has not mastered this skill, no matter what he harvests, he will get the soldiers in the system. The probability of appearance must also meet the game settings.

When Xiao Ming himself masters this skill, the soldiers he gets will be more in line with the actual situation.

Just like when harvesting the battlefield of dolphins and sharks, the undead sea creatures appeared. Skeleton sharks, ghost dolphins, etc., and there were no zombies. Because there was no flesh and blood.

If Xiao Ming did not master the death harvest, some human-shaped skeleton soldiers and zombies would appear, which is a product that makes no sense but conforms to the game settings.

But then again, if Xiao Ming did not master this magic, he would not be able to use it as a diver on the seabed.

There is no death harvest skill in the diver's skill list. It is impossible to learn this skill as a diver.

Today, when Xiao Ming used the source energy skill death harvest, the effect was even more shocking.

It was almost equivalent to resurrecting Richard. And Richard no longer belonged to himself, and he couldn't even check his status.

In essence, the magic of [death harvest] should be a magic created by the magician of the undead race to strengthen his legion.

So the prerequisite is to be obedient, and the harvested soldiers must listen to you. Otherwise, what's the point of making it? !

Secondly, the pursuit is combat effectiveness, so there will be undead soldiers, not ordinary ghosts.

The memory of life is the most unnecessary thing to keep.

But this time Xiao Ming's purpose is the opposite. Xiao Ming does not need Richard to obey him, nor does he need him to be so powerful.

The first thing to keep is his appearance, followed by his memory, and then his body. The rest is not important. The result is exactly in line with Xiao Ming's wishes.

In fact, there are corresponding magic in the undead magic, which can "resurrect" a person normally. But Xiao Ming doesn't know it.

He can only use the source energy to use the magic he knows, with the help of its most basic "resurrection" characteristics. Then make some modifications based on his own wishes.

There are actually some shadows of the ability of mind in this. The principle of the ability of mind is that the mind will come true, and the heart will be sincere; the sincerity will open the stone.

It is somewhat unexpected that Xiao Ming can modify it like this. Xiao Ming thought that a zombie with memory would appear, or even a ghost-ghost.

The current result is perfect. Of course, it also consumed a lot of Xiao Ming's source energy. It's really a bit tiring.

Xiao Ming was chatting with Lin Shen in the yard. He waited for an hour or so before Li Huamei asked him to come in.

It took so long, did you two create humans in there? Xiao Ming thought obscenely.

"My benefactor, please accept Richard/Li Huamei's respect."

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Richard and Li Huamei kneeling on the ground in front of the researcher and kowtowed several times.

This etiquette was too much, and Xiao Ming was scared and at a loss. No one had ever kowtowed to him since he was a child.

How could he accept such a great gift? Xiao Ming was afraid that his life would be shortened, so he quickly dodged.

"I dare not, please stand up, please stand up, if you continue like this, we can't talk properly."

The three of them pushed and shoved for a while before they calmed down. They sat down and talked.

What is Richard's situation now? According to him, he should have been transformed into a "lich" now.

In the game setting, the lich is the upgraded profession of the necromancer, generally level 5-6, and the lowest is a level 4 soldier.

But Richard originally had no combat profession. Although he was transformed into a lich, he was only a level 0 lich. It is equivalent to a level 0 necromancer.

Basically, he has no strong abilities, and he only masters the most basic undead magic. But the growth rate should be good.

Although he is an undead race, he has been transformed very perfectly. Not only does he have a body, but he also has temperature.

He can even drink water and eat at ordinary times, and he must drink water and eat, otherwise his body will degenerate.

Of course, he also needs to consume the breath of death to survive. But the amount required is not much. Much less than the dead.

Richard's current state is almost the same as that of an ordinary person. I don't know if he has the function of creating humans. Xiao Ming is really embarrassed to ask about this.

The two of them decided not to announce the news of Richard's "resurrection". Richard will hide behind Li Huamei from now on and use his talents to assist Li Huamei with all his strength.

For this purpose, Xiao Ming specially "borrowed" the death coin of the dead to transform Richard into a general of the undead.

Normally, a "newly born" undead cannot be transformed and needs time to adapt to the state of the undead.

However, Richard was easily transformed into a general. The reason may be that he has been "dead" for a long time. It is easy to adapt.

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