Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 248 Source Energy: The Power of Creation

If we talk about the Magic Planet game, it has become the key to Xiao Ming’s enlightenment of super powers.

Then the reincarnation space allowed Xiao Ming's superpower to enter the school. Although I have only taken two classes for the time being. But both lessons are important.

When Xiao Ming entered the reincarnation space for the first time, he was lucky enough to exchange source energy seeds with each other in the reincarnation space/Qianxing Tower.

At this time, Xiao Ming realized that his super power was called source energy. And source energy must be something very powerful.

Otherwise, the reincarnation space will not respect you as a distinguished guest; nor will it exchange source energy seeds with you so solemnly.

Xiao Ming doesn't think he will be a descendant of the bloodline of ancient gods and demons. What is really special is this super power - source energy.

But Xiao Ming didn't dare to speculate too much, he just thought it should be something pretty cool. It may not be inferior to the so-called bloodline of gods and demons.

With the use of dual source energy, Xiao Ming feels more and more the wonder of source energy. As long as there are enough, is there anything that the source can't do?

The wheel of history has finally reached the second lesson of the reincarnation space. The prophet in The Matrix enhances Xiao Ming's mental power.

With the repeated transformation of various substances and energies, Xiao Ming had an enlightenment.

A feeling that no one could prove to him, but which he himself had somehow confirmed by insisting on his own way.

If source energy continues to develop, it can create the entire world. Countless worlds can even be created.

——Source energy is the power of creation.

In fact, Xiao Ming has discussed many times with the super artificial intelligence Nine-tailed Fox about his own superpowers.

According to the second law of thermodynamics, the entropy of the entire universe is constantly increasing.

But Xiao Ming's source energy was able to create energy out of thin air, and even create matter out of thin air, resulting in a reduction in entropy. This is inconsistent with the principles of thermodynamics.

It stands to reason that if the entropy here in Xiao Ming decreases, then the entropy must increase somewhere in the outside world.

The amount of increase should exceed the amount of decrease here. So the entropy of the entire universe is still increasing.

Almost all human activities are based on this principle. The same goes for the universe. Even supernatural forces follow this pattern.

Therefore, the Nine-Tailed Fox is very interested in Xiao Ming's superpower phenomenon and has made very detailed observations.

He even stuffed a descendant or clone, Mao Maoer, into Xiao Ming's body. Thoroughly record all Xiao Ming’s data.

But the final conclusion is that entropy has indeed decreased.

The source energy that Xiao Ming used to create energy and matter out of thin air was not obtained from food; nor was it absorbed from the air; nor was dark matter or dark energy used.

Unless there is some energy source in the universe that even the Nine-tailed Fox doesn't know about, Xiao Ming's source energy appears out of thin air.

This is pretty much what Christianity calls God’s ability to create the world.

Of course, neither Xiao Ming nor Jiuweihu thought this was the case. So when they were idle and bored, they also made a lot of guesses.

The first conjecture: Xiao Ming itself is a door or a hole. There are black holes, white holes, and wormholes in the universe, and there are more personal holes.

The function of this man cave is to transport energy from somewhere in this universe, or from some other universe, to the universe where people are located.

Since the other side of the hole is far away, the nine-tailed fox cannot observe it at all, so it is considered that the entropy has decreased.

But this kind of conjecture can only be a wild guess. The characteristics of science require bold assumptions and careful verification.

Only conjectures that have been truly proven can have a certain degree of credibility. But there can never be 100% absolutely correct conjectures and theories.

Because as long as a real counterexample appears, this conjecture can be overturned. No matter how rigorous the scientists prove it.

And since what humans know and see is very limited, we don’t know when such counterexamples will appear.

At least neither the scientists from Pangu Planet nor the scientists from Nine-Tailed Fox's original civilization felt that they had mastered the absolute truth of the universe.

When there are so many phenomena in the universe that cannot be explained, it is such a shame to think that you have mastered the absolute truth.

Xiao Ming is a man cave. This can only be a wild guess, and it cannot be confirmed for the time being.

Another kind of wild guess: Some scientists once proposed that the universe is like twins, appearing in pairs.

The entropy of one universe is increasing and the entropy of the other universe is decreasing. If the two universes are equal, then there is harmony.

Xiao Ming may be connected to the universe with decreasing entropy; even that universe, or part of that universe, is within Xiao Ming's body.

There is actually no difference between these possibilities. And it still can't be proven.

There is also a more reliable guess: Xiao Ming may have obtained some kind of innate magic weapon that is often mentioned in immortality novels. Or something like that.

This magic weapon stored huge amounts of energy at the beginning of the universe or even before it was created. But if no one uses it, it probably won't release that energy.

The legendary Tai Chi Diagram, Pangu Flag, Chaos Bell, etc. are all of this type.

The Infinity Stones in Marvel seem to be of this type. But Xiao Ming didn’t know about Marvel, so he didn’t think about it in this regard.

But this is just a legend. It may also be that Xiao Ming accidentally integrated something created by some advanced civilization.

Xiao Ming once felt the Cosmic Cube-the Space Stone, one of the Infinity Stones, from a distance in the secret realm of Captain America 1.

But come on, that's a game. It's just a simulation.

The game system is not capable of creating real space gems in the secret realm.

Later, Xiao Ming encountered the reincarnation space and exchanged source energy seeds. The nine-tailed fox's speculation has a new direction.

The existence of the reincarnation space seems to indicate that Xiao Ming's original superpower is a source energy.

And it may really be that Xiao Ming "picked up" superpowers at an unknown time and place.

It may be that some existence at the same level as the reincarnation space gave it to Xiao Ming without his knowledge. It makes sense.

But you should include an instruction manual! You gave Xiao Ming such a great thing early, but Xiao Ming has been kept in the dark.

It was wasted until he was over 30 years old before he knew what this thing was. It's not as good as those who give people a system. At least it's easy to use.

Xiao Ming just thought about it casually. It's too unreasonable for him to complain about someone giving him a golden finger instead of being grateful.

No matter where this source energy seed came from, we should always be grateful.

It's not just because of the source energy that Xiao Ming is now able to thrive.

More importantly, in the thirty years before the game, when many years were very difficult, it was the source energy that helped him get through.

The source energy also contributed to the healthy growth of my sister Liu Xiaojing. How can I not be grateful? !

Regarding the laws of thermodynamics, Lazy House only briefly mentioned it. Readers who are interested can search for detailed information by themselves. This book does not need those water words.

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