Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 260 Ice Coffin

Here in Pingnan City, Xiao Ming has arranged a box of dates and brought 50 human pirates to guard Pingnan City. His main task is to pick up scraps from the wreckage of the warship.

The deceased himself led his army of undead and began to dig a river. The undead soldiers are not smart enough to pick up things.

Back in Turtleback Mountain City, it was the group of bandits in the mountain city who were responsible for searching the wreckage of the warship.

There are enough human NPCs in Turtleback Mountain City, and they can all be used. Pingnan City is full of undead. There are not many smart ones.

There is a lake near the border in this map.

Xiao Ming plans to dig a river from Pingnan City to connect this lake. In this way, the warships will have a place in this area.

Digging a river in the swamp is not too simple. The deceased wears the Water God Shoes, and the whole army can step on the water to move forward. It is very easy to dig a river.

If it were someone else, it would not be so simple. There are all kinds of natural traps in the swamp. If you get stuck in the mud, you will die.

But these mud traps that existed in the swamp are useless to the subordinates of the deceased. I really can't get stuck! His project will be completed soon.

On the explorer side, Yin Xiaoming did not teleport the strategic map immediately after arriving at the Temple of Light in Lanzhou City.

He took a look at the situation first. This time, the explorer can choose a random location or go to his subordinate Han Dong.

But after this selection, you can no longer choose randomly. The location of the teleport will be fixed.

Xiaoming thought carefully, and the location recorded by the Golden Statue of the God of Light is not too far from Han Dong's current location.

Without Xiaoming's instructions, Han Dong was actually wandering around in the map. The purpose is to detect the entire map.

Then wait for Xiaoming's decision on where to move Xiaoyang Village.

He has fought a lot of battles in the past few days. With the advantage of long-range, all of them are wins without loss, and the number of troops under his command has increased.

At the same time, he also earned a lot of money and resources for Xiaoming. The hero level also rose to level 8, level 0. The adventure level of him and his good friend Qiu Santong also rose by 2 levels.

Xiao Ming instructed Han Dong to lead the army to the place where the explorer left last time. Waiting for the explorer.

Xiao Ming planned to blossom in two directions, so the random teleportation of the temple was temporarily kept.

Yin Xiao Ming decided to go to the researcher to have a look.

A big thing happened to the researcher. Admiral Li Huamei came to Xinluo City again and found him again.

After Yin Xiaoming switched over, the special plot began.

Li Huamei took out a coffin made of ice from his backpack. There was a body frozen in the coffin.

A middle-aged Chinese man with a short beard and a long body. Even if frozen in ice. It can be seen that he looks quite handsome, elegant and elegant.

Li Huamei hopes that Xiao Ming can use the ancient transformation technique to transform into this person.

Alas, it is another sad story. Speaking of it, the matter is not complicated.

This man is called Richard, and he is a Ming Dynasty sea turtle. There is no trace of studying abroad in his appearance.

Although his surname is Li, he is not from Li Huamei's family. He is only 7 or 8 years older than Li Huamei.

Richard traveled to many countries overseas since he was a child and learned a lot of Western scientific ideas and technologies. After returning to China, he devoted himself to the strength of the country.

But unfortunately, the Ming Dynasty was too corrupt. No matter how hard he tried, he was regarded as a gimmick and a follower.

When he was discouraged, Richard met Li Huamei, who was still a young lady at the time.

When the two met and talked, it was like thunder and lightning that touched the earth. One was willing to teach, and the other was willing to learn.

After a few years, Li Huamei not only learned a lot of advanced knowledge from Richard, but also fell in love with Richard. Richard also fell in love with Li Huamei.

Both men and women are talented and beautiful, and have the same interests. After a few years of getting along, it would be strange if they didn't fall in love with each other.

Then came the classic scene of breaking up a couple. A young lady and a poor scholar. Their marriage was naturally opposed by the Li family.

This is also one of the reasons why Li Huamei became a pirate independently. Unfortunately, lovers have been hard to marry since ancient times.

In this storm, Richard was seriously injured. Fortunately, Li Huamei had a Taoist ice seal. She froze the dying Richard.

Then Li Huamei took the country and the nation as her own responsibility and embarked on the road of going out to sea to save the country.

Richard's ice coffin has also been treasured by her, hoping that one day she will meet someone from the Taoist sect to help Richard come back to life.

Although it is not known whether Richard is dead or alive in this state.

It was precisely because of Richard's problem that they could not get married. So the Li family felt sorry for Li Huamei, so they also helped the Li family pirates in many ways.

Although Li Huamei was dissatisfied with the tragedy of Richard because of the Li family.

But after all, it was not the Li family's deliberate action, but a temporary mistake. Therefore, he did not vent his anger on his parents and family.

Li Huamei was not an ungrateful person for giving birth to Richard. The relationship between the two sides was maintained at a moderate level.

Although they were not close to each other in terms of family affection, their business dealings became very frequent.

The Li family gained huge profits from Li Huamei's pirates. The family's power was rising steadily.

Of course, Li Huamei had been looking for a way to rescue Richard over the years. The Li family had actually regretted it a long time ago.

Let alone the matter that forced Li Huamei to leave. Even the profits from the sea were far beyond the imagination of the Li family.

It seems that Richard is really capable. If such a son-in-law appears now, the Li family will be eager to marry their daughter.

Why did they have such a brainless mind and disagree with their marriage? Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Over the years, not only Li Huamei has been looking for a way to save Richard, but the Li family has also been trying to help.

If this person survives, it will definitely be a huge fortune for the Li family.

Li Huamei is a little obsessed with this matter. In fact, she has given up hope in her subconscious.

It is not so easy to meet people from the Taoist sect. Even if you meet a few, their level of Taoism is far from enough to solve Richard's situation.

The same is true for Song Xiaofeng, the new recruit of the Li family pirates. The level of this playful little girl is even worse.

At this time, Li Huamei saw the ancient transformation technique of the researcher. This gave her another hope.

She knew in her heart that this transformation could not bring Richard back to life.

It would only allow the researcher to have Richard's appearance and memory. The slightly obsessed Li Huamei thought that this was fine.

If the appearance and memory were the same, maybe Richard really came back! At least it could alleviate the pain of missing the eldest lady for so many years.

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