Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 257 Octopus Boss's Reward

When Emily and Bobby woke up, they found that they were already in the shipwreck.

They didn't think carefully about why they were unconscious and what happened.

When they saw the shipwreck, the two little ones shouted excitedly and dived into the shipwreck.

Are these two kids so careless? Of course not. It's just that the octopus boss is too powerful.

He easily influenced the thinking of the two little ones, so that they would never seriously think about what just happened.

The ignorant are not only fearless, but also happy. Seeing the happy and busy figures of the mermaid girl and the little octopus in the shipwreck, Xiao Ming said with a little envy.

What happened before? It was just a conversation.

Just when the diver learned spiritual communication, but didn't know what to communicate with.

As if knowing Xiao Ming's doubts, a tentacle stretched out from a distance, and the tip turned into the image of a cute little octopus.

Lifelike and naive. The meaning is very clear. Please communicate with this little octopus.

This is the first time Xiao Ming communicated with another "life" with his mental power. The process is a bit like two gunmen shooting at each other.

Integrate the words you want to say into mental power, wrap them into bullets, and shoot at each other.

A shoots B, which means he says a word to B. B shoots back, which means he sends the answer to A.

The whole conversation process seems to be very lively.

In fact, the gap between the two sides is too big. Basically, the big octopus is asking questions and giving instructions to the diver. The diver has few opportunities to ask questions.

However, the big octopus also knows what questions the diver may have at this time. So when he speaks, he also says all the questions that can be answered.

Every time the big octopus sends a mental bullet to the diver, it contains a lot of words. And the diver's reply is roughly "Yeah, this is it".

The matter is actually simple. It's just that he found it very interesting to see the diver create these sea creatures.

So he moved his family here and watched these sea creatures as a pastime.

This place is much closer than the previous shipwreck, which actually saves the divers time to go back and forth.

And when this ancient giant octopus settled here, this place immediately became a forbidden area. No sea creatures could enter without his permission. Graystone Town has an extra layer of protection.

He supported the fact that the diver, a Naga, learned the magic of the dead. Learning makes people progress.

He just warned the diver that it is better to use less undead magic in front of other sea creatures. So as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

So the undead soldiers harvested by the diver were left by him to guard his house.

Of course, he would not take advantage of the younger generation for nothing. He gave the diver several rewards.

First, the diver's exploration time in the shipwreck was increased.

Second, the 14 0-level octopus coolies in the diver's tent were directly upgraded to 1-level long-range soldiers-octopus slingers. The attack frequency is 8 times that of ordinary long-range.

And according to Xiao Ming's check, they are all level 1, level 20 soldiers. If the diver is promoted to level 2, they will probably be promoted to level 2 as well.

Third, he gave the diver a choice. A, he could help the diver grow 4 arms in advance and become a level 1, 6-armed Naga. (8 arms still need to be at level 6.)

B, he could give the diver 3 more glass bottles, each of which still has a model of a small boat.

He had given Xiao Ming one of these things before, and it is still gathering dust in Guangmingding.

Today, Xiao Ming finally had the opportunity to ask, "What is the use of this glass bottle?"

The little octopus at the front of the tentacle had a question mark on its face, which looked quite cute.

Then there was a look of regret and contempt, as if it was mocking the diver for not knowing how to use the glass bottle.

The tentacle flipped over and took out the glass bottle that was given to the diver before.

(lll¬ω¬) The diver was in a state of confusion. Big brother, can you please stop taking things out of my pocket all the time, and you are taking things out from Guangmingding.

The big octopus didn't take the diver's little depression to heart, and pulled the lid of the glass bottle. The ship model inside fell on the seabed.

Then the model grew and expanded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon it turned into a medium-sized battleship. A pirate flag with a skull pattern was hung on the battleship.

The diver is the owner of this battleship. The system naturally gave an explanation. The following is a simple explanation. The details are not listed one by one.

[Flying Dutchman] (sealed): Intermediate battleship. Attributes: diving, undead.

Captain: David Diaosi (sealed): 2nd level undead pirate hero.

Crew: (sealed): 300 undead pirates of levels 1-4.

The captain was wrapped by the octopus tentacles, taken off the ship, and placed in front of the diver.

How does this guy look like an undead? There are octopus tentacles all over his face and body. The left hand is a crab claw.

This is definitely a sea creature! Of course, you can't judge a person by appearance alone. Xiao Ming did feel a strong breath of death from him.

Not only him, but the entire warship exudes the breath of death. Even the warship can almost be regarded as a huge undead army.

Wait, David Diaosi... Such a familiar name, I seem to have heard of it before.

Such a distinctive name, Xiao Ming certainly won't forget it. Oh, by the way, he still has this guy's heart in his hand.

This time, before the big octopus took action, Xiao Ming took David Diaosi's heart out of Guangmingding himself.

The system immediately popped up a selection prompt: What does the player plan to do with David Diaosi?

1. Completely release David Diaosi. David Diaosi will recover all his strength. Players can gain David Diaosi's friendship and rewards.

2. Take David Diaosi as a subordinate. Get 50% of his monthly income. David Diaosi will recover a certain strength.

David Diaosi's rank is equal to the player's rank + 2, or equal to his original highest strength.

3. Take David Diaosi as a direct hero. David Diaosi's strength is equal to the player's rank + 1.

The flying Dutchman of the battleship has been bound to David Diaosi's soul. The battleship's rank is synchronized with David Diaosi's rank.

Fuck you... Xiao Ming really wanted to punch himself twice.

The glass bottle that sealed the battleship and David Diaosi's heart were always kept in his Guangmingding. They were less than 10 meters away from each other.

Xiao Ming had never noticed this. He only needed to pull out the cork. Why didn't he think of it? !

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